Podfic: If There's Hellfire

Dec 24, 2011 15:25

Podfic: 'if there's hellfire, he's totally down with that' by villiagestories
Fandom: Glee
Story: Blaine/Kurt, PG-13
Podfic: MP3, ~2:45:00
Size: ~ 150 mb

Note: An audio recording of 'if there's hellfire, he's totally down with that', by the incredible villiageidiot. If you aren't familiar with her work, dishonor on your cow. Head on over to her journal, read everything you can, twice, and then heap praise upon her doorstep.

Download Links:

Or as a podbook put together by the lovely cybel

Hopefully my rush editing job didn't miss any mistakes, but as always if you spot a problem in the file, let me know and I'll fix it promptly!

podfic, glee

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