( open meme )

Jul 30, 2011 00:45

the ►dating/sexing/married since FOREVER◄ meme
1. Post with your character(s)
2. Comment to other threads after going to random.org and randomising a number between one and five.
3. ???
4. PROFIT!(stolen from velvetroom )

Ugh, that person. You really just want them to go away. Or maybe you'd prefer to kill them and put them out of ( Read more... )


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Comments 1460

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4 skdfjhdfkgjfcd toxic_jezebel July 30 2011, 04:59:17 UTC
[Lucius, there's a lightly dozing, adequately satisfied redhead laying on your arm. Enjoy.]


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toxic_jezebel July 30 2011, 05:25:59 UTC
[Meetings with Lucius Malfoy are, to the the least, rarely dull. He can hold a conversation, keep her interest and he can keep up with her in bed. All in all, a very tolerable man.

Dahlia gives a lazy hum and turns her head to look at him.] Not bad.


Reim Lunettes | Pandora Hearts silverlunettes July 30 2011, 04:48:26 UTC
viciousbinds July 30 2011, 13:26:59 UTC
DD: And Reim wibbles everywhere! silverlunettes July 30 2011, 20:00:59 UTC
[And Reim still is saying no, Vincent. But he's standing pretty close to you and his arms are free, for the first time in a while. No work tonight.] ... what if someone walks in?


viciousbinds July 31 2011, 02:17:54 UTC

Tyki Mikk | D.Gray-man phaseshifts July 30 2011, 04:48:51 UTC
4. uh-huh proxysearch July 30 2011, 05:11:33 UTC
[There's someone waiting for you when you come home tonight, Mr. Mikk. And while she doesn't look like she's been waiting long, she certainly looks a little impatient for something. But hey, at least she has an open bottle of wine with her.]


:3c phaseshifts July 30 2011, 06:48:24 UTC
[Ahh, he's always happy to see Re-l. He's not surprised it's her that's come to his humble abode, but in fact he's always glad to be surprised by her. He locks the apartment door and leaves the key pushed inside the bolt, turning to face her with one of those oh-so-warm smiles.]

Well hello.


proxysearch July 30 2011, 06:59:50 UTC
Hi. Sorry, I hope you don't mind that I let myself in.

[She didn't break anything coming in, after all. It's good to be an officer with lock picking skills. She smiles, though, and sits up. She brushes a piece of her hair over her shoulder.]


England | Axis Powers Hetalia uk_kirkland July 30 2011, 04:48:56 UTC
Five. A-awwww <3 paysdelamour July 30 2011, 05:24:24 UTC
[Being married for fifty years was a feat most couples could never achieve. And it was damn near impossible to still look this good, after fifty years ( ... )


Aww! <3 uk_kirkland July 30 2011, 06:40:37 UTC
[Fifty years. God, that was a long time. It wasn't all bad, mind you, but it had it's terrible moments. But, at the same time, there was those moments that England looked back on and smiled. Quite a collection of moments. And talents. And new experiences, if you know what I mean. And, in these fifty years, England found himself happier.

France was to blame, clearly.

Sitting in his study, England couldn't help but space off, away from his paperwork. He wished France would call already so they could talk about the last several years, as they did every year. Though, he wished to see France. After all, this was the time of year he bought the wine he knew France loved, and he'd rather enjoy it with the blond than by himself.]


paysdelamour July 30 2011, 06:58:03 UTC
[France's feet took him first to the bottom of the stairs, to make sure the door to Arthur's bedroom was not closed; Arthur had a habit of closing the door when he was sleeping, and keeping it wide open when he was wandering around the house. It wasn't open, so, he decided to check the next likely place: the study. As he made his way down the hall and to the far corner of the house, his feet made the familiar creaking sounds on the floor, signaling his presence. Then Francis opened the door, to see his forever-handsome husband sitting in his favorite chair in the study, with a hand close by the phone in case Francis had called. That thought made his smile grow wide.]

Bonjour, mon trésor! [Arthur's look of shock was still so cute that he couldn't help but laugh.] Are you really that surprised to see me?


Sanji | One Piece allbluechef July 30 2011, 04:50:21 UTC
2 /brushes dust off muse. hai there :D strawhat_outlaw July 30 2011, 05:11:30 UTC
SAANJII! [Here's your idiot captain biffie coming up to you with a goose struggling in one hand and a boombox over his shoulder.]


Luffy~! :D /hugs allbluechef July 30 2011, 06:44:43 UTC
[Sanji turns and offers Luffy a smile. No, he's not cooking. This knife in his hand is for other things, what are you talking about? And no, that's not the smell of spices, that's... no, it totally is the spices. But, hey, Sanji's still happy to see you.]

Luffy! [Now, that goose has caught his eye.] What is that?


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