Title: The Purity of Love
nikenykPairing: InooBu, YabuHika, Hikanoo
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: Life has its on way to show the meaning of love to the three individuals, Yabu Kota, Yaotome Hikaru, and Inoo Kei.
Requested by
alois_trancy -Chapter 8-
“Ah.. this…. I’m sorry Kou to made you see this…” )
Comments 32
Sankyuu imouto 4 update!hehe
Semoga kamu suka yahh hehehe and please lemme know your opinion >////<
sanchuu :*
*guncang" inooo
I...I...Ini hepi end kan yaaah :"""
tp krg lbh sama lah ya sama filmnya hehehe
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Hisashiburi niken-chan *hugs
Okay, Kei...why don't you just die? You keep making me hurt for seeing you everytime you know, and just take your punishment huh *evil smirk
Okay, please inooteri don't slap me
I am sorry niken chan for being crazy in your journal, it's just because my brain has malfunctioning with my summer class lately
*serious mode
So, kei likes sunrises after all? *sniff
We are not same hun, I love rain T.T
And, Kei...please do not pretend that you are okay while kou can clearly see that you are not
You try to be nice but for me it's just a selfish side of you
Can't you feel the way kou feel?
I am sorry nikenchan for long useless comment XDDDD
Hows your summer class btw? Is it... fun? :p ?receiving your whacks XDD
hey hey hey what happen? y u want Inoo to die now? Lol XDD
hahahaha its okay, I miss going crazy with people, I've been alone in my home (and yeah I'm already home!!) and not socializing so much lately.
the truth is I dunno whther the real inoo likes it or not XDD it's just my imagination tho lol btw I also love the rain<3
Well it's just because he doesnt want to make Kou worry over him.. he want Kou to enjoy his date instead of worying him too much.
And yeah Kou is too much in love with Kei and he doesnt want Inoo to disappear.. so he cant help but to worry too much over his girlfr.. I mean boyfriend XDDD
No no no its okayyyyyy its not useless. every comments is not useless because it could cheer me up teehee /hug
So much homeworks XDD
Yeah I want to kick inoo, he is a mean boy you know XD
How can he always make me doki doki??
Totally a criminal...
*hugs back
So I conclude the summer class is hard ne :( Ganbatte ne ('_')9
Lol you tend to torture the idol you love ne XDDD I also have a friend like that and everytime she talked about her idol I would laugh so hard because the way she 'torture' her idol is so funny
And yeah Inoo-chan is a criminal. He stole my heart, completely, I had heart no more~
please don't make kei die....
onegai... *bow*
he was suffer so much....:'(
btw, i like this fic....^_^
thank you for sharing<3
But he wont suffer that much because now he already has someone who loves him with his heart.. and he already had a bestfriend that cared so much for him :')
And have you watched a movie named 'my heart'? this fic is based on the movie so... the ending is quite alike with the movie.. but I made so much changes in it :D
Glad that you like it <3
tetep lebih tersentuh baca fanfic ini...
hehehe, maybe coz this fic is inoobu.. *too much biased*...
tapi tetep beda dgn my heart.
tetep lebih tersentuh baca fanfic ini...
hehehe, maybe coz this fic is inoobu.. *too much biased*...
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