[Oneshot] Something so right

Mar 06, 2010 18:11

TITLE: Something so right
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard/Trent Kort
GENRE: Het, Romance
SUMMARY: Spending a day in bed is something a usual busy director of NCIS can only dream of, but finally having the right man with her, makes this dream come true ... Sequel to "No walk in the park" but can stand alone. Written for prompt "That was excellent. We should do that once a week." for older_not_dead and for day #06 "sweater" for ncisdaily .
NOTE: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. I'm afraid, this could be a bit too fluffy and ooc, but my muse wanted it that way. Besides, Jenny deserves some 'happy ever after'.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.


Jenny woke up, sneezing, as the sunlight tickled her nose. She moaned quietly and kept her eyes closed, hoping she could find her way back to the dream she’d just been woken up from.
She had dreamed of a picnic in a park; of sunshine, champagne, strawberries, a blue sky, and children’s laughter coming from the playground nearby. A perfect summer afternoon spend in the nature and even the children's laughter wasn't annoying - like loud noises would normally destroy an intimate moment spend alone with the person you love. Instead, hearing the children enjoying their lives, had just been the icing on the cake for her, and as much as it scared Jenny, the thought that one of these children could've been her own, felt so good and so right that she started to question herself, if she was slowly going insane or if this was just her biological clock talking to her. Or maybe the moment of pure joy and happiness they had shared, before she had drifted into sleep had caused these thoughts, and she'd just taken the joy and happiness with her to her dream, while curled up against her lover’s warm body, and back to reality again, when she'd been woken up.

Speaking of her lover …
Sleepy, Jenny turned around, her arm reaching out expecting to touch a warm, muscular body, but instead her fingers only grabbed soft sheets and a lonely pillow that was almost cold; a sign that it had been a while now that she’d been sleeping alone, without knowing it or hearing him leave.
Normally, these things didn't happen to her, and even when she was tired like hell, her sleep was light and the slightest noise woke her up - as a part of her training during her years as an agent. Why she'd overslept his leaving, Jenny couldn't tell, and for a moment she questioned if he had even been here or if everything had just been a dream.

Confused, Jenny slowly opened her right eye, blinking as the brightness of the sun shining through the curtains blinded her, before she opened both eyes, carefully scanning the room.
Her clothes - the sundress she'd bought in Paris, her silky underwear she'd so carefully chosen hours before and even her sneakers - were spread all over the floor, marking a trail that had started somewhere at the door and ended at her bed, where everything was pilled up in a messy huddle - a sign that the part of getting dressed for her date, for his surprise, and what had followed after she'd met him downstairs, hadn’t been a dream at all; but still ... she was alone and she didn't know why and how this had happened.
Jenny sat up to get a better view of the room. The air was still sick of the smell of hot steamy sex and passion, mixed with his aftershave, giving Jenny another proof that not everything had been a dream, and she slightly blushed, when everything that had happened, after they had decided to skip their plans to spend the day outside this house, flashed before her inner eyes.

But why was she alone now? Had Trent left her? Without saying goodbye?
That wasn’t his style and Jenny wondered, what might have happened that he’d left her while she’d been sleeping. Or hasn’t he left at all?
Jenny listened, trying to find a sign that he was still around (maybe the sound of the shower in the bathroom next door), and only seconds later she could hear someone coming upstairs - someone she knew wasn’t Noemi ...
Smiling, Jenny leaned back on her pillow.

“You’re awake,” Trent said, when he entered the room. He was fully dressed again and balancing a tray with plates, a bowl filled with strawberries, glasses and a bottle of champagne, and a single daisy, arranged in one of her mother’s old vases.
Jenny smiled. He could be so romantic, and she still had no idea what she’d done to deserve all this - or him.
“And you’re still here,” she replied, watching him as he carefully placed they tray on the nightstand, before leaning forward to place a soft kiss on her lips.
“Missed me?” he asked gently, looking deep into her eyes, causing Jenny to feel dizzy again - but also happy and glad that her pessimistic thinking had been turned out to be all wrong.
“Hmm … I was afraid you’d left,” she said, reaching out to pull him into bed with her again, but Trent shook his head.
“Why would I want to leave?” he asked, handing her a glass. “All I want is right here in this room. What is there outside these walls that could be more interesting to do on a weekend?" He gave Jenny a questioning look. "Exactly … Nothing. And you know, what? We should do this more often. Maybe once a week? Or every other weekend?”
"Sounds great," Jenny said, feeling that this was the best idea he'd had in a while; besides the idea to spend the day together or the trip to Paris he'd surprised her with last year or when he'd ask her out on their first date, astonishing her not only with the question itself, but also with his idea of 'a perfect first date' (Dinner, a movie and a long walk in the moonlight, doing nothing but talking and enjoying each others company) … Truth was, every idea he had was better than the last one and being with him was the best thing that could have happened to her, after everything she'd gone through these last years.
He made her a different person, without even knowing it. And the best thing was: He showed no sign of not wanting to be a part of her life - or signs that he just wanted to sleep with her or have fun in bed, like so many others had done (or tried) before him.

