[Oneshot] One Night Only

Feb 14, 2010 18:32

TITLE: One Night Only
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard/Trent Kort
GENRE: Het, Romance
SUMMARY: Jenny has to attend the most boring party in her life, but rescue is on its way - unexpected but most welcomed. Written for prompt #05 "Time flies" for 24_times and the February prompt (A-05, B-10, C-04, D-06) at madame_director.
WARNINGS: ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, community: madame_director, community: 24_times, ncis: jenny_kort, fanart: fanfiction

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Comments 7

marciafan February 14 2010, 19:43:35 UTC
LOL Kort isn't the only person on earth who hasn't seen Casablanca, I haven't either XD But I do think I should change that... maybe Jenny will bring over the dvd the next time she comes visit Jethro and me? ;)
Jokes aside, this was sooooo adorable! Kort is like...super romantic! Like I said, I'm so so so happy your muse is back. Hope she will make you write more amazing stories, you need a Valentine's Jibbs fic yet lol!


nicis_anatomy February 14 2010, 20:06:57 UTC
I haven't seen it either. Actually, I'm watching it just now. It is on TV tonight (so much for coincidences ...).
But we can record it for you and Jen can bring the DVD next time she comes visiting you and Jethro. On the other hand ... that movie has written Jibbs all over it. I'm not sure it would be good for the two of them to watch it together ;)

I'm glad you like the story - I don't. Not really :( But I worked on it all day and I couldn't just delete it again ... I have the feeling he is too romantic. I don't know ... but when you like it, I'm happy. But the Jibbs Valentine ... I don't know. Jethro is not the type of man you cares for Valentine's Day ;) I will see what I can to.


marciafan February 14 2010, 20:55:30 UTC
I really do need to watch it then!

Oh, I know that feeling way too well... but usually when you don't like it, it means that the story is damn good. Or so I have been told. One thing that I'm sure of is that this story was indeed damn good! Even with an overly romantic Kort, it was just so sweet ♥
LOL Jethro and Valentine's Day...not likely to go together. But I'm sure you'll find a way to work some Jibbs V-day romance into a fic! *makes the puppy eyes for good measure*


zackery_faelan February 15 2010, 09:35:43 UTC
nicis_anatomy February 15 2010, 12:10:05 UTC
Oh, how can you hate Kort? *g* Okay, I didn't like him much either in the beginning, but when I re-watched the episodes for a third/fourth ... time I changed my mind and now I like him almost as much as I like Jenny or Gibbs *g*
Thank you for reading&enjoying this story - even though you don't really like Kort. That's means a lot to me. *hugs*


nakeisha February 16 2010, 12:38:52 UTC
Trent Kort is a romantic! I like it and believe it.

What a lovely scene and story you weaved here, so clear to see and hear.

They really are good together and you write them so very well.


nicis_anatomy February 16 2010, 14:23:18 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad you think it's believable (I feel he's too soft, but since it was Valentine's Day ... *g*).Thank you! I hope I can write more soon. Somehow, I can't get enough of them ;)


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