[Drabble] The things we do for love

Feb 09, 2010 17:07

TITLE: The things we do for love
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jethro Gibbs, Ducky Mallard (& the whole team)
GENRE: Gen, Humor, Friendship
SUMMARY: Bad news travel fast and the worst problems are the ones caused by yourself. These are the times Jethro is glad to have friends like Ducky ... Written for challenge #174 "Love" for ncisdrabble100. Part 3 of the "Fish-series" but can stand alone. (Link to Part 1 and Part 2)
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd and maybe it bit crazy/ooc ;)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.
NOTE: Written for nakeisha because she liked the idea, helped to find a title and because ... well, this one has some Ducky and Gibbs 'interaction' ;)


Jethro had just returned from an early coffee run, when his phone rang; too early in the morning and before he’d even had his third coffee.
Cursing, because he’d almost dropped his cup, Jethro picked up the phone.
“Jethro, Jimmy’s dead,” Ducky said, ignoring Jethro’s grumpy voice.
“What do you mean, Palmer’s dead?” Jethro asked confused. ”What happened?”
“Not Mr. Palmer, Jethro. Jimmy, the director’s fish,” Ducky explained. “Abby just called, after Cynthia told her and … weren’t you the one Jennifer asked to look after Jimmy while she’s in Boston?”
“Hm …” Jethro replied vaguely, shocked by the news, afraid of potential consequences, and angry that he’d forgotten to feed that damn fish. But what really bothered him was that everyone seemed to know that Jenny had trusted him and that he’d let her down.
“I …didn’t forget to feed him, Duck,” he tried to talk his way out of his own misery. “It’s just … that I didn’t remember it.”
“Well, my dear Jethro,” Ducky said, slightly amused. “That sounds like the same thing to me. And the result stays the same.”
“I know.” Jethro sighed. “What am I going to do now, Ducky? She loved that fish and she’ll kill me when she founds out.”
Ducky chuckled. “I’m sure she will. Actually, that reminds me of that one time in France, when you ...”
“Ducky! The fish.”
“Another time then … Well, I think it would be better to tell her the truth.”
“I can’t do that. Remember … the part where she kills me.”
“Right … Then it would be best, if she never finds out.”
“But she will. As soon as she sees the empty fishbowl she’ll know what happened.”
“And when the fishbowl isn’t empty?”
“You mean … I should buy a new fish?”
“Exactly, Jethro.”
“That could actually work. I mean, it’s not that goldfish get attached to their owner or something.
“When you find a fish that looks exactly like that dead one …”
“Ducky, you’re a genius!”
“I’m glad you finally noticed.”
“Oh, I knew it all the time, Duck. I just …”
“I know, Jethro. You have your own way of showing it. Good luck with the fish. I will take care of ... the body.”
“Thanks, Duck!” Jethro said, relieved and glad to have friends like Ducky. Now he just needed to buy a new fish and pray that Jenny wouldn’t notice that Jimmy was no longer Jimmy. Knowing her and her agent skills he somehow doubted he could fool her, but at least he had to try.
“McGee, go check on Abby,” he said, grabbing his keys. ”I have a feeling she could use some company.”
“On it, boss.”
“He Boss,” Tony barged in. “Maybe you should buy two fish. You know … Valentine’s Day is coming. A celebration of love, romance… and… ouch! What was that for?”
“For thinking that I would give a damn about Valentine’s Day,” Jethro replied, but secretly he’d already agreed with the idea. Two fish were indeed better than one - if only for distraction …

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: ducky mallard, ncis: team, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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