Ianto Jones - Man of Mystery?

May 27, 2008 13:29

ok this weekend I was reading the novels and came across some interesting information that helped with putting together some background information in relation to Ianto. So I am posting it here for you all to see and add to with any information you have. As I am referencing some information gleaned from the novels if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read on....

Any new information I will edit this original entry. Please add where you have referenced the information from i.e. episode etc.

What is known about Ianto

Date of Birth
19 August 1983 (Fragments) although the official magazine listed his date of birth originally as 2 December 1982.

Father was a master tailor, unknown if he is still living. His father used to take him to the movie theatre the Electro as a child every Saturday.
Mother who is mentioned in the novels Trace Memory and The Twilight Streets. In Trace Memory it was mentioned that his mother called him every Tuesday night just after 7pm while he was living in London.
Siblings? Unknown and have not been mentioned.

Lisa Hallet - girlfriend who he worked with at Canary Wharf in Torchwood One. He met her during his initial training, she worked in Data Processes. She nicknamed him Welsh Man. If we presume that he asked Lisa out shortly after commencing work then by the Battle of Canary Wharf they had been dating approximately 4 months.
Jack Harkness - first male relationship although it was alluded to in The Twlight Streets that Ianto’s mother suspected he was either gay or bisexual when he was 14.

Education / Work
According to the information that Jack recited in Fragments he was an average student and a drifter working various jobs before joining Torchwood One. Trace Memory provides a start date for Ianto working at T1 and also provides some information in relation to his job there.
He was interviewed initially by Bev Stanley, who became his first line manager. There was presumably more than one interview, but he was required to sign the Official Secrets Act at the first interview. He worked in Information Retrieval, doing largely administrative work and PA for Bev Stanley.
His first day at work was 6 February 2006. Battle of Canary Wharf took place in approximately June 2006
Shortly after this he approaches / stalks Jack’s in order to gain a job with Torchwood Three.

Living accommodation
London - Lived in a flat with some flatmates in Canning Town.
Cardiff - he has a flat.

In London, it is referenced that his two closest friends are Gavin (insurance) and Nathan (travel company).

John Ellis commits suicide in Ianto’s car in Out of Time

Personality traits
He likes Maths/numbers and applying logic to situations. He can calculate items while shopping in his head (Out of Time)
Cleaning - it appears that he likes to keep things clean in respect to his job at T3 and a photo that showed a cleaning product given as a present by Lisa to him. (see official Torchwood site in season 1)
He loves James Bond, presumably has dvd collection as he was watching them with some of the ‘lads’ on the 13 February 2006 and also was watching Goldfinger in the Tourist office in current day in Trace Memory.
He keeps a diary and has been for a while, possibly since childhood (Adam)
"I think Ianto likes things that run like clockwork - literally - and he doesn't like to rely on machines. He's much more drawn to hard copies of things, like his diary, and books that have been written hundreds of years ago.

That need for things that are timeless and lasting works to his advantage in Adam, when he goes to his diary, which cannot lie or be tampered with. That's how they discover that Adam is not what he claims to be. And, on another level, Jack is timeless and lasting, too, and you see Ianto's fascination after he sees him on the screen in From Out of the Rain. So I do love all that. The reliability of things like the stopwatch are really symbols of his personality, which he tires to hide a lot of the time." (GDL in The Official Torchwood Magainze Issue 5, June '08, pg 12).

meta, torchwood, ianto

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