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Comments 41

thunggyu June 21 2011, 16:35:22 UTC
taking a spot and will edit this tomorrow once i'm done with my last exam. (:


nileyna June 28 2011, 11:12:27 UTC
When will your spot be filled? :( LOL.


thunggyu June 28 2011, 13:54:34 UTC
Right now, have been busy with exams, celebrating, results, depression, bawling my eyes out, shopping with friends as a therapy... Thanks for reminding me that I suck as a reader OTL;;; Nah, thanks for reminding me, i tend to have a short memory. ):<

I really like the Hoya/Jieun one, I remember reading drabbles about them a long time ago and found them cute and I totally got the same impression here. They're cute and awkward and it's adorable.

The Jongsica was also really great, so angsty but whatever, it's perfect. I wonder how it is going to be between them.

Daniel/Amber was really original, I liked that! :D

All in all, they were all super great but you're such a great writer that I'm not surprised!


nileyna June 29 2011, 10:12:59 UTC
Ahh, sorry for the reminder, then. ;P Thanks a lot! ♥


loveholic198 June 21 2011, 16:37:24 UTC
Woah, it's all angst!! XD Come on!!! JongKyung broke up, why is it still angst?! XD

Sigh... I love how simple you make your fics but they always have the right amount of feel in it. =]


nileyna June 21 2011, 22:27:37 UTC
LOL. Thanks. :)


lydzi June 21 2011, 17:48:21 UTC
I love the Hoya/Jieun. I love how bittersweet it is. And not even lying I ADORE the Hyosung/Kiwi. They're my OTP so yeah... priceless that ne <3.


nileyna June 21 2011, 22:28:05 UTC
They're so adorable I can't even. ;____; Thanks so much for reading!


grapefruitade June 21 2011, 17:56:58 UTC
They were all short (maybe even too short :P), but they were all amazing and full of feel~
How do you do that? Hahaha XD

I liked the story of Kikwang/Hyosung the best, hahaha XD
They're so silly on "100 out of 100" so reading your drabble felt realistic (eheh) :D


nileyna June 21 2011, 22:28:34 UTC
Thank you for the feedback. :3


bollywoodrecord June 21 2011, 18:55:28 UTC
These are all so sad and angsty but I love all of them. I'll be honest and say I'm not very familiar with a lot of these pairings, but they're all written so weeeell. Thank you for writing :)


nileyna June 21 2011, 22:29:03 UTC
No problem. I should thank you for reading, instead!


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