Title: Feeling of unknown
Words: ~200
Notes: AU take on end 3x16 "Judgment Day"
Beta: by amazing mam711 of ff.n and all remaining errors are mine.
Fear. It grows slowly.
It’s small at first, a little tense muscle in his neck causing a headache that doesn’t want to go away. Anxiety that keeps him restless, unable to sleep. Lying in the bed, he observes the darkness giving up to the sunrise. He isn’t sure what he wants to do. Fear keeps his body buzzing; his mind is clouded with what-if scenarios. Some are good, some are bad, but he is still afraid.
Afraid of the future.
Then when the days fly by, the anxiety grows, pulling him deeper into the strange world. He feels alien in his own body, the steel trap that seems to be growing tighter and tighter on his chest, squeezing his heart, the strange feeling in the bottom of his stomach.
He knows fear.
He's felt it often enough, during a risky heist or even-riskier case. But this, this shouldn’t cause him to fear. This should make him happy. But still, till the last day of his commutation hearing is gone and he is still there, as well as his friends, he can slowly relax.
He is free. Free of the anklet. Free of fear.
The End