multi-fandom drabbles.

Jun 21, 2011 11:49

kikwang/hyosung ; fiction or fact

he’s sort of given up.

it isn’t that he had much to begin with (only the contents of his whole heart leaking and trying to seep into hers) because he didn’t but occasionally kikwang finds himself wondering if what little they share is worth being salvaged. all of it is fiction; a pointless act that ends when the show is over. it is routine - he’s done it many, many times before - but letting go doesn’t become any easier.

“kikwang?” she calls tentatively, their eyes locking as he makes for the bathroom and she exits her dressing-room. his are surprised and hers slightly wary, but then she breaks into a huge grin that’s all kinds of familiar, so he smiles. “hi, hyosung.”

now this - his thumb brushing over her knuckles and the ghost of her breath against his neck - is fact.

jonghyun/jessica ; almost

“i heard that jonghyun and sekyung split up,” comments tiffany insouciantly, sneaking a glance at her best friend as she twirls a strand of her hair around her finger. she is left disappointed when jessica doesn’t react (her rimy heart has probably solidified into a rock) but just mumbles a barely coherent string of yeah i heard that too.

a raised eyebrow compliments the next word: “so?”

“nothing,” jessica counters, her controlled voice unusually taut. she departs the living room and disappears into her own bedroom. her fingers brush over her cell phone, contemplating whether or not she should say anything to him - she still has him on speed dial, even after all this time - and eventually decides not to.

heaving a sigh, she tosses her phone aside (they’ll be so close, almost there, then they’ll backpedal again and the cycle repeats) and closes her eyes as she burrows into her pillow.

hoya/jieun ; the one i never knew i needed

brilliant lights bore holes into his skin and blind his eyes but howon knows that this is for the best. a variety of chants and screams deafen his ears but howon decides that this is what he wants, that this is what they’ve been working for all along.

(“when are you going to stop lying to yourself? do you still think that this whole farce is worth it?” she demands, eyes shining with tears that refuse to succumb. howon keeps his silence, as usual, but he ultimately asks, “then why are you still here?”)

they win award after award, howon notes, and each time her smile amplifies. the taste of success is flowering on the tip of jieun’s tongue - she is happy. he knows she shouldn’t have degraded his choices; it will just bite her in the ass eventually. she is no hypocrite, though, because someone as immaculate as her could not possibly be made of anything bad.

as time goes by, he lets jieun go because it is the best that he can give her.

yunho/lina ; let it rain

“it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” making conversation with jiyeon has always been somewhat difficult but yunho doesn’t remember struggling this much. he offers a contrite smile - a cross between i’m sorry we can’t stay in the past and i don’t think you can accept who i am now - that is not returned.

she shrugs and mutters, “i suppose it has.” it may seem as if she doesn’t care (a poor attempt, though, since he notices the tremble of her lip and the invisible twitch of her heart) but he knows better.

he exhales slowly. “i’m so sorry.” yunho has no idea why he is apologizing but he needs to.

she doesn’t reply. they stand at the window, watching the raindrops slide down the glass panes in intangible streaks. he tangles his fingers through her softer, slimmer ones and waits. when she has to leave, yunho doesn’t stop her anymore.

daniel/amber ; when it’s bad, it’s awful

“it’s been almost two years - why haven’t we won anything? are we really that bad, daniel?” during times like these, daniel willingly admits that being one of amber’s confidantes is a trying task.

“that’s not it,” he usually says. “give it a few more tries. you guys can get there. you will.”

amber is never mollified (it’s hard to be satisfied when you yourself aren’t adequate) but he understands, more or less. this is why she deems him a good friend. how much it aches to be condemned, shot down, ridiculed - he does not actually feel but he knows and that has to be good enough when no one else even cares.

“dude, we won! did you watch the show? we finally won!” she shrieks so loud that daniel has to pull the phone away from his ear. laughingly, he retorts, “i told you so.” once he hangs up, though, he just feels lonely. now amber is paving her way to the top while he is left behind in the dust.

mir/nana ; beautiful goodbye

“she’s leaving, chulyong. bekah-unnie is leaving.” no greeting, no shy titters, no nothing - just a hodgepodge of disjointed words and dry sobs.

he swallows (any of his band mates would be a better candidate for girl talks, to be perfectly honest) and, for lack of something better to say, murmurs, “i know. i heard. jinah, i’m sorry. i really don’t know what to say to make you feel better.”

“you can’t. you can’t change her decision and neither can i.” and that is the truth, so why is she seeking comfort from him? truly speechless, chulyong coughs. “i’m really sorry,” he repeats feebly. they then remain silent, listening to each other’s distressed breathing; a long stretch of flat air with no meaningful content.

they aren’t even friends-hell, he doesn’t even know where she got his number-but for the next few weeks, he attempts to be very best that he can be to a girl whom he will never mean much to. goodbyes happen jinah but it’s okay and he feels  his heart soar, just a little bit.

pairing: kikwang/hyosung, fandom: infinite, pairing: jonghyun/jessica, fandom: the grace, fandom: b2st, fandom: dmtn, pairing: daniel/amber, pairing: hoya/jieun, fandom: secret, pairing: yunho/lina, fandom: f(x), fandom: mblaq, fandom: shinee, fandom: girls' generation, fandom: after school, fandom: tvxq, pairing: mir/nana

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