Dinner Date

Jun 23, 2008 17:53

Bouncing on his toes a bit, Nick resisted the urge to pick up a pace again. He had no idea what had possessed him to ask her, what had possessed him to even think she'd be interested. But here he stood in front of Langer's Delicatessen, waiting for Aryn to show up. He hadn't been this nervous since Theresa. Although she was the last person he ( Read more... )

rp: aryn, verse: los angeles au

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Comments 148

bookish_blonde June 23 2008, 23:20:04 UTC
There wasn't any parking in front of Langer's, so Aryn pulled her Toyota hybrid around to the lot in the back. She found a space and cut the engine, giving herself a last minute check in the rear view mirror. Satisfied, she got out and straightened her white sleeveless top and heathered brown pants.

Shouldering her purse and dropping her keys inside, she made her way through the lot and down the sidewalk to the front of the deli, smiling when she saw him up ahead.

Not wanting to startle, him, she cleared her throat as she approached from behind with a grin. "So, I'm meeting this guy. Detective, good-looking, into X-Men... You wouldn't happen to know where I could find him, would you?"


nickhart June 24 2008, 00:05:53 UTC
Turning his shoulder, he looked down at the blonde beauty and found himself smiling. He tugged on his shirt sleeve a bit, suddenly self-conscience of his choice of striped shirt and jeans ((http://www.vartanhopics.com/pics/cast/mv/aussiemillions/aussiemillions01.jpg)). "Well, ya found two outta three here, not sure 'bout one of 'em though," he remarked with a smile, his southern drawl surprisingly clear as he spoke. "Aryn, I take it?"


bookish_blonde June 24 2008, 00:17:36 UTC
"That's me," she nodded. "I guess that makes you Nick."

She gave him a smile that was all innocence, but her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "Two out of three, huh? What, you're not into X-Men?"


nickhart June 24 2008, 00:28:03 UTC
Nick chuckled softly. "Ya caught me. X-Men is somethin' I ain't int' at all." God, she was even more gorgeous in person. Her pictures didn't do her justice. For a moment, he wasn't sure how to greet her and settled on extending a hand to her. "Nice t' meet ya in person, Aryn. Or should I call ya 'Tink'?" He couldn't help but question, a smile spreading on his lips.


bookish_blonde June 26 2008, 05:28:48 UTC
"Right. Just New York, Boston and LA for me, and I think Boston's what got us off on that tangent to begin with, so..."

She titled her head, eying him curiously. "So, you're a detective. What's that like?"


nickhart June 26 2008, 05:35:58 UTC
Nick shrugged a bit. "Busy. Crazy. Stressful. Just 'bout everythin' ya don't look fer in a job."


bookish_blonde June 26 2008, 05:39:09 UTC
"I'd imagine law enforcement in general would be. And yet you're still doing it. Either you really love it," she smirked, "or you're a glutton for punishment. Think I'll bet on the former."


nickhart June 26 2008, 05:41:42 UTC
"Naw, it's really the latter," he joked back. He paused for a moment, considering his words. "I just... feel like I'm helpin' people. My job isn't pretty, it never is. But sometimes... sometimes I just know it's what I'm supposed t' be doin'."


bookish_blonde June 26 2008, 21:00:17 UTC
"Besides getting to travel the world?" She grinned and shrugged as she took another bite. "There's not much more to it than that, really. I meet interesting people, see interesting places...get paid to do something I love."


nickhart June 26 2008, 23:09:43 UTC
"And yet ya can't help but wonder 'bout groundin' yerself t' settle down?" He questioned innocently before taking another bite.


bookish_blonde June 27 2008, 05:46:50 UTC
She chuckled. "I never said it made sense. I don't know, I guess I just wonder if I'm missing out on something, being away so much."

Aryn shrugged and took another bite. "Only way to know for sure is to stay home for a while."


nickhart June 27 2008, 07:14:23 UTC
"I hear ya. I swore I'd never let myself ride desk duty again, so I make sure t' be careful and *not* injure myself," Nick joked with her. "I think I'd go so insane, I'd actually be caught up on my paperwork!"


bookish_blonde July 3 2008, 03:11:29 UTC
He was even cuter when he was flustered. 'Cute? Seriously? God, Aryn, what are you, sixteen?'

"Me too," she finally answered, smiling back. "I'm glad you asked."

'Wow, could that have been any lamer? Way to go, Wakefield.'


nickhart July 3 2008, 03:15:40 UTC
Nick was about to ask 'really?' when he realized just how incredibly moronic and insecure that would make him sound. Instead, he offered her a mildly sheepish grin and caught her gaze once more. "We should try it again sometime. Maybe a movie or somethin'. Ya know... whenever yer in town."


bookish_blonde July 3 2008, 03:20:02 UTC
"I'd like that. An action flick, or something." She smirked. "Unless, you know, you're secure enough in your manliness to sit through a chick flick."


nickhart July 3 2008, 04:22:03 UTC
"I'll sit through anythin' ya want me t' sit through. Actually, since I chose this place, it's yer turn. Whatever ya wanna do or see, I leave it in yer hands."


bookish_blonde July 6 2008, 03:34:50 UTC
Aryn pulled out her phone and dialed his cell number off the card. She waited until it rang and then disconnected the call. "There," she smiled. "Now you have mine, too. It's off when I'm in the air, of course, but I always check my voicemail as soon as I can."

She stood there for a minute, wondering what she was supposed to do now. Shake hands again? Or...? She fought the urge to chew her lip as she put her phone back in her purse.


nickhart July 6 2008, 03:44:45 UTC
"Aw, so that works for flight attendants, too?" As she looked down to put her phone in her purse, he realized something. God damn, he wanted to kiss her. But it was far too early for that just yet. Reaching down, he took her hand, but rather than shake it, he brought it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles lightly. "It was good havin' lunch with ya, Aryn. It was real good."


bookish_blonde July 6 2008, 04:00:42 UTC
"Yeah it interferes with the - uh - instruments," she replied, faltering a little when he kissed her hand.

Shit, she was not going to blush. She was not. Dammit, yes she was. She only hoped it wasn't radioactive as she smiled softly.

"Yeah, it was." She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "I'm - uh - parked in back, so..."


nickhart July 6 2008, 04:06:03 UTC
"I'll walk ya t' yer car," Nick said. "Please." For a moment, his humor left him, his voice insisting that she let him do this. Then he cleared his throat a bit. "If ya don't mind."


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