[Oneshot] Something so right

Mar 06, 2010 18:11

TITLE: Something so right
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard/Trent Kort
GENRE: Het, Romance
SUMMARY: Spending a day in bed is something a usual busy director of NCIS can only dream of, but finally having the right man with her, makes this dream come true ... Sequel to "No walk in the park" but can stand alone. ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, community: ncisdaily, community: older_not_dead, ncis: jenny_kort, fanart: fanfiction

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Comments 8

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nicis_anatomy March 6 2010, 21:37:16 UTC
That's a good thing, right? ;)
Thank you for reading!


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nicis_anatomy March 6 2010, 22:48:55 UTC
Nothing wrong with that. Mine, too. But I like to explore other pairings at times ;)


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nicis_anatomy March 6 2010, 21:38:54 UTC
I'm glad you do ;)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and I'm glad the plan worked and we are getting more and more supporters for this pairing.

Really? Wow ... I was having such a hard time with this one and I still don't really like it. But that wouldn't be the first time ...


marciafan March 6 2010, 20:07:58 UTC
Awww, Trenny fluff to make up for my Alice In Wonderland disappointment. I kinda like that exchange ♥
Kort was SO sweet, and they are so cute together ♥♥♥ And LOL the part about the dream and the children in the park made me giggle...reminded me of my own baby dreams XD


nicis_anatomy March 6 2010, 21:40:59 UTC
Thank you! Was the movie that bad? Good thing I never really thought about watching it, then ;)
I'm glad I could help. Kort sweet? A bit too sweet, if you ask me. But my muse (and Jen) liked it, so I kept it. And the dream ... no idea where this one came from, but when it reminds you of your dreams, it may be a connection *g*

Thank you for your review ;)))


nakeisha March 7 2010, 14:28:44 UTC
Very nice and romantic.

I like this 'behind closed doors Kort' and it's really easy to believe that the man we see is not the man he is when he's in love and with someone about whom he cares.

It made me smile - thank you.


nicis_anatomy March 8 2010, 06:05:02 UTC
I think he was a bit too romantic ... but that should be allowed every once in a while ... ;)
But who knows? Maybe he is so different from what we've seen on the show ... no one knows ;)

Thank you! I'm glad it made you smile ;)


nakeisha March 8 2010, 12:38:58 UTC
I don't think he was. And as you say everyone is entitled to be like this from time to time. I found it very fitting.

It did.


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