[Drabble] Cynthia’s last stand

Feb 08, 2010 06:28

TITLE: Cynthia’s last stand
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Cynthia Sumner, Leon Vance
GENRE: Gen, General, episode tag for 5.19 "Judgment Day"
SUMMARY: No one likes the new director, but only a few people are brave enough to express their real feelings ... Written for challenge #173 "Leon Vance" for ncisdrabble100.
WARNINGS: Spoiler for 5.19 "Judgment Day"! English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.


"Cynthia?" The deep voice over the intercom startled Cynthia to death.
Still feeling numb and desperate after the funeral, she'd spend the last minutes trying to figure out why Gibbs and his team had looked even more miserable when they'd left a few minutes ago, than they'd looked all day. Too caught up in her thoughts she hadn't recognized Vance had called her. The sound of his voice was so different from Director Shepard’s warm voice, and Cynthia wasn't even sure, if she would ever get used to the new situation.
She'd always liked Jenny Shepard; she'd loved to work with her, but Vance ... Not in a million years would she ever felt the same for him. Even Gibbs as acting director had been more pleasant to work with. Maybe it was time for her to ask for a transfer; and even if that meant she'd be demoted, she could live with that; eventually.

"Your services are no longer required, Cynthia," Vance informed her, when she entered the office. "My assistant, Marjory, will fly in from San Diego tomorrow. HR will find something else for you." Losing a job wasn’t something you should be happy about, but as odd as it was ... Cynthia felt relieved that Vance had made it so easy for her. Now, she wouldn't even need to quit. She could just go.
"Yes, sir," she said and even smiled slightly. "Thank you, Mr. Vance."

"It is Director Vance," he replied, almost offended.
Cynthia didn't care. She was just glad that she never had to come back to this office that no longer felt like the director’s office she’d loved working for. She'd always been loyal to her boss and that wouldn't chance, just because she was gone now, replaced by a nasty toothpick.
"I know ... Mr. Vance."

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: leon vance, ncis: cynthia sumner, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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