Oct 02, 2010 01:57

Name: Jacintha
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
Voted on all unstamped applications!

Likes: Star-gazing, listening to music, chilling at Starbucks, learning new things, literature, fashion, music, art, designing, changing seasons, Naruto, movies, shuffled playlists, musicians, skateboards, the oldies (60s), tattoos, Tim Burton, Vivienne Westwood, Japanese culture, cheap thrills, classic Disney, photography, spontaneity, aftermath of an adrenaline rush, independence, freedom, fun, adventure, animals
Dislikes: Being constricted, loud chewing noises, inconsiderate, possessive, highly pessimistic people, humid weather, too crowded places, empty promises, false hope, homophobia, animal cruelty, any sort of cruelty actually, writer’s/artist’s block, silent treatments, insects

What do you feel is your best quality?: Passionate. Though I don't show my passion on the outside because I put up more of a cool and collected front, when I love something, I love it fervently with all my heart. I'm passionate about what I love and what I do.
Your worst?: Emotional. I feel too much. Actually, I do everything in excess (worrying, thinking, feeling) and despite me repeating telling myself that, "No, I don't feel this way anymore," I still ultimately do. I'm someone whose heart rules over her mind.

For the following section, please pick one or the other. Even if you show both traits, please pick the one that you feel you are most like, and if possible explain why you think you are more of this way.
Mature or Immature?: Mature
Leader or Follower?: Leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Gosh.. really a mix.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing

Oh no! You're just sitting there enjoying your day when from out of nowhere some kid in an orange jumpsuit wants to fight you! What possible reason could he have for doing that?: Maybe I've attacked or injured one of his friends badly in a battle and he wants to get back at me for it?

Innocent bystanders somehow manage to get themselves smack dab in the middle of your fight. How would you react?: Annoyed because now I don't only have to worry about my life, I have to worry about the bystanders' lives too. I'm someone who wouldn't want innocent people's lifes to be taken away just because of my mistakes.

Most shinobi tend to specialize in something, and antagonist-shinobi are no exception. Where would most of your skill and strength lie (i.e.: offense, defense, reconnaisance)?: My strength lies in my inner strength.. while my skills - I'm guessing offense and reconnaisance. I'm someone who's strong-willed and determined. I always face my problems up front no matter how hard it is.

What are your thoughts on the Jinchuuriki?: Not much. I might feel a tad bit of sympathy because it wasn't his fault that he was the Jinchuuriki and because of that, his life has to be taken away from him. But some sacrifices have to be made.

Would you have a problem using people and/or animals as guinea pigs in any mad scientist experiments you might conduct? What about trying them on yourself?: I don't think I would ever do that, it's sick and inhumane. Even as an antagonist, I would never do it. If I had absolutely had to do an experiment, I would use a dead body.

Assume you're more of a secondary antagonist who is following someone else's orders. If you were your boss...would YOU trust you?: Not exactly. I have a hard time fully trusting people.

Immortality: do you think that it's all it's cracked up to be?: Nope. It's a lonely world. You watch your love ones grow up and changing, but you're always the one being left behind.
Is showing mercy a bad thing?: Nope. It shows that you're human. I don't think there's anything bad about being human
How about showing respect to your superiors and/or co-workers?: It's something that's already instilled in us, however I would absolutely not show respect to my superiors if they are inhumane or too cruel and odd (Orochimaru and Kabuto)

Why would you most likely be an antagonist in the Naruto-verse? Please list these reasonings on a scale of one to nine (1 being your most likely reasoning, 9 being your least):
[1]To change the world.
[2]My beliefs.
[5]...Wouldn't you like to know?
[8]It seemed like a fun idea at the time.
(I re-arranged the orders to make it clearer for voters)

Is there an antagonist character from something other than Naruto that you feel you can relate to? And if yes, then why?: Konan, bits of Future Sasuke, Haku and Deidara.
Name one of your favorite antagonist characters aside from those in Naruto and tell us what appeals to you about that character: SASUKE. I really love it that he threw his own life and everything away just for his family - it shows that underneath his cold and cool exterior is someone with so much love for his family and loved ones, he's just scared of letting people in.
Going back to Naruto now, who is your least favorite Naruto antagonist character and why? Ummm.... for some reason I really disliked Hinata because she was so meek and she didn't know how to stand up for herself, but now there is no character that can be considered my least favourite. I have a soft spot for most Naruto characters (.. maybe except Orochi and Kabuto)
(OPTIONAL--please don't respond unless this somehow applies to you!) Were you rated as a character who is an option for this theme and, if so, would you prefer NOT to be rated as the same character again? Please give the character's name if that is the case.: -

ATTENTION VOTERS: Please check out the Theme Post to make voting can open it up in a new window or tab.

antagonist: konan

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