[Oneshot] One Night Only

Feb 14, 2010 18:32

TITLE: One Night Only
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard/Trent Kort
GENRE: Het, Romance
SUMMARY: Jenny has to attend the most boring party in her life, but rescue is on its way - unexpected but most welcomed. Written for prompt #05 "Time flies" for 24_times and the February prompt (A-05, B-10, C-04, D-06) at madame_director.
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. And it may be a bit ooc and/or fluffy. But it's Valentine's Day. It should be allowed ;)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.
NOTE: Written for all Trenny-shipper/lover out there - and for everyone else. I hope you had/have a great Valentine's Day! (I spend it being thankful for my muse that came to me just when I started to lose hope)


For the tenth time in what felt like an eternity, Jenny asked herself what she'd done to deserve all this, and every time the evil voice in her head (that sounded a lot like Jethro - what made the whole thing even worse) told her that it was all her fault and that it came with the job. As director she had to attend what she was invited to; especially, when it was the birthday party of a fellow director. In this case, the director of the CIA who had turned 65 last week. Obviously, he saw that as a reason to celebrate, instead of getting in hiding until the depression caused by this high age (men were usually all the same, when it came to their ages, as Jenny had experiences multiple times in her live) was over. Director Manning, however, seemed to like his age and he wanted to celebrate, and everyone had to join him.
"Or maybe he is indeed depressed and this whole party is just an opportunity for him to drag everyone down with him," Jenny mumbled, taking another sip from her champagne.
It was still the first glass she was holding on to ever since the party had started, two hours ago. These two hours had felt like the longest two hours in her life and it seemed she would be stuck here for another eternity.
This whole event wasn't just a reception or a brunch, not even a normal dinner, you could excuse yourself from as soon as everyone had finished eating. No, Manning was someone who had to have it all. A ball at the Hilton, caviar, live music, black tie, invitations only, waiters, a full program with speeches and entertainment … just everything. Everyone had brought their spouses, Jenny had brought her security detail. Hector, who was standing in a corner, looked as bored as she felt, but at least he was alone or didn't need to deal with new shoes that were killing him and a long, black dress that had looked good in the boutique but felt way too sexy and saucy ones it was worn in a room full of men. This dress was like a magnet for old, single men (or those who suddenly forgot about their wives) and there hadn't been a minute tonight Jenny could have spend alone, without a man at her side.

"What did you say?" the deputy director of the NSA, James Hauser, asked her. For a moment, Jenny had totally forgotten about the man that was sweating like a pig - and even looked and smelled like one - and she had long stopped listening to whatever he was telling her. She was busy trying to stay awake and not getting too depressed herself - or dying of boredom. Despite of what she always said, she hated these events; especially, when everyone was having fun - or had someone to have fun with - and she only ended up with the most boring and annoying men everyone else was trying to avoid.
'What on earth have I done to deserve this?', she thought. 'Oh, shout up, Jethro!' she growled quietly, when the annoying voice in her head started to lecture her again that it was all her own fault, because she wanted to play director instead of staying an agent with evenings and weekends off.
"I'm sorry," she said, trying to give her company the sweetest fake smile possible. "I was just …" Noticing the man's eyes wander to a spot behind her, Jenny stopped, frowning. She didn't really care if she had just successfully done everything to drive this annoying, sweating man back and whatever he was looking at was his reason to excuse himself, but she was curious what had caught his attraction, so she turned around, only to end up staring at a white lily right in front of her eyes.
"Director Shepard … what a surprise to see you here," a warm voice with a British accent, Jenny recognized all so well, said behind the flower.
Trent Kort.
"Mr. Kort," Jenny replied, thinking that when there was someone having the right to be surprised, it was her. She was invited - by default - but a normal CIA Agent, working undercover most of the time, wasn't someone she wouldn't expect to see at an event like this.
"I … What a pleasure," she continued, smiling, when she realized that his sudden appearance was actually her way out of this conversation with Hauser. And in this way, it wasn't even a lie. Never before in her life, had Jenny been so glad seeing him. She needed someone to rescue her from Hauser, from herself, and from everything else that was, so successfully, trying to kill her tonight. And when it was Kort who was destined to play her lifesaver she would even take him.
"Excuse us for a second." Kort gave Hauser a look that made clear that his presence was no longer accepted, and Hauser turned around immediately, mumbling some excuses no one was really interested in or listening to.

