Fic Challenge: Challenge One

Jul 14, 2009 09:41

I am pleased to announce the first in an occasional series of fic challenges, the rules of which I have yet to set out and shall probably be arbitrarily changing with my moods. There will be a winner, but the method for deciding said winner has yet to be determined and, let's face it, will probably be random and wholly unfair. THIS IS NOT SRS BSNS FIC COMMUNITY, FOLKS. IS NOT.


The aim: Write an alternate ending for Children of Earth in which Ianto survives.

The rules: There is but one rule and that is that your fic MUST CONTAIN at least one mention of the words "BIG MOTHERFUCKING GUN." But it needn't be fic. It could be a comic strip in macro form, I really don't care. As long as it mentions the gun thing.

Bonus points will be rewarded for:
1) Ianto accidentally shooting Jack's cock off with said gun.
2) Bean-related pornography, that is, sex, but with the involvement of beans.

The deadline: August 1st, or, if you can't be arsed, later. In which case you may no longer be eligible to win the prestigious award.

The prestigious award: THE FLYING NINJA WITH BIG MOTHERFUCKING GUN AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN IANTOCENTRIC FANFICTION. It's like... a certificate. Or something. Oh, alright, I'll make you a banner.

The voting: Will happen at some point.

The entries: Must be posted to this community, and must be tagged FIC and TEABOY CHALLENGE ONE.

The questions: Can be posted here.

Random arbitrary rule change the first: Making Ianto a Timelord will get you one of these, so help me God:

That is all.

Now go make it so.

fic, modly wisenessness, teaboy challenge 1

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