7 Deadly Sins for lost_land

Sep 17, 2011 22:42

Will stay public until the challenge is overThis challenge almost killed me. It was so hard to find scenes that work with the seven sins and it was even harder to find 10 different scenes for each of the seven sins. But I somehow did it ( Read more... )

various: public, fandom: lost, community: lost_land, fanart: picspam, fanart: icon

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Comments 17

propernice September 17 2011, 23:11:20 UTC
You did beautifully!


nicis_anatomy September 18 2011, 08:43:31 UTC
Wow, I did??? Thank you very much!!! This challenge was really hard and there were times I was this close to just give up and work with partial points ;)
But I didn't - because that's what I do when it comes to lost_land ;)


lormats September 18 2011, 01:25:55 UTC


nicis_anatomy September 18 2011, 08:44:04 UTC
Thank you, Lau!! I'm glad you like it. And I'm glad I've finished it. How are you doing with the challenge?


lormats September 18 2011, 13:53:51 UTC
♥ errrmmm I'm starting it now, shhhh don't tell anyone


nicis_anatomy September 18 2011, 15:20:37 UTC
Still early enough ;) But don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Good luck!!


pengyn September 18 2011, 10:56:23 UTC
HOW did you get all of this done? You are amazing! You did SUCH a great job, BB. Well done!


nicis_anatomy September 18 2011, 11:46:11 UTC
I think I worked 3 or 4 evenings on this one. It was hard and not always easy to find something for every theme but somehow I got it done. I never felt so relieved like I did with this challenge ;)
But I'm not amazing. I'm just me ;)

Thank you, Meg!! You will get it done, too. I know that. Because you are amazing!!


(The comment has been removed)

nicis_anatomy September 18 2011, 15:21:54 UTC
Thank you ;) As I told pengyn it took me 3 or 4 evenings with 3-4 hours each. It was a lot of work to find the right scenes but once I found them it was easier ;)


pann_cake September 19 2011, 02:01:29 UTC
Wow, these came out so gorgeous!! I love all the caps you chose, and the coloring is just beautiful! I love the contrast between the soft colored ones and the bright ones. The picspams are like a nice walk through all the seasons of the show. :D


nicis_anatomy September 20 2011, 18:43:57 UTC
I'm sorry I missed this comment before. No idea how that happens ...

Anyway, thank you very much!! I'm glad you liked them. I tried to work with as many different episodes/characters/pairings as possible and it was great to go through old screencaps again. Made me realize how much I (still) miss the show ...


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