"So, what are you doing her?" Jenny asked, when they were finally alone.
"I wanted to give you this," Kort answered, holding up the lily. "I picked it myself."
"From which table?" Jenny asked, smirking. She looked around, trying to find a table, whose centerpiece was missing a white lily.
"Does it matter, chéri?" Kort asked, grinning back at her. "I brought you a flower. A normal girl would be delighted."
"I'm not a normal girl," Jenny replied. "You should know that by now." Smiling and suddenly feeling so much better than only seconds before, she took the lily from him, giving him a thankful smile that should hide how nervous and surprised she actually was by his sudden appearance and by this sweet gesture. It had been a while that someone had brought her flowers, and although it was obvious that Kort had stolen that one from one of the tables, it meant more to her than she would ever admit. "Thank you. That's … very sweet of you."
"Sweet?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "No one calls me sweet. You definitely aren't a normal girl at all." He grinned, offering Jenny his arm. "I thought maybe … you'd like to dance. If your professional obligations will allow it, of course. I have the feeling Mr. Sweaty wasn't that happy to have to leave you alone. Shall I call him back?"
"Only if you'd like me to kill you later for doing it." Jenny smirked. Without thinking twice, she put the lily in the buttonhole of his tux, surprised by the familiarity she was treating Kort with. It was true, that she was glad to see him, and he was indeed her lifesaver tonight, but he was also someone she normally disliked even more than men like Hauser. But being led by him to the dance floor, inhaling his aftershave that had made her feel dizzy even the first time they'd met in that limousine last year, and then feeling his strong arm around her waist, was so familiar and new at the same time that, for a moment, Jenny stopped thinking. She ignored the new voice in her head, that tried to tell her that this was wrong in so many ways (and that voice sounded again like Jethro), she ignored that she was here on official business and that she shouldn't dance at all; at least not as close as she was doing it right now - let alone when the song the band played was a jive and not a slow dance at all.
But Jenny didn't care. She was still surprised by Kort's presence, by his kindness, by his appearance and the way he was holding her, and the way he was looking at her like she was some kind of miracle. It made her feel very special, and suddenly she was glad that he was holding her so close. She knew her knees were less trustworthy than the FBI and the CIA together.
"Are you all right, chéri?" Kort asked, watching her carefully. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"Maybe I have," she answered, smiling. "I really didn't expect to see you here. I didn't know you were invited."
"Manning is my boss. This is his party. Why shouldn't I be here?"
"Maybe … because I don't see any other CIA agents?" Jenny suggested. "From what I know, this ball is by invitation only."
"It is."
"And yet you are her," she stated, looking up at him through her eyelashes.
"I didn't want to miss it," Kort replied, smiling innocently, and Jenny had the feeling that he really wasn't invited. She wondered how he managed to get in.
"You didn't want to miss a boring party? I can't believe you don't have anything interesting to do on a Saturday night. These events are usually boring, but this one is the worst party ever ..."
"Manning knows how to party." Kort grinned, spinning Jenny around so that she almost tripped over her own feed. "I thought it was time to spice up this tea dance a bit. Do you want to help me?"
"Do I have a choice?" Jenny asked, laughing.
"You always have a choice, Jenny. That's the good thing about life. You can always decide what you want to do with your time."
Jenny nodded. That was true. She had always done what she thought was best for her and when it turned out that she'd made the wrong decision she could only blame herself for it. Having a free will was good and when something went wrong, she alone was the only one responsible for it. She'd always tried to live that way and she liked that Kort seemed to think in a similar way.
"So, you are here because you wanted to be here?" she asked, after they had spend a moment in silence, moving slowly to the music. "Because spending the night at your director's party is more fun than spending it with your friends. Or with your girlfriend?"
"I don't have a girlfriend," Kort answered, "and my job doesn't give me much opportunity to stay in touch with friends. I like to be here … with you." His smile vanished and was replaced by a serious look in his eyes. "Did someone tell you that you look gorgeous tonight?" he asked. "That dress is … do you need an extra license to wear it?"
"No." Jenny shook her head, blushing. For some strange and disturbing reasons she had been relieved to learn that there was no girlfriend waiting for Kort, but she managed not to show it and was glad for the change of subject. "I mean … yes, about a dozen men have told me this tonight. But you are the first one I believe to really mean it. Thank you."
"Oh, I'm sure the others meant it, too. But maybe … they had other things in mind when they told you."
"I'm sure they had." Jenny laughed and for the first time tonight she found herself enjoying this party. She was dancing with a man she'd never thought of as a dancer; a man that was funny, kind, not so bad looking either and whose dark eyes were watching her with such intense that Jenny start to felt dizzy again.
"I didn't know you were such a great dancer, Mr. Kort," she said after a while. "And that tux suits you well."
"Please … it's Trent," he replied. "Mr. Kort feels so …"
"Yes. I'm here for pleasure. And so are you. Or do you want me to call you director? Or ma'am?"
"Oh, please don't. Jenny is fine, … Trent."
"Good." Kort smiled and pulled Jenny closer to him, when the music changed again to a slow waltz. "My mother was a professional dancer," he explained. "Ballroom … not what you think. She had her own dance school, and when I was a child I spend most of my time there. She always wanted me to become a professional dancer, too, but that wasn't my thing. I liked to dance and I still do. But the rest, the contests, the dresses, the make-up …" He shrugged. "I don't know … when I was older I wanted to do something else. Something more manly, you know."
"And so you decided to become an agent?" Jenny asked. "That's a change."
"My mother could never understand why I chose this career instead of doing what she thought was best for me. I guess I gave her a hard time, but in the end … I think she understood. Although I know that the disappointment never vanished. She tried to hide it, but it was always there; in her looks, in what she said ..."
"I know this feeling," Jenny said, quietly, surprised how much in common they both had. Her mother had never accepted her career choices and she was still mad at her for what she'd done with her life. At first, Jenny had been disappointed by her mother's way of thinking, but she'd had her father who had always believed in her. That had helped - as long as he'd been around …
"And what about your father? Was he on your side?"
"My father? I don't think I have one. It was only my mom and me and some 'uncles' she brought home from time to time. I never learned who my father was, and up until now my mother refuses to tell me his name."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Jenny said. The way their conversation had gone, made her feel uncomfortable, and she wished she hadn't asked these questions at all - or at least she wished to find something else to talk about; something less personal or more funny. But she couldn't think of anything.

