Introducing: Miss Pernilla Nilsson

Aug 28, 2011 21:55

WARNING: much babbling under the cut (also a couple of pictures), not necessarily related to miss Nilsson, this is not a legacy kick-off post, just a babble about what I've been up to lately!

Isn't creating townies such a tedious affair? But I like to think it is worth it. The biggest part is over now!

Let me explain this a bit for you have probably no idea what I am babbling about... I want to play again!
With my starting university (!) in a week and a powerful Simming computer still being only a dream, the simplest and probably most fruitful way to do this is by starting a little legacy of my own, right here on my tiny netbook. The netbook will not display the beauty of neighbourhood views, so building all sorts of 'hoods (as I'd hoped to do) is rather out of the question; however, lots run perfectly fine and the Sims themselves look crisp enough. So, legacy it is!

To prepare, I have been composing my own perfect set of default face templates, consisting chiefly of Nailati's templates (that thread is super interesting by the way!) and complemented by Terrakosmos' old templates on MTS, also a few of Katu's faces and two from Ambular. Then I had a massive list! It seems impossible for me to just do something and fly by the seat of my pants, so to speak. See, Nailati's faces were still a work in progress and she never quite finished them. There are eight complete templates, and they are amazing I should add, but there are also seventeen incomplete ones. Some of those I really loved regardless, and so I set about to match them with appropriate faces from the other sets. A couple could be salvaged in this way.
So then I had a great list with each template -- I now know all their names and numbers a lot better than before! -- and the creator(s) and also whether Sims with this face template would be allowed to breed, or not... Because there ended up being a couple broken templates that didn't look right in the other ages but I still wanted to keep. Those Sims will simply be wonderful friends for my playables!

Of course, having been that organised, I couldn't just let the game generate townies with random faces, because I would never know which ones to marry and which ones to befriend! So then I got myself a bunch of default replacement clothing and set about creating a whole set of townies myself. Which is now DONE! And I assure you that they all got appropriate, Swedish names; their last names all mean something (names ending in -sson, -qvist, and -ström are preferred when looking for a spouse, and they all have their template number attached to it for extra security); and I saw to it that aspirations and hair/skin/eye colours were evenly spread. Sometimes I hate being perfectionist. >_>

And the job is really only half done, because although I've created all the Sims in CAS, I still need to assign them jobs and townify them one by one.

But really, I'm doing it for a good cause. Because I finally get to play again! ^_^ I will be playing with this lovely lady as my founder. Her name is Pernilla Nilsson, and she's been abusing the microphone for lack of other interesting interactions to photograph. She has a bit of a story, because I can't help making up stories about my Sims; and although I'm not sure yet if I'm going to attach her Sim form to the story idea that's brewing in my head, I'm interested to see where she will take it from here.

personal ramblings, sims 2, nilsson legacy, picspam

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