Name: Rachel
Age: 21
Gender: Female, yo
Likes: Music, anime, manga, video games, scene hair, scene boys, rock, "emo shit", my computer, myspaceeee, the internet in general, shopping, skinneh jeans, concerts, downloading, animals, travel, ice caps, swimming, makeup, gothic [ a little bit, I loooove gothic music ], texting, movies, dinosaurs, laughing && thunderstorms~
Dislikes: Liars, boys [ haha, I tend to be a little bit of a man hater ], hypocrites, ignorant or overall dumb people in general, people who put others down for shits and giggles, my weight, peanut butter && nuts of any kind, tornadoes, the dentist, empty pools, shipwrecks, screamo, cough medicine.
What do you feel is your best quality?: Um, my intelligence, hand's down. I am far more mature for my age, at least when compared to all my other friends. Mostly though, when it comes to relationships I suppose. I don't fall for stupid shit and I am very smart when it comes to men, due to the fact that I know what I want. People always tend to come to me for advice, because no matter what, I am right about everything it seems. I'm like Malcom! From Jurassic Park! I'm always right. But at the same time, I know how to be crazy fun and goofy and also "immature", in a sense. But when the time comes, I know how to be serious && I know how to not let people walk over me. I never take shit && I am open && honest about my feelings 100%.
Your worst?: Um, I tend to be very very guarded. Letting someone in is not an easy thing to me. Especially someone of the opposite sex. I don't trust people, but when I do learn to trust, it's very fragile. In the sense that once it's broken, you probably will never ever get it back. I don't believe people change, which is also something that tends to force me to keep people at arm's length. After all the shit I went through with my mom, being a drug addict and no change, I carry that with me. I don't give second chances either. As much as I would like to forgive people, I just can't do it. It causes more of a problem than one would believe. Perhaps I miss out on a lot of good things because of this, but it keeps my heart guarded and keeps me from truly getting hurt, which is maybe one of my worst fears. Even though I have already been there, done that. -_- *leh siiiigh* I know what I want && I am certainly not going to settle for less. I am not quite that desperate, sorry to say. -_-; I just tend to have the mindset that I know what I'm talking about and I know what is going on, so cut your shit. Being guarded is something I wish I could make less serious in my life though, which is why I picked it as my worst trait. A lot of times I feel as if I am missing out on things that everyone else gets to enjoy, like relationships && sex, especially at my age. I feel like my walls I have created for myself are sometimes smothering, but I am mostly comfortable... most of the time. But I can't help but wondering if I am forcing myself to suffer instead of protecting myself, which is what the whole point is, right? && wow, I didn't mean for this to turn into such a horrifyingly long ramble, omggg. So sorry! Sometimes I even feel like a little bit of a cunt because I am so guarded. And sometimes! I even feel like a shit person in general, to be quite frank. I just feel like I am treating people badly or giving someone the brush off because I think I know everything, when I potentially don't. I hope all of this makes sense. Because... because, well it does to me! && that's all that matters! So... there! I just felt like being very thorough apparently...
Pet Peeves: Haha, wow, I have quite a few of these. One of them is when people talk to my like I am an idiot. Let me clarify that I am 21 years old. I may not be the smartest people on Earth, but you don't need to talk down to me in a manner that belittles me or is an insult to my intelligence. I hate it when people don't listen to me, considering I am right about every single thing. Especially when people come to me, asking for advice themselves, and so I give it to them, only to have them turn a blind ear and do exactly the opposite of what I said. How... irritating is that?! I hate it when, after everything my grandma says, she had to tack on, "DO YOU HEAR ME?!" In a voice that... people 3 doors down could hear. -_- I hate it when my sister talks in my ear when I'm on the phone. I hate it when people don't shut my damn bedroom door. I hate it when people crack their joints, especially their neck, in front of me. It makes me want to kill myself. UGH! OR! I hate it when someone feels the need to tell me that I band I like is "gay" or "emo and retarded". -_- First of all, I like "emo shit" so get off it. I don't recall asking you for your opinion, so keep it to yourself. It's as if these people actually believe I am just going to be like, "REALLY?! WELL YOUR RIGHT!" and just stop listening to them because some other person doesn't like them. Give me a break. If I asked you what you thought of them, then that's fine, but you don't have to give me a dirty look and tell me, to my face, that I am dumb for "listening to that emo shit". If I like it, I don't see why you or anyone else has a say at all. GRRRR. I hate when people take the internet too seriously. I hate it when people put words in my mouth.
Dreams & Ambitions: It may be cliche, but one of my dreams has always been to be famous in some way or another, weither it be by becoming a successful writer or a singer / rockstarrrr. But I would also like to at least live, to be something more than just a loser, which is how I view myself. Or to fall in love.... && I mean really truly fall in love. ♥
Personality in 5 words or less: Loyal, hilarious, guarded, crazy & intelligent.
Favorite Season: Summer!
Favorite Element: Either Air or Water. But I love Fire too. -_- I will go with water.
Favorite Naruto character & why: Uchiha Itachi
Mature or Immature: Mature
Leader or Follower: Leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic [ I prefer the term "realistic" ]
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Outgoing or Shy: Shy
Hardworking or Laid-back: Laid-back
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Calm
Modest or Bold: Modest
Lover or Fighter: Lover
You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: Well, if I don't really like you in the first place && you wind up in trouble, I don't see how that's my problem. I only help the ones I care about && the people who I know for a fact would do the same for me. So yeah, I probably would ignore their plea for help, unless... they we're being axe murdered or something. >_>;
When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: Well, I used to be the one to tough it out on my own, or to run away, because I always thought I was a nuisance. That was back in the day, oh yes. But now, I usually will ask for help, I'm not afraid to anymore.
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: Um, I would more than likely say something. I would probably try and be polite at first, but they caused me to be a bitch, I would have no problem being one. Heh, or if I was having a really off day, I might just cause a scene right then and there, fuck trying to be nice! <3
NARUTO VERSE; Naruto has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret move he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?: At first, I would probably rub it in his face that he couldn't handle it, that I was much more stronger and capable than he would ever be. But more than likely, I would probably cave and wind up teaching him. Eh, I don't think I would really mind, but I fear I might be a tad bit lazy, since Naruto has all that amazing stamina and all...
NARUTO VERSE; Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all? Up close and personal is the way to go, man! I wanna execute all of my uber cool sexxy badass ninja moves. Who wouldn't?
NARUTO VERSE; Your friend has joined the "dark side" and wants you to join them. More power and money, they say. Would you join them? This is a tough one, but probably not. I can't lie and say I wouldn't be highly tempted to do so, especially since it was my friend who was doing all the tempting. -_- And plus... I love money, but even so, I think my conscious would get the better of me && I would stay good.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: My teeth. Even though my teeth aren't even bad at all, I hate them. There is that one baby tooth... RAWR!
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: The fact that there is religion. Excuse me, but religion has brought about far more bad than good, if you ask me. Everything about it is hypocritical.
If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?: Eh, this has to stick to anime, doesn't it? Damnit! But I suppose, I would be Saya, from Blood+.
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the Naruto-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?: Hmm, you know what, to be honest? Probably not. I love Naruto, don't get me wrong, I love it to pieces, buuuuuuut... I don't know how I would live without my music and internet. T_____T
Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: No, not really. I'm game for anything. Even if it's a character I despise.
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