"You don't need to be sorry, Jenny," he assured her, before she could change the subject. "I'm fine. You know … the things you never had, are often the ones you don't miss at all. I never had a father and I don't know how it is to have one. I'm curious and sometimes I wished I had someone like a father, who would've been proud of me and of what I did. But most of the time, it is fine the way it is. You don't need to be sorry. It isn't your fault, is it?" When Jenny smiled, he smiled back and lifted his hand to brush a strand of hair out of her face. Jenny breathed in deeply and closed her eyes for a second. His touch was warm and gentle, and when she opened her eyes again, he was still looking at her with such intense that Jenny forgot to breathe at all.
"You asked me, why I was here," he said, quietly. "The answer is easy … because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to see this … you. In that dress."
Jenny felt warm and cold at the same time and she just couldn't stop looking at him, keep getting lost in his dark eyes. She forgot where she was, why she was here, who else was here, who could see her, who might talk about her and what she was doing ... For a long moment, her world for reduced to Kort, his eyes, his touch, his warm body pressed against hers and the warm feeling rising inside her.
She had no idea what this all meant or where it would lead her - them, eventually. She'd never spend a second thought on Kort, other than cursing him for doing his job and interfering with her own work. She'd never met him 'off the job' and she'd never intended to. Until a few minutes ago when he and the lily had saved her from dying of boredom, when she'd started to see him as someone else, when she'd started to learn that he was so much more than the unpleasant CIA agent she'd dealt with before. Of course, he still was the unpleasant CIA agent and he would always be the one who'd tried to kill Tony, who'd messed with her and her sanity, who'd send her to Moscow to listen to lies that only rose new hope she shouldn't have. But Kort was so much more than that, and Jenny started to picture him as someone she could actually see spending time with - outside the office and in private.
Maybe she was too drunk to act sanely, maybe someone had put something in her drink to make her will-less, or maybe she was just so desperate that she took every opportunity she got to spend time with a man that wasn't just trying to get her into bed, that she forgot everything else.
Or maybe it was something else. She didn't know, and she didn't care. For once, she just enjoyed what was right in front of her, without thinking of tomorrow or about what others might think. It was a feeling that was as new to her as it was exciting, and Jenny felt like a naughty teenager who had done something forbidden behind her parents' back.
It felt good. Exciting.

