...and it begins.

Sep 09, 2013 22:01

...actually, things begun when i was offered the job, but whatever ( Read more... )

japan, hitachinaka, apartment, work, moving, ibaraki

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Comments 7

moldypotatochip September 10 2013, 13:04:00 UTC
Nice! My apartment when I was in Asakawa was a 1DK, and in Ogaki it was a 1K... but nnnngh Marcel somehow found a freaking HOUSE to rent for 45000 a month that was a 3DK! And he didn't want to move in there with me because he was unofficially living with me at my 1K! But he was still paying rent on the house and got one of our co-workers to be his roommate there. I was like SERIOUSLY!?!?!? So yeah... ranting aside, having anything other than a 1K or 1DK in Japan is nice.

FYI, the tatami floors are still going to be cold in the winter. But if you have a 2nd room you can set it up with a nice rug and kotatsu. Get yourself a nice bowl of mikan for it lol.


nighstar September 10 2013, 16:33:56 UTC
....two people living in a 1K? i did that when David stayed with me in Japan and that sucksass. but doing that when a 3DK is available...?? man, i wouldn't even have put up with that shiz. ^^;

and wow, a house for 45,000.... i'll be paying 50,000 for my 2DK, which i know is high. i'm hoping the places is furnished well and/or is particularly big/in an awesome location to offset that cost. ^^;

and yeah, i figure the tatami will get cold too (since there is no insulation..!! uugghhh), but maybe it wont radiate the cold as much? :/ i mean, sleeping practically on the floor on a futon when the floor is freezing sucked. ;(


vanityfair00 September 10 2013, 21:41:41 UTC
Congrats! I'm so happy you got the job. I know living at home hasn't been easy (I did it for two years after coming home from Japan!) Do you see yourself in Japan long term? Or will it depend on how this job works out?


nighstar September 11 2013, 06:20:09 UTC
thanks. :) i hope to stay at this job for at least two years, but at this point i just see it as a means to getting elsewhere. i've come to terms with the fact that actually staying long term in Japan is unlikely as i can't stomach eikaiwa or ALT work forever and there's a glass ceiling in the workplace for foreigners.


chochajin September 11 2013, 01:53:00 UTC
Don't worry!
That's actually quite normal - or at least it should be - that you get proper training and that you can observe other teachers' classes before you have to start doing anything yourself.

It was supposed to be like that in my previous school as well, but I was just very unlucky as the teacher I was replacing already left and another one left without giving notice, so they didn't have enough teachers and I was just thrown into the class and had to do and learn everything on my own.

I used to be in charge of new teachers at my old school and trained them. There's really nothing to be afraid of! :)

And the apartment sounds nice!
Mine has 4 rooms (including a huge kitchen) pluse a shower room, bathroom and toilet. At first, it was too big for me, but now I've gotten used to it. There's also a parking lot for my car. Altogether I pay 55.000yen per month! :) Can't complain.


nighstar September 11 2013, 06:23:03 UTC
thanks. :)

and WTF, 4 rooms?! so a 3DK or 3LDK? + parking for 55,000?? omg, wow. now i'm way jealous lol.


chochajin September 11 2013, 13:22:51 UTC
That's the apartment: http://chochajin.livejournal.com/223773.html

I know, it's so different to my first apartment where I lived for 4 years. It was just way too small after such a long time. I fell over all the stuff on the floor several times a day. :(

Not sure about the correct term 3LDK, I guess ^^


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