the downward spiral

Apr 26, 2010 18:04

My week has seen an increasing state of underlying anxiety.... I have twice now had panic attacks that i havent had in years. ive constanly been in tears over the pressure and frustration of things that i cant even identify. My sleeping has gone out the window (ive never had a problem sleeping)im tired, and have a really bad self destructive urge ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

nurseysarah April 26 2010, 10:45:00 UTC
It seems like you're having a rough time at the moment - if there's anything I can do, just ask. You're a lovely person, and I have a lot of time for you. Big hugs from me :)


nikki_violet April 27 2010, 00:55:58 UTC
Thanks girl. Awesome to know theres hugs and time out there xxxxxxx


_gethsemane_ April 26 2010, 12:06:27 UTC
Oh noes! That totally fucking sucks man :/

I had such a lovely time talking to you at Zanes, I'm so glad you came along.

How long will your license be gone for?

And big lucky hugs and loves for your exam tomorrow.



nikki_violet April 27 2010, 00:54:51 UTC
Thanks gorgeous girl xxxxxx MUST DO THINGS THAT INVOLVES US !!!!!


_gethsemane_ April 27 2010, 02:12:15 UTC
Most definitely. Lemme know when you're free for hang out/catch ups.



lucas_el_diablo April 26 2010, 12:20:01 UTC
Sorry to hear about your anxiety, I can relate to that a bit and it's no fun at all.

wow, that really sucks about the DUI, sounds like the cops were being pretty cunt-ish about the whole thing, pulling _everyone_ over. it's too late now, but I've heard that you can demand they take you back to the station for a proper blood test if you contest the results of a breathalyser.


nikki_violet April 27 2010, 00:38:15 UTC
Yeah it sucks, the consequences of possibly losing my licence it quite major for me. I am aware of being able to ask for a blood test. At the time I was tired and wanting to get home more than anything. And I felt so strongly that my official breath test 15 mins later would produce better results. But once id done that, I was officially fined.
The Police were definately there to do damage. The amout of police cars was complete overkill.


ojtinkerbell April 26 2010, 13:37:02 UTC
Oh Nikki that is a bunch of horrible all at once :-(
Hopefully this means a huge lot of awesome is on its way to you very soon!!



jess0riz0r April 26 2010, 21:36:19 UTC
we should get together sometime soon and talk panic attacks... it seems we are very similar... except that you managed to get off the effexor... im still on 75 of it and looking fwd to one day being chemicaly free....

sending lots of love and light your way beautiful, good luck today



nikki_violet April 27 2010, 00:44:31 UTC
Would definately love to catch up.. and would love to get others opinions on coping and working through times like this... Im pretty sure we dont live too far away from each other. We should do dinner at one of our places sometime soon
Are you on effexor? Ive felt great now that Im off it. Except for this week. Hoping its just my body readjusting to regular hormones and NT. But feeling a bucket load better today :) Thanks girl


nikki_violet April 27 2010, 00:40:04 UTC
Thanks, Im already feeling better, I think it was just a big chunk of retardedness. The world owes me horrible. Cause i think i have a pretty awesome life. Every now and then the universe has to have a kick i think :)


ketamine_ninja April 26 2010, 23:06:10 UTC
wtf you lose 10 points for a single drink driving charge? That seems a bit fucked up. I'm not sure but I think you can contest it in court, basically go before a magistrate and plead your case... if its your first DUI and your driving record is otherwise pretty good you have a reasonable case for saying that your honest judgement was that you were under the limit and with such a small margin in it, it would have been hard to tell the difference between that and how you feel when you are under the limit. Plus I dunno what the margin of error is on the breathalysers but on most electronic equipment it is at least one of the smallest unit the measure down to (so say 0.01 if they only read to 2 decimal places). That margin and the fact you blew much lower a short time later could quite possibly be used to argue against the accuracy of the device, but i dunno how that would go down in court because it would probably lead to a shit ton of people contesting the results... so i guess speak to a lawyer about it if you do decide to contest it.


nikki_violet April 27 2010, 00:52:47 UTC
Yeah if I was a little smarter during the situation, It may have panned out differently. All i had been drinking is liquor and im really sure that it was the after taste in my mouth the increased my reading. I could taste the alc on my breath still even though it had been 1 and a half hours since my last drink. Im welcome to contest it in court, but I have no real grounds to do so as the 3rd breath test in which i blew 0.03 wasnt official, it was so theyd allow me to drive again. He was really suprised. So there is no record of me blowing that reading. Maybe if id requested a blood test (which im sure is at the financial detriment of myself) I think taking this on the chin and learning from my lessons is prob smart and just to raise my awareness of the state im in when leaving parties. This police unit drug tested EVERYONE who didnt blow over on the breatherliser. So im sure they had a long night.


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