Title: Growing Up Dorian Chapter: 1 Author: nighthawkms (beta'd by mostepotente Genre: Future!Fic, Possibly AU Chapter Rating: PG Warnings: Slash, Obscenities, Angst, Character Death Chapter Pairing:(s) Click to be Spoiled: ( Spoilers! )
very interesting so far, I can't wait to see what happens later on. I loved all the kids voices. It all seems like something children would say, so thumbs up to you!!!
8D Sam is just so damn cute and I want to know what happened with JD so badly.
Re: LOVIN' IToni_butterflyMarch 16 2009, 11:25:03 UTC
Sooo cute! I can't wait to read the next part. I'm usually not that big into Future!Fics but this one is just so amazing. The Scrubs Kids are so cute, and JD is awesome as a dad! Great Job!
omg...how cute!!! only thing I saw was...if Jack's in 2nd grade when Jenny and Sam are in Pre-school shouldn't he be in 3rd when they're in Kindergarten, not 5th?
Jenny and Sam in the first part are entering their first year of preschool. Jack's 5 years older than them, so they have 2 years of preschool, and then kindergarten, 1st and 2nd between them. So it'll be a 2 year jump when they make it to kindergarten.
Oooooh I love it already. And I neeeeeeeed to know about JD liking boys ;) And since you posted this to jd_cox I guess we all know which boy he liked the most ;) As someone already said, you really managed to get the children sound like their age which is quite impressive, I never manage that, they always all sound like they're 3 yo. I also especially liked your JD, he's still jdish, yet he seems to have finally become a bit more responsible because of Sam. I like that he sounds pretty mature, but still acts very emotional. So, you have (!!) to update as soon as possible!
Comments 21
Sam is just so damn cute and I want to know what happened with JD so badly.
please update soon
And I neeeeeeeed to know about JD liking boys ;) And since you posted this to jd_cox I guess we all know which boy he liked the most ;)
As someone already said, you really managed to get the children sound like their age which is quite impressive, I never manage that, they always all sound like they're 3 yo.
I also especially liked your JD, he's still jdish, yet he seems to have finally become a bit more responsible because of Sam. I like that he sounds pretty mature, but still acts very emotional.
So, you have (!!) to update as soon as possible!
Its justb so brilliant - and I can SO imagine Jenny and Jack being like that at those ages!
I LOVE your Sam!
Cannot WAIT for more!!!
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