Jack & Ianto point of view picspam - Special Edition

Jun 03, 2009 20:30

Ok after some pretty begging, flowers and chocolates I have bowed to pressure and am therefore presenting you with a Meat Special Edition… Dun Dun Dun the deleted scene 43c

Now this will be looking at how Jack and how Ianto look at each other. So, combining the two different meta’s in one.

Oh and many thanks to Kary for the screencaps.

Meat - Special Edition

Where does the scene fit? The clothes tell us that it is still during the first day. It has to be after the boardroom scene as they are talking about Rhys’ actions and Ianto is preparing weapons it seems for the next day.

So where are the rest of the team? There was the scene in the hothouse with Owen and Tosh where Owen implies that he is leaving for the night and leaves Tosh to finish off one of his reports.

Owen heads down the stairs and walks past Gwen and Rhys sitting on the sofa. Gwen and Rhys kiss. Jack looks up from his office to see them kissing and Gwen opens her eyes. Jack then turns his back on the couple.

The deleted scene starts with Ianto in the weapons room / armory and Jack enters from the corridor which goes down to the Archives and the Boardroom in the lower levels. It appears that Gwen and Rhys are no longer in the Hub, as we get a brief view towards the platform where the couch is located.

This is, logically, where the deleted scene should have been placed.

On with the picspam / analysis…

Ianto is in the armory and has one of the Torchwood guns in his hands as Jack walks very loudly in the Hub and spies Ianto.

Jack was most definitely on his way elsewhere in the Hub with purpose but he stops to watch Ianto when he realises he is there.

For all the noise Jack made, and it was quite loud, Ianto is oblivious that he is being watched.

He shows his youth by mimicking Dirty Harry with the line “Make my day!” Jack “ahems” to let him know that he has been sprung. Ianto pauses while he realises that he has just embarrassed himself. He then quickly places the gun back into the container, but he is mindful enough to make sure that the safety is on.

He spins around and where Jack was smiling at Ianto quite indulgently there is different expression on Ianto’s face.

Ianto then tries to discuss business and gloss over what he was just doing by asking if they should arm Rhys for the next day. Ianto’s fingers are showing his nerves in that they are continually twitching in this shot.

Jack responds with, “Hell no! He’s hot headed enough!”

Ianto is again hesitant when he is speaking to Jack and this really is a very different Ianto from what we are used to seeing. “Like stags butting antlers.”

His voice becomes a little stronger and calmer as he finishes with, “I half expected you to get out the measuring tape”

Jack is amused by this last line and he laughs and prowls towards Ianto.

He walks right up to Ianto, who is frozen on the spot, and reaches for Ianto’s hand.

Ianto has moved his arm back slightly, but that just draws Jack even closer to him until he is fully in Ianto’s personal space.

Both men are now almost pressed up against each other. Ianto can’t retreat as there is a table at his back and Jack has taken full advantage of this. They are almost eye to eye and you get a good look at how tall they are in comparison to each other. Jack is smiling and very happy whereas Ianto is looking quite nervous and unsure what Jack is planning.

And what is Jack planning?

He’s planning to put Ianto’s hand right where he want it!

“Who do you reckon would win?” Jack asks archly.

They continue to stare at each other, Jack with a slight smug look on his face and Ianto we can only see from partially side on. Ianto is still slightly tense and disconcerted by Jack. Jack tilts his head slightly and it is that movement that prompts Ianto to break away quickly and turn back to the gun and the case.

Ianto has his impassive, “I’m all professional at work” face on, but his movements are very hurried showing how disconcerted he is. Jack still has the smuggest look on his face, obviously very happy to throwing Ianto off guard.

Oh and I love that the lining on Ianto’s jacket almost perfectly matches his shirt.

Jack now has a lovely fond smile on his face as he looks at Ianto as he starts to turn away. Ianto is steadfastly refusing to look at him.

Jack bounds away, back to wherever he was originally going and Ianto is trying to be the professional at work.

But as Jack rounds the water tower and out of Ianto’s sight, Ianto lets out a very loud sigh.

As much as I love this scene it does not fit properly within the whole episode anymore and I can see why it got cut. The cut from Gwen and Rhys kissing with Jack watching to the next day and a conversation between Rhys and Jack works better.

We also got a completely different dynamic from Jack and Ianto here in this scene in contrast to most other interactions we have been given.

Jack is initially very happy and amused by the childishness of Ianto pretending to be Dirty Harry. But he is also not above letting Ianto know that he is there and embarrassing Ianto. When Ianto tries to move it back into ‘work’ mode, Jack is happy to follow along, but then Ianto gives him a perfect opportunity for some innuendo and for the first time we see a predatory Jack.

He bounds towards Ianto with a grin on his face and steps straight into his personal space and reaches for Ianto’s hand.

Jack is happy this whole scene, he tilts his head towards Ianto who quickly breaks away and Jack bounds off in a good mood.

Ianto is another matter entirely. He was youthful and enjoying himself playing with the big boys toys but then he gets sprung by Jack. At first his tone of voice gives away his nerves. His body language is still turned towards Jack but he closes one arm over his body and nervously twitches his fingers.

He finally starts to get himself calm but makes a comment that brings a response he wasn’t expecting. Jack comes towards him, all loose limbed, giving Ianto time to back away, but Ianto stays still arms by his side.

His posture screams that he is nervous but he doesn’t flinch or move away from Jack invading his personal space. Even though Jack grabs his hand and places it on Jack’s groin, he still stays there. He only breaks away when Jack tilts his head and then it is with fast jerky movements, the complete opposite of the normal calm, secure and graceful man.

Once Jack is out of sight and earshot he stops and releases a large sigh.

So we see Jack disconcerting Ianto.

We see a predatory, in a small way, Jack. They are still very comfortable being very close to each other. Ianto might be nervous but he does hold his own for a while.

We see Jack switch from professional to playful and we are left wondering if Tosh is still around and if that is playing any part in Ianto’s discomfort.

We see a switch in the power dynamics in that, for once, it is Jack taking the lead.

Here is the scene in full - http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=g1VGIn2R2DM

jack-ianto, picspam, meta, torchwood

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