HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Feb 19, 2010 19:28

Title: Touched by an Angel (XVIII)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Harry and friends dig into dark books to find the way to kill Voldemort for good. What do they find?
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 050. Spade.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

050. Spade.

Maybe in another world, Harry would have been able to follow Dumbledore’s instruction to the letter, staying within the realm of what the Order should do and not dwell on any other kind of magic and enchantments. Maybe, in another world, he would never have thought to go any further than what Hogwarts had taught him but not in this world.

Castiel had made him see things he would never ever have had a chance to understand without him. He had let him see that the magical world didn’t have everything right and that there were more things in on this earth, in Heaven and Hell, everywhere, that the Hogwarts’ curriculum had taught them. He couldn’t afford to forget everything the angel had taught him, no matter how long it had been since he had last seen him.

And it had been a while. Two years now. Two years without being able to talk to the one person he had always been able to confide in. It had been hell for a while, until he got Hermione and Luna as real confidents. He still told things to Ron, of course the redhead was still one of his best friend, but there were things he just couldn’t understand. It wasn’t against Ron, it was just the way he had been brought up.

Hermione and Luna, though, were more open to the possibilities. Hermione because she, like him, had grown up in the muggle world and knew there was more than what the majority of the wizarding world saw - mainly technology but also religion. Luna because there was no limit to her imagination. She would go on and on about creatures none of them were sure existed but it was a real asset because, sometimes, even if everyone thought it to be a legend, it was real and with Luna, they knew all about the legend

So at the end of the year, when Dumbledore died, Harry didn’t immediately decide to go after the horcruxes. Oh, he knew he would have to but there was something else he had to do either before or afterwards - though he would prefer before. He had to find a way to kill Voldemort but not only that. He had to find a way to make sure he could never ever be brought back, no matter in which form. Destroying all his horcruxes was one thing, but there was quite a lot he didn’t know about magic and who knew if someone wouldn’t be able to bring him back? It was an incertitude they couldn’t afford.

They had reunited at Grimmauld Place, Luna, Hermione and he. They knew they shouldn’t be there. Actually, they should have been at the Burrow at the moment, waiting for the wedding ceremony to begin, but they had to look for an answer and it was the only moment they could be together all three of them without any attention, especially since Grimmauld Place had been condemned as not sure as Snape had revealed himself to be on Voldemort’s side after all.

They had looked through the Black’s library, some of the darkest tomes ever made in the wizarding world. None of them were very happy about it but it was a necessity and they had to know how to defeat the Dark Lord. Harry had faith, though. He knew they would fall prey to the dark.

Luna was simply to detached from the reality to be sucked in and Hermione lacked a natural aptitude with the dark. Harry could have been tempted if it wasn’t for the pendant he was wearing. Not only it made it difficult for him to feel at ease with the dark, but he would also be unable to bear its presence if his soul was corrupted. So, at the earliest sign of discomfort from the pendant, he would retreat and let the first look by themselves.

After hours and hours or searching, it was Hermione who found something, something that made all their blood run cold as they read it.

“Harry! I found something. I found a way to make sure there is no way he could ever be reborn.”

It seemed like a fantastic new and Harry would have thought Hermione would be over the moon at such a discovery but she seemed more scared than anything and it made him frown.

“Hermione?” Harry asked.

It was Luna who answered him once she saw what Hermione was looking at.

“It’s a dangerous path to set on Harry, but I’m sure you will be able to walk it without losing yourself. If anyone has the strength of mind to do so, it’s you.”

“What path?” Harry asked, becoming more worried with his friend’s cryptic message.

“There is a device, Harry,” Hermione began. “Well, it’s more a weapon, really, that you can use to kill Voldemort and ensure he’s never coming back. The weapon in himself wouldn’t be very dangerous for the user but… you have to go and get it first.”

Harry already knew inside his heart that he had no choice but to do it. It was the only way to end that madness once and for good. He didn’t care what he had to go through to get this weapon. He was strong enough, he had the willpower and he knew that God would help. Even if he didn’t have his guardian angel to watch over him anymore, God would help because it was his choice and it was the right one.

“Where from?” he asked, mentally bracing himself for the answer.

“Hell,” Hermione said in whisper, her horrified eyes locking with Harry’s.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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