Title: Touched by an Angel (XIX)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel
Summary: Harry goes to hell and back. Literally.
crossovers100 Prompt: 099. Hell.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.
Touched by an Angel - Main entry 099. Hell
As Harry walked through the fire and brimstone, hearing the inhuman cries that echoed, so overwhelming it seemed to come from the depth of his own mind, he thought back at what he had to do to come here.
He still couldn’t process everything that had happened in the space of only a few days. It was as if he had been living in a daze ever since that horrifying revelation from Hermione about the weapon he needed. Hell. He literally needed to walk into hell to retrieve the one and only object that would ensure Voldemort’s ultimate demise.
At first, he hadn’t know how to react. Hermione was shocked beyond belief and he, himself, wasn’t much better. Only Luna seemed to take the revelation in stride, her quite assurance that Harry would be able to do it the only certitude in all that mess. She had been their rock and, without her, he didn’t think he would have actually set out to do it. He would probably have gone into the battle after destroying the horcruxes and hoped that no one would be stupid enough to try and bring a madman back.
However Luna had been there and she had ensure they looked for a solution to get Harry into hell and back without being killed or worse. Harry hadn’t been sure at what worse entailed but, now he was there, he could see that death would probably have been one of the sweetest fates.
They had finally found a way to help Harry walk among the demons without being attacked or prevented from coming back and it had almost been too much for the three of them. Even Luna had seemed troubled but she had quickly recovered, still rambling on Harry having more than enough willpower.
A necromancy ritual.
Harry knew about necromancy. Not a lot but more than enough to know it was the worst kind of magic. Not only black magic - that could be used for good by the right people - but Death magic. The ritual didn’t involve killing, and he could thank God for that, but it was one of the darkest ritual ever known because it destroyed the soul of anyone touched by darkness. Harry had balked at that.
“I can’t use that spell. I have darkness in me. Everyone has.”
It was a statement. Harry knew everyone had some darkness in them. There cannot be any good if there is not bad. You cannot chose to do the right thing if you don’t have the capacity to do the wrong one.
“Not the same kind of darkness, Harry,” Luna stated. “Not the kind that can consume you. Not the kind that can take over. You wouldn’t be able to bear your pendant if you had the slightest bit of real darkness in you. You could never have seen Castiel.”
It should have scared him how much she knew about him that he never actually told her. Yet it didn’t because she was Luna and he was used to her knowing things like these, things that no one else would ever know.
Yet, in the end, they had decided that Harry had to take the risk and there he was, walking inside Hell, demons looking at him but fearing to approach him because of the bubble of magic that surrounded him.
He could feel bile rising in his throat at what he was seeing. The demons were one things but the lost souls that were being tortured was another. How could anyone stand this? This eternal damnation would be forever graved into his mind and he knew that no matter what, he could never forget.
As he was beginning to think he would pass out, or vomit, or just plain run back, he felt his pendant emit a sweet warmth, something it hadn’t done in so very long he almost let out a cry. Almost.
He reached for it and saw the glow enveloping it. He never thought it could do that without Castiel in proximity and it allowed him to hope the angel was thinking about him, knew about this trip and the magic he had used and still loved him. He smiled, something he hadn’t thought possible in that place and other seemed to be afraid by Harry apparent happiness. Still, he wondered how it was possible to still feel this pureness while surrounded by the worst scum of the universe, enveloped in a bubble of magic so dark not even Lucifer would have dared approach him?