Request Post

Dec 20, 2011 05:05

Class. I'd like to go around an ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me perform at sectionals fics they'd like to hear me turn into podfic.

Because I can only read so much fanfic in the limited time that I have, I often feel like I must be missing some great ones! So if you wrote a fic that you'd love to hear podficced, or you'd like to nominate someone else's work, please do so in the comments.

Some restrictions:
   - Generally my upper limit for a standard podfic (meaning NOT a series) is 20,000 words.
   - No other reader can have claimed the fic first. (No repods.)
   - While R related material is okay, I generally stay away from anything that is straight-up pornography. (Not because I don't enjoy it, but because I feel that it would likely be uncomfortable for everyone involved.)
   - Fic must be completed (No WIPs)

Otherwise, have at it! Your requests and recommendations, give them to me!


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