"Why did you think I had left you, sneaking out like this?" he asked, after he'd watched her thinking and knowing exactly what had been on her mind right now. "You know that I would never do this, do you?"
“I do and … I don’t know … maybe because Noemi had kicked you out? She use to do these things at times. Sometimes, I feel like she’s more of a mother to me than my housekeeper.” Jenny smiled. “She hasn’t tried this, has she?”
“No, she hasn’t,” Trent said, finally slipping back under the sheets again. “Quiet the opposite happened. I was the one sending her home.”
“You did … you send her home? And she actually listened to you?” Jenny asked, snuggling up to him. It felt a bit strange, since she was still naked under the sheets, while he was fully dressed. But since she also knew how fast that could be changed within seconds, Jenny didn’t mind. In fact, she liked how soft the sweater felt on her bare skin in contrast to his strong muscles she could feel through the material and her mind began to wander again to the time when his sweater had joined her dress on the floor, and Jenny needed all her self control to not rip-off his clothes to start round two of their weekend activities.
It wasn't easy, though, but listening to his smooth voice and his sexy accent helped at least a bit to keep her hand off of him.
“I had to promise her that I would keep an eye on you," he explained, an amused undertone in his voice, "To make sure you would eat. Apparently, your reputation precedes you.”
“As I said … like my mother.” Jenny sighed theatrically. “But I’m afraid she is right to be worried. I’m so occupied sometimes that I forget to eat. Especially when I’m in the office.”
“But you’re not in the office now, chéri.” He placed a kiss on her temple and let his hand trail down her arm, leaving a light tingling sensation on the skin, where his fingertips touched her. Jenny took a deep breath - a helpless attempt not to loose her self control.
But this time she lost.
“No, I'm not. But this doesn’t mean, I’m not occupied and busy with other things.” She smiled mischievous, while she let her fingers travel up his chest again, like she’d done it only a few hours ago, starting what had led them to where they were now.
“And what other things would that be?” he asked, his voice hoarsely.
“Well … maybe you should find out,” Jenny whispered. She put her glass on the nightstand and crawled over, until she was on top of him.
She took his glass from him, placing it besides hers on the nightstand and turned her attention back to him, noticing with a satisfied smile that the sheets that were only covering small parts of her body now, had exactly the effort on him she'd intended. He remained still, but his eyes moved up and down her body, imagining what would happen next.
"Like what you see?" she asked, though it was obviously that he did.
"You have to ask?" he replied, using the same words she'd used earlier.
Jenny smiled.
"You know that I'm curious. But it isn't my fault. It's because I'm a woman."
"Oh, you are?" he asked, surprised. "Never noticed that …"
"Bastard," Jenny mumbled, and then grinned, while her hands started concentrating on his clothes again. “You should wear this sweater more often.”
“Really? Why is that?”
“Because it drives me crazy and let me do this.” She lowered her head and gently kissed him on his mouth, before her lips wandered to his neck, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses.
“Maybe I … should … then,” he hardly managed to say and, wrapping his arms around Jenny’s waist, he pulled her down to him to kiss her.
“Oh, yes … you should,” Jenny whispered against his neck, smiling. “But not now.”
“Don’t worry. That wasn’t my intention anyway,” Trent replied and with one quick move, he flipped her over, until he was on top of her. Grinning he ignored her surprised protest and started to push the sheets aside that were getting into his way, while Jenny’s hands vanished underneath his sweater, eager to take it off of him, and it only took a few seconds, before the navy blue sweater rejoined Jenny’s dress on the floor.

- The End -

fandom: ncis, community: ncisdaily, community: older_not_dead, ncis: jenny_kort, fanart: fanfiction

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