7 Deadly Sins for lost_land

Sep 17, 2011 22:42

Will stay public until the challenge is over

This challenge almost killed me. It was so hard to find scenes that work with the seven sins and it was even harder to find 10 different scenes for each of the seven sins. But I somehow did it.
I made 43 mini-picspams and 27 icons featuring various seasons and characters/pairings from LOST.
WARNING: Image heavy!!


1. Wrath

2. Greed

3. Gluttony

4. Sloth

5. Pride

6. Lust

7. Envy

[x] Comment & Credit when taking
[x] No Alteration
[x] Don't steal! Don't claim them as your own!
[x] Don't post them someplace else without my permission! I'm serious with this!
[x] Textless icons are not bases
[x] Resources

various: public, fandom: lost, community: lost_land, fanart: picspam, fanart: icon

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