Supanova Saturday - I have been renamed

Apr 18, 2010 01:50

According to Karl my name is not spelled nikki, it is niki. Twice he did that and the second time I didn't correct him, as he signed something I just wanted to show him but he then offered to sign it. So lovely and friendly and drives the volunteers a little batty because of how sociable he wants to be with the fans.

A little report and a picture or three under the cut )

karl urban, gareth david-lloyd, my life, james masters, supanova, cons are awesome

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Comments 47

prongsy April 17 2010, 16:30:48 UTC

Your seats, bb. Ho-shiznet. That's AMAZING!!!!

And the recap of your day and gaahhhhhhhhh.... I'm so happy it was so awesome for you!!!!!! I'm feeling excited and giddy just by reading all of this. YAY!!!!! \0/


nikki4noo April 17 2010, 16:53:17 UTC
Those seats cost a bit, but hell yeah they were awesome and worth every penny! and then he moved the chair out from behind the table and wanted the mic instead. Get to do it all over again today. :D



aquila_star April 17 2010, 16:30:54 UTC
omg, I hate you and Clis!! lol

If only I didn't love you so much. *dies of jealousy*


nikki4noo April 17 2010, 16:54:13 UTC
I hate you right back *hugs*


(The comment has been removed)

Re: OMFG nikki4noo April 17 2010, 16:55:27 UTC
Thought you might like that pic. I have something for you as well my lovely!


Details will be forthcoming soon... patience is apparently a virtue remember.


paige_ellis April 17 2010, 16:43:00 UTC
Way too much fun! It's kind of awesome to realize that these huge movie stars are just everyday people too, who geek out over the same things we do and have a twisted sense of humour *coughGarethcough* That, btw, made me lol so hard I snorted. He looks so sweet and innocent and then that comes out of his mouth...


aquila_star April 17 2010, 16:48:58 UTC
omg, Gareth is the opposite of sweet and innocent! lmao!


darkmagess April 17 2010, 16:54:16 UTC
He totally is. It's so excellent seeing him be such the opposite of Ianto.


nikki4noo April 17 2010, 16:58:16 UTC
It is what acting is all about ;) the ability to portray someone who is not you and make it believable. Pity some people haven't quite understand that concept.

We love Gareth for him being a naughty welsh boy in sightly different ways in Torchwood and in real life.


thistlerose April 17 2010, 17:03:54 UTC
KARL TOUCHED YOU AND POUTED AT YOU OMG NIKKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantabulous and I so very very happy for you!!!!!


nikki4noo April 17 2010, 17:08:25 UTC
Why hallo thar Miss Martha Jones!

I get another photo with him tomorrow, I may be cheeky and ask for a hug picture. :D

His pout was adorable and so I let him have the phaser. The photo people LOVED our photo as well.

sleep time now as it after 2.30am! eeeek!


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