Rules †
Game Information †
FAQs †
Taken Character List †
Character Application †
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Friends Add/Drop †
Hiatus/Drop †
Suggestions & Complaints †
niflheim_rpg †
niflheim_logs †
niflheim_ooc †
Suggestion & Complaints
If you have any suggestions or complaints about the game, please reply with those issues in this post. We do not appreciate, however, outright flaming and trolling.
If you proceed to bitch about something and give no intelligent reasoning or argument, your comment will be ignored. Should you continue to keep on doing what you are doing, we will soon notify the Livejournal Administrators about possible Harassment.
If you are complaining about this game being similar to something you have already seen, then you are probably correct, however there is a significant spin on this game that differs it from those you think are the originals. Concepts you may think that are exclusive to another game are most likely been made in other mediums of Role-Playing games both on LJ and the internet in general.
Please keep your complaints intelligent.
All comments are screened.
Rules †
Game Information †
FAQs †
Taken Character List †
Character Application †
Reservations †
Friends Add/Drop †
Hiatus/Drop †
Suggestions & Complaints †