Damn Joss!

Jul 18, 2008 00:58

edit: If the formatting is wonky, I'm sorry... When I tried to add another icon, it went all flooey... No idea how it happened... but, I'll try to fix it later...

So, I just finished watching act 2 of Dr Horrible's Sing-Along BlogYes, I'm so addicted, I bought a season pass after seeing Act 1 ( Read more... )

icons, dr horrible, up for grabs, quotes

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Comments 6

lizbet0 July 18 2008, 12:18:45 UTC
I think everyone wants Dr. Horrible to win! *grin* Althoug, I have to say I'm kinda hoping the gal is a secret super-something who pulls one over on both guys! *LOL*


ninjababe July 23 2008, 23:49:23 UTC
Well, now that's it over, we know Penny isn't... [sigh]

But, it was still good!


anya2112 July 18 2008, 15:45:18 UTC
Captain Hammer is a pig! Go Dr. Horrible!!


ninjababe July 23 2008, 23:55:01 UTC
I usually want the bad guy to win, but I really like Dr Horrible...

I feel that in the future, he'll be so horrible, he'll even take over the League and Bad Horse... Captain Hammer will rue the day he even thought of being a superhero! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! [ahem]


strangevisitor7 July 18 2008, 16:40:12 UTC
Joss Whedon is made of win! I love this and hope it turns into something more!

Nice icons too.


ninjababe July 23 2008, 23:50:55 UTC
Thanks... I liked how they came out mostly...

But, yes, I hope it does come to be something more than the three acts...


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