"And was it worth it?" she asked, smirking. "Sneaking in and risking to get caught?"
"Absolutely. And just for the record … I didn't sneak in. I wasn't invited, that's true. But … well, I told security I was your plus one and only running late."
"You … did not."
"Yes, I did. Are you disappointed?"
Jenny shook her head. "No, I'm not. Just surprised that you knew I would be here and that I was coming alone. And … that you are here at all. Because of me."
"Well," Kort said. "I have my sources. I knew you would be here and I knew you would be alone. And the rest … would you walk away when I told you that I was waiting for the chance to see you alone ever since we first met?" he asked tentative, almost afraid.
"No, I wouldn't," Jenny replied, suprised by this confession. She'd never thought that he would be interested in her other than trying to keep her away from La Grenouille, and she wondered what had changed his mind - if he was honest with her here at all. "I would just be … surprised and ask, why you would want to see me again. Unless … This isn't just another game you're playing, is it?" She didn't really believe that it was one of his games, but she knew how good he was in playing her and she just had to ask. Just to be sure and before her heart was in danger to get broken.
"It isn't a game, Jenny. I'm me. Just me. A desperate man trying to spend some time with a beautiful woman, he really likes. No more games, no tricks, no lies ... I promise."
Jenny watched him carefully for a long moment, trying to figure out if what he'd said was the truth or another lie, but she couldn't find anything proving he was playing her. Either he was really that good or he was indeed telling the truth, and to be honest, Jenny wasn't sure how to feel about both alternatives at all.
On one hand, she knew she wouldn't be able to handle another game someone tried to play with her, but on the other hand … how could she believe him? Why would he first made her life miserable, only to change his mind wanting to spend time with her?
"You don't believe me, do you?" he asked, when Jenny didn't answer. "That's okay. I think, if I were you, I wouldn't believe me either, Jenny. I just … if you could give me a chance ... that's all I'm asking. Only one chance to proof you I'm on your side. This one evening here, at the party. In public, with good old Hector watching over you, keeping you safe. Could you do this?"
"I … I don't know," Jenny hesitated, although deep inside she'd already made her decision to give him a chance. What was there to loose? She would be stuck at this party anyway for some time, and when she had to choose between spending time with men leering at her with their wives standing next to them, and spending the evening with someone she felt comfortable with (and who was a great dancer and good-looking) she would always chose the latter - in this case, Trent Kort.
"I think I could enjoy dancing with you for a bit longer," she finally said, smiled and this time it was her who moved closer to him, until her body was almost pressed against his. Her hand moved from his shoulder up to his neck and when he started smiling again, relieved that she hadn't left, she relaxed, too, and a comfortable silence fell over them as they continued to move slowly with the music.

For a long while, nobody talked. They just enjoyed each others company. Jenny forbid herself to question him or his intentions, and Kort tried to take as much as possible out of this moment, still afraid this would be the only night he might ever get to spend with her.
Surprisingly, Jenny was enjoying herself more with every second that went by and her shoes that had been trying to kill her before, felt comfortable like she wasn't wearing shoes at all, and her dress gave her the sexy feeling back, she'd first felt when she'd tried it on in the boutique. She had the feeling that Kort was responsible for this, and her decision to stay instead of walking away, when she'd had the chance, felt better with every song the band played.

