For strangevisitor7

Jun 28, 2009 00:13

Obviously, I'm in an icon making mood. Well, strangevisitor7 was saying she wanted a Parker from Leverage icon. (ithildyn gets credit for the words in #1)

Here's three! edit: I added the third when I figured out the text I wanted...

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tv, icons, up for grabs, leverage

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Comments 4

strangevisitor7 June 28 2009, 06:14:56 UTC
squishes you #1's perfect!!!! Mine now


ninjababe June 28 2009, 06:20:58 UTC
I knew you'd like that one!

If I could make it fit, I may make an alternative. "This is my 'set you on fire' face"


rodlox June 29 2009, 05:20:18 UTC
I have faith you can make it. for it would be perfect, and you are already perfect.


rodlox June 29 2009, 05:17:40 UTC
priceless Parker icons. (particularly the 2nd one...though the lovely first one looks like she's planning revenge on Eliot.
(maybe add a horiontal "and you're next" to the lower right corner?))

I'll tell you this: never seen anyone call Eliot that before - but it fits.

great iconage all around!


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