Young Characters theme

Sep 29, 2010 16:14


Name: Shelby
Age: 16
Previously stamped as: Regular: Pein;  Antagonist: Zabuza 
What things did you enjoy when you were young? coloring and drawing, hiding in the woods, scaring people, dancing in recitals, singing, reading and going to the library, playing outside, doing crafts, baking for holidays, Halloween
And what things did you dislike? loud or crowded places, formal events like parties, shopping trips, being the center of attention, feeling stupid/embarrassed in front of people, dealing with kids at school who I found 'dumb'
Describe what your general personality was like, as far as you remember: I was energetic...I was talking a lot, sort of babbling. I had an advanced sense of humor and made people laugh often. I was self-confident and acted grown up. I had a mean streak and could be extremely hurtful; but at times I felt too sensitive. I didn't share my feelings...until I couldn't hide them or hold them in anymore.

Were You...
Mature or Immature?: Mature. I felt I had to act more mature.  
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic. 
Thinking or Feeling?: Thinking. 
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive. Surprisingly many of my crazy ideas worked out. 
Outgoing or Shy?: Sometimes shy, though only around certain people...I was more outgoing until age 10.
Hardworking or Laid-back: A bit hardworking. I was a hard studier, and sometimes things were hard at home so I was stressed, not 'laid-back'.

Mark with a "X" any of the following phrases that apply to you when you were young (there are no limits to how many you can pick):

[x] I didn't really fit in - I felt older than kids my age so I didn't fit in. 
[ ] I got in trouble a lot (and I liked it)
[x] I felt lonely - by 9 or 10 I didn't have many friends, I felt too different so I closed myself off. 
[ ] I had a lot of friends
[x] I could stand up for myself
[ ] I liked helping people a lot
[/] I was rather quiet - I talked to people I knew but I never called out or yelled, I was too shy. 
[ ] I was somewhat strange
[x] I was quite skilled at some things even back when - I was always a talented artist, writer...and arguer ;)
[ ] Having lots of fun was important for me
[/] Not many kids liked me for whatever reason

General Questions...
Was there anyone you looked up to? If so, what did you like about them? I looked up to people you wouldn’t expect, like singers, though I kept it a secret. For a while I looked up to Amy Lee because I thought her voice was beautiful and I wanted to be a singer...I was always a little 'dark' so I liked her dark look too. [I never said ‘my mother’ or ‘my dad’. Ahaha.....]
Ultimately, would you say you enjoyed your childhood? Somewhat. In the earlier years, yes. But by age 10 things suddenly changed and I didn't. They got complicated and much harder and a few bad events occurred that I’ve never forgotten. 
Have you changed much since then? If so, how? I look taller and thinner, I’m extremely physically active, I’m not chatty at all anymore (though I do enjoy intelligent talks) and I try less to fit in. I'm deeper, I write more often, and I became much more independent. 
And how have you remained the same, if at all? I’m still a little impulsive - I've always stuck with my instincts. I still feel lonely, because I see things differently than others in my life; and even though people get confused when I still say it, I just still feel like I don't fit in (though they say it isn't true....)

Which character would you not want to be stamped as and why? Maybe Shikamaru......I don't see any similarities between us ;p

List of available options located over here!


Please link to 5 applications you've voted on recently:

young character: yahiko

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