Fic: In Flagrante Delicto 8/9, Jack/Ianto, NC-17, NSFW/FMAO

Jul 13, 2009 15:12

Title: In Flagrante Delicto - The next installment in the Masks Universe.
Author: Thrace_adams
Word Count: 19,209 - COMPLETE 1720 This Chapter
Date: May 2009
Spoilers: Series One and Two Only.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Warnings: This is a sequel to The Masks We Wear, The Mask Slips Out of Place and Confrontations Forgiven In a Heartbeat. It is not necessary to have read those fics first, although there are a few allusions to events that happen in those stories.
Rating: NC-17 - Look at the Title.

Summary: in flagrante delicto: Pronunciation: \-di-ˈlik-(ˌ)tō\ Function: Adverb Etymology: Medieval Latin, literally, while the crime is blazing. Date: 1772 Definition: 1. In the very act of committing a misdeed: Red-handed 2. In the midst of sexual activity. From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online.

Disclaimers/Archive: I don’t own Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness, or Ianto Jones. If I did there would be less talky talky and more kissy kissy. What you recognize belongs to RTD and the BBC, what you don’t belongs to me. I’m a full time Mom so you won’t make any money by suing me. May be archived at Wereleopard’s lair, The Library, and at my LJ. All others please ask.

Previous Stories can be found here

Start the story here

As always, please read, enjoy, and comment :) Follow the fake cut below to my LJ

Chapter Eight - Rhys Williams


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