Name: Meggie, Meggsie, Mego and Meg-Meg are all given nicknames, but I’m thinking of asking everyone to please call me “Megzilla”.
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
$*#& What are three positive adjectives that you would use to describe yourself (please try to go into some detail for each one!)?:
I strongly detest sorting my qualities into “positives” and “negatives”. I hold the belief that everything about me is a “positive” thing in that in contributes to my unique personality. Besides, I take pride in some of my more “negative” qualities--it’s all a matter of perspective, really.
1. Determined, persistent, dogged, obstinate and whatever else: I’m “that little bug that won’t go away”. Once I’ve made up my mind to do something, I will do it. I will give more than one-hundred percent, more than one-hundred twenty percent, more than twenty times one-hundred twenty percent. I will keep at it until I accomplish whatever it is I am interested in doing--or until I get bored with it.
2. And that’s another thing: I am interested and curious, wide-eyed and wonder-filled at this great big world. I want to know everything, to see everything, to experience everything. I want to know more, which is a great quality when compared to those who don’t care enough to learn more. As Socrates at one time so rightly said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
3. I would say I’m musical. No, I don’t have any hidden talents for this great art, but I’ve always got a song in my head, my heart, my step. I sing loud ‘n’ proud, regardless whether I have the vocal talent to back it up.
What are three negative adjectives that you would use to describe yourself?:
1. Complaisant--though many may agree to be willing to please is admirable, I take it too far. I’m too nice in many situations, often failing to safeguard myself in defense of others.
2. Sensitive--it doesn’t take much to move me emotionally, whether it be anger, joy or--most regrettably--sadness. I do not like being sad, but there you go, it doesn’t take much to get to me. Simple songs, movies, lyrics move me emotionally so easily, which in turn makes me prone to bouts of moodiness.
3. Finally, I would say that I am lazy and unmotivated when it comes to something that I do not want to do. While I can be the most Yeah, let’s go and do this type of person if something interests me, if I don’t care about it (“it” being, for example, doing chores or my homework) then it won’t get done--ever.
Would others agree with the above adjectives? Would they possibly use different ones to describe you (and, if yes, which ones would you not be surprised to see)? I am sure many would agree with them, although a few might not agree on the sensitivity aspect of it. While I truly am sensitive to the highest degree, I generally hide it and only those who know me impeccably well would realize just how sensitive I am. Other adjectives people might use to describe me include loud, obnoxious, strange, good listener, good speaker--those are the ones that have been told to my face; other than those, I am not entirely sure what others think of me, and while it does spark my curiosity it’s not too large a concern.
I don’t believe I can sum up my personality in three adjectives. These may not even be accurate. The only way to get to know me is to get to know me. Reading my answers and judging my style from those might lead to a more accurate mental picture of me.
If YOU were able to create a ninja village, what symbol would you want on your forehead protector? Oh, but there are so many possibilities! I might complete the rest of this survey and then come back to this one, because it’s so hard to choose!
Ha, ha, so after professing to come back to this question and then skipping it entirely, I've decided upon choosing a dragon--an elegant and inspiring one,
like this. (It would have to be in color, though.) Dragons are all at once wise and intimidating, ferocious and serene. They are legendary, inspiring, formidable and strong. They are lordly and majestic and at times bombastic. They are everything I aspire to be! ♥ (Ha ha, not only that, but I was listening to Sufjan Steven's "Year of the Dragon" at the moment I went back to finish this question, too! It must be fate or destiny--or maybe just a neat coincidence, ha ha!)
What type of weather and/or which season do you prefer? It’s hard to say. In the summer I believe I most enjoy that particular season, but the same applies to winter, fall and spring as well. I suppose the two I feel the strongest attraction for are the two “strongest” seasons, the two “extremes” of the weather cycle: winter and summer. I also feel, looking back on these, that in this respect they parallel my personality: I am always one of two extremes: I’m too hot or too cold; I’m too lazy or I’m too ambitious; I’m a perfectionist or I’m a slacker; I’m elated or I’m depressed. Rarely am I anything in-between. Likewise summer is the hottest of the seasons and winter the coldest, neither one is often “mellow”--at least where I live.
What type of location do you see yourself more likely to live in (for example: near water, in the desert, near a forest, etc.)? I go through different phases. At one point I wanted to live by the ocean’s shore, at another in a deep forest, and still another in a harsh desert. However, one place I have never imagined myself in close proximity to is a busy, hustle-bustle and polluted city or a monotonous dreadfully plain and boring suburb (especially one where all the houses are neat and trim and look exactly alike). I wouldn’t mind living a small, moderate or even large village as long as it wasn’t crowded, and certainly I could never live alone (how droll!). I would like to live in harmony with nature--for example, in a cave or tree house or tepee versus a house or an apartment, and in the midst of “Mother Earth” instead of over top of it (for example, anywhere you can live in the real world, ha ha!).
Would you like ninja training in your village to be harsh in order for the strongest to advance, or would you rather it be more forgiving of mistakes? The way I envision it (I’m such a fan of outlandish scenarios), the training would be harsh and rigid on the surface, but all the instructors would be quirky and kind underneath their stoic exteriors. However, it wouldn’t be one of those insane training centers where all the children graduate from it with messed-up minds and personality disorders and are bent on killing, domination, revenge or whatever else. Everyone would graduate normal (though slightly elite, per se).
Speaking of missions [when were we previously speaking of missions?], would you prefer only hard or advanced missions for all of your resident ninja or would you not mind them participating in simpler errands if need be? I think my village would specialize in the advanced missions with the occasional simpler ones mixed in--however, they wouldn’t be very frequent.
Would you prefer living in a more populated and busy village, or one more rural/country-like? I’ve already answered this question, really in the “What type of location…” question, but I’ll reiterate my preferences. I wouldn’t mind a busy village as long as its layout didn’t contribute to an over-crowded feeling, although I could tolerated one center of the town being more heavily populated and concentrated than other parts.
All hidden villages have a leader...what kind of leader would you most respect and why? I would most respect a leader who is strong--not tyrannical, but firm; and a leader who understands the needs of the village and whose first priority is to the village. I’m also partial to leaders who appear to be all serious, but are really playful and good-natured underneath.
Would you prefer it if your village's leader had almost total power and control over the workings of the village, or shared it with some kind of council? I wouldn’t definitely not prefer the former; I actually would prefer a type of democracy, but I don’t suppose that’s going to be likely in the Naruto-verse. In this respect, however, I believe that I would prefer power to be shared by a council with the final word resting in the hands of the leader. If the power of the council were equally shared, there would be too much bickering and controversy and nothing would ever b accomplished.
Anything else?: Here’s your inspirational quote for the day, my dears: "If you stand for nothing, you shall fall for everything."