Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
3. When working with others, you tend to be more...
Mature or Immature?:I'm mature in that...I think I'm quite self-aware, at least more than others my age, perhaps. But I can't handle my emotions properly either, and it often backfires in my face. If I had to pick, mature, because I do realize my flaws and I think that makes enough of a difference to lean one way.
Leader or Follower?: I don't bend to others' will when it conflicts with my ideals; I do my own thing. I'm not a leader in the typical sense of organizing others, although I have a bossy streak, but I'm not entirely a follower either. I just forge my own path, and if that inspires others, I guess I can be a leader in that sense.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: When it comes to the world in general, I lean more towards optimist. I believe in humanity's potential, and in each individual's ability to change. But when it comes to myself, I'm more pessimistic.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. I like thinking things through.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. I don't like to be the one to approach others, although I can be brought out of my shell, definitely.
Scenario Time: Okay, so everyone has met their teammates by now. The following questions will go along with that idea.
What kind of impression would you most like to have of your team even before you start working together? I'd like them to seem competent, willing to work to strengthen the team, passionate; but it'd be best if we all seemed to excel in different areas, so we could all help each other out and the such.
What role could you see yourself performing in the team (i.e.: strategist, offensive fighter, support, etc.)? Definitely not a strategist; I'm intelligent, but not in that sense. I see myself being good at defense, personally.
Would it be necessary for you and your teammates to get along at all times? Even when you're not on missions? Well, no group is going to get along at all times, but I really want there to be a deep sense of camaraderie between the members of my team. Being in a team where we only grudgingly get along and don't really care for each other sounds..absolutely awful to me =/
Suppose one of your teammates ends up getting captured during a really important mission. There is a debate on whether or not a rescue attempt should be made since it might jeopardize said mission. What would you want to do? It depends on the chances of jeopardizing the mission; it also depends how much mortal danger the teammate is thought to be in. If they're in mortal danger, I'm risking the mission, unless the whole village rests upon it being completed successfully, and even then I might take a chance. If the teammate is not in immediate danger, and the mission affects our whole village, I'll complete the mission and come back for them. Either way, I'm not giving them up without a fight.
Reverse scenario time. YOU'RE the unlucky captive. What would you want/expect your teammates to do in that situation?...I have to admit I'd be pretty selfish here, and hope they come after me. But I'd also hate to be the cause of the mission failing. So I'd hope they'd get me out of there as soon as possible, but not in a reckless fashion.
Time has passed.
Would you feel that your team was more trouble than it was worth in the long run or that the experience was worth it? I would really hope I'd find the experience worth it. I'm not great at working in teams, but I'd hope we all had influenced each other in a good way, caused each other to grow while forming tight bonds with one another.
Would the thought of working separately from them on a mission make you feel a bit nervous? Working completely alone doesn't usually bother me, but as a ninja, it'd unnerve me to no end. If I was working with other people, I'd be fine. But while the thought of working alone would unease me...hopefully by then I'd be able to stand on my own feet away from the team, too.
How would you feel about a lengthier, perhaps even permanent, dissolution of your team? A permanent dissolution of the team would probably upset me; I don't always deal well with change when it comes to people leaving my life. If there's a really good reason for it, I'd try to keep in touch with them; but if there's not, I'd fight it.
Is there a particular team in the Naruto-verse that you feel you'd get along with the least? If so...which team would it be and why? Hmm...not that I can think of.
Anything else?: Nope. I'd prefer reasons for your vote if possible, but if it's just a vibe you get from the app, that's fine ^^