Damn Joss!

Jul 18, 2008 00:58

edit: If the formatting is wonky, I'm sorry... When I tried to add another icon, it went all flooey... No idea how it happened... but, I'll try to fix it later...

So, I just finished watching act 2 of Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog...

Yes, I'm so addicted, I bought a season pass after seeing Act 1...

Am I the only one who is actually siding with Dr. Horrible? I want him to win!

Stupid Captain Hammer! [growl]

Anyway, I have quotes, and icons!

If you want icons, please comment/credit... Merci beaucoup!

I hope to have better icons when I actually go watch just to make screen captures. [huggles iTunes] I love my season pass! :)

Quotes from Act 2:

As of tonight, I am in the evil league of evil, if all goes according to plan. Which it will, because I have a PhD in horribleness. -- Dr Horrible

"I'm Dr. Horrible. I have a PhD in horribleness."

"Is that the new catchphrase?" -- Dr Horrible and Mr. Moist

Oh, goodness! Look at my wrist! I've gotta go! -- Dr Horrible

The hammer is my penis. -- Captain Hammer

icons, dr horrible, up for grabs, quotes

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