Icha Icha Paradiseeee

Jun 18, 2009 20:03


Name: Ellie
Age: 17
Gender: Female


Likes: Reading, being with my boyfriend, watching movies, being happy, swimming, writing and going gym
Dislikes: Annoying, idiotic people that think they know everything...people that know how to push my buttons and make me go mad...two faced people and fake friends...spiders lol

What do you feel is your best quality?: I can listen very intently to peoples problems and give them very good advise...plus I guess I'm just all around nice xD
Your worst?: Very very short temper...triggered by anything...kinda bad mood swings when it coems to my boyfriend anything he says can just make me go maaaad lol..he says I'm too loud and rowdey...

Pet Peeves: Bad breath loool
Dreams & Ambitions: I wanna go Japan...and just do what i wanna do..but right now i guess I'll just settle for going to this new college and doing the course i wanted to do...then get a job straight from there.

Personality in 5 words or less: short tempered, kind, funny (xD), take things to heart, stubborn


Favorite Season: Smmer and winter
Favorite Element: Fire and earth
Favorite Naruto character & why: I have two, can't choose between them... Sakura because she does remind me of myself...she's very determined and i love it xD Itachi...because he has to be the best villain ever because he wasn't even a real villian! He was a really good guy and very powerful I love him and what he did.


Mature or Immature: Mature
Leader or Follower: Leader, soemtiems follower just because I can't be bothered sometimes
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic ALWAYS
Impulsive or Cautious: Sometimes impulsive...more so cautious
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing VERRY
Hardworking or Laid-back: Both
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Depends..I can be calm, then crazily hyped up, then calm...then in the middle...on the way to hyped up hehehe
Modest or Bold: Boooth...mostly modest but i'll jokingly be bold if you know what i mean. I'm bold with my boyfriend...lool
Lover or Fighter: Lover but damn if I gotta fight I'ma beat you the fuck down!


You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: Well depending on what they did to me. But in most situations yes I would help them because I couldn't leave them liek that...

When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: Stand my ground

Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: I glare and say EXCUSE ME theres a queue you can't cut in liek that you idiot!

NARUTO VERSE; Naruto has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret move he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?: Get annoed at first probbaly screa mat him and maybe hit him buuut...might calm down and just be like its a secret move i can't tell you and like poof away. Buut if I grow to like him then I would teach him it hehehe

NARUTO VERSE; Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all? UP CLOSE AND IN THEIR FAAACE!!

NARUTO VERSE; Your friend has joined the "dark side" and wants you to join them. More power and money, they say. Would you join them? No... I don't know...but I'd probably be like why the hell are you gonna do that and try and pusuade them to do otherwise.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Just to go down a size...or tone up a little
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: That there would be no hate or racism...I hate it when people have a chip on their hsoudler and take it out on others what the fuuuck..

If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?: Sakura and I'd smash up everything...then seduce Itachi ;)
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the Naruto-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?: HELLLLL YESSSS!!


Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: I do not know XD
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:

regular: kiba

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