It wasn't until much later, that Jenny realized how fast the evening had gone by, and it was long after midnight when she woke up from her daydream she'd lived in ever since Kort had asked her to dance with him.
Most of the guests, had already left and the ones that were still here had gathered at the bar, caught in conversation. The only one watching them dance, was Hector (Jenny had almost forgotten about her security detail), while he was talking to a young blond waitress, obviously enjoying himself.
Jenny smiled, carefully changing their direction, until they were close enough to Hector that she could release him for the night. It was not necessary to have him on duty all night. She had her company and she was sure that Kort would drive her home even without asking. Hector looked as surprised as Kort when he heard Jenny's offer and after some assuring words that she would be fine without him, Hector agreed and left the room, accompanied by the blond waitress.

"Does this mean you would share a cab with me?" Kort asked, leading her back to the dance floor.
"You sound like you are surprised," Jenny said, smirking. "I thought that's part of the package. You know … keeping a girl company, making compliments, buying her drinks, taking her home afterwards …"
"I haven't bought you a drink, yet."
"That's because you don't have to pay for the drinks here."
"I brought you a flower. Does that count?"
Jenny laughed. "I will never forget that gift. That was really … sweet."
"And you still sounding surprised."
"I still am. A little … You know, I think I was wrong about you."
"And that's a good thing?"
"Absolutely." Jenny smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "And just for the record … I like surprises likes this," she whispered, her lips brushing his ear and she could feel him shiver.
"Then I guess we make a good team, chéri. Because I like to surprise." He pulled her closer and Jenny leaned her head against his shoulder. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the last minutes they could spend at this party (and maybe in each others company). The band had stopped playing a while ago, and their music was replaced by pre-recorded songs that were almost as good as the live music before.
"Play it again, Sam," Kort mumbled, when the next song started and Jenny looked up, confused.
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing. It's just … that song. It's from 'Casablanca'."
"I know," Jenny said. "But the quote isn't. I don't know why people keep saying this. Ilsa asked Sam to play this song 'for old times' sake'. She never asked him to 'play it again'. But that's … that not important."
"Oh, yes, it is." Kort grinned. "Because it shows that I should never try to argue with you about movies. You seem to be an expert."
"I'm not. I hardly ever watch TV. I don't have the time. But I like old, classic movies, especially the ones with Humphrey Bogart. What about you? Do you like movies?"
"Sometimes. When I have time or the right company to watch them with. But I have to admit that I've never seen 'Casablanca'. I know, I may be the only one on this planet who hasn't seen it, but ..."
"Maybe we can change this?" Jenny offered. "What are you doing tomorrow? Or better … later."
"I have nothing special planned that I couldn't change," he replied, shrugging, although Jenny could hear that he wasn't as disinterested as he wanted to appear.
"How does dinner and a movie sound?" she asked, before she even knew what she was doing
"Sounds like a great plan. But … isn't that also part of the package? That the guy invites the girl?"
"Sure. You bring dinner, I own the movie." Jenny grinned. "But only because I'm a lousy cook and I don't want to poison you on our first date."
"So it is a date then."
"If you want it to be a date, Trent." Jenny smiled, recalling what he'd told her earlier. "That's the good thing about life ... You can always decide what you want to do ..."
"That's good to know. It's a date then." They fell silent again, until the song was over, each of them caught up in thoughts about what tomorrow may or may not bring and while Jenny was trying to remember where she'd last seen the DVD, Kort was already one step ahead of her, trying to plan the time until it was time for dinner.
When they song had ended, he'd made his plan - and had found the courage to ask the question he had wanted to ask all evening.
"Do you … want to go to somewhere more private? I mean … now?"
"I thought you'd never asked," Jenny replied and they both grinned, while they tried to leave the party without attracting any more attention, now both feeling like naughty teenager who were about to do something their parents should never know about.

- The End -

fandom: ncis, community: madame_director, community: 24_times, ncis: jenny_kort, fanart: fanfiction

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