So, after rewatching Thor for the nth time yesterday and then gushing about it at random people's journals, I realised that I want/need more Loki and Hiddleston fans on my f-list and while stalking people who left effusive sounding comments on other people's journals seems like a viable option at this point, it is admittedly slightly creepy.
Loki/Tom Hiddleston Friending Meme">" />
Loki/Tom Hiddleston Friending Meme
Pimp it!
This is how it'll go, fill in the form, post it in a comment and then if you feel like it, pimp this everywhere.
Name: Age: Location: Now give us a kiss.Favourite Pairing(s) (Loki related):Favourite Fic/Fics: Favourite Art/Arts: Favourite Movie moment:Favourite Loki quote: Favourite Hiddleston Characters: Favourite Hiddleston Movie: Favourite Hiddleston Interview: Favourite Hiddleston gif:Favourite Moments or Quotes: That was just a bit of fun, reallyWhat's in your journal: What rating is your journal: Friending policy: One interesting fact about you:Other Fandoms: Anything else you want to add: (gifs, pics, drabble, drawble, snuggles, hugs)
Warnings: There will most likely be spoilers for ANYTHING Loki and Hiddles related in the comments.
x-posted at
hp_add_me and many other places, I apologise for the f-list spam.