[Fic] Only You, PG, Chap 5

Nov 16, 2007 18:47

Title : Only You
Fandom : NEWS
Pairing : RyoTego, RyoShige, TegoPi
Rating : PG
Genre : AU Romance
A/N : my first time posting in LJ community and it’s also my first long BL fanfic, so excuse me if it sucks, and please excuse my limited English too T_T and oh, it's inspired from Ai Nante <33

once again <33 to snowy_yuki for beta reading <33

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"Ryo-chan, this is my childhood friend Yamashita Tomohisa and my best friend at school Tegoshi Yuya." Shige continued the introduction. He didn’t notice the sudden change in both Tegoshi and Ryo’s faces.

“Oh hi, I’m Nishikido Ryo.” surprisingly Ryo managed to calm himself down. It never crossed in his mind he would meet Tegoshi that day. And to add more horror,  the new buddy that Shige always told him by nickname “Yucchan” was actually his ex-lover.

“What a scary small world indeed.” sighed Ryo in his mind.

“Call me Yamapi.” replied Yamapi casually. Tegoshi was obviously too shock to slip any words from his mouth.

Ryo nodded to Yamapi whom he often heard about from Shige. He always wondered about him since Shige seemed to respect him a lot. He knew they shared some kind of bond as they knew each other since childhood days. So Ryo never felt jealous toward Yamapi. But this time he could feel pain in his heart when he accidentally saw Yamapi kissing Tegoshi.

“Damn, why I’m jealous? We are absolutely over!” Ryo denied his feeling inside and sat beside Shige. They continued the karaoke session as if nothing happened. Tegoshi was somehow disappointed. Ryo seemed to ignore him as if they were totally strangers.

“Ryotan, am I nothing for you? Why you are so cold to me?”

“Tegoshi, are you okay?” asked Shige in concern tone.

“Ah, I’m fine! I was just thinking what song I should sing next. Shige, can you please keying Over by K?” replied Tegoshi nervously. He made up his mind. He wanted to show Ryo that he was totally over Ryo. He didn’t want to hurt Shige either. There was no need to tell Shige about their past relationship. Beside, he already agreed to go out with Yamapi. There was no turning back. He must have moved on!

He sang the song perfectly and received applauses from others.

“Your voice is still amazing, Tegonyan.”

Two hours passed without they realized it. Yamapi paid the bill as he promised it before. Once he settled the bill, he walked to the others who waited outside and put his arm around Tegoshi’s waist.

“So what we are going to eat? I’m so hungry! I lost a lot of energy after karaoke.” Yamapi started to whine.

“Huh? You only sang twice! You obviously busy molesting Tegoshi instead.” protested Shige.

“Urusai!” snapped Yamapi with red face. Shige stuck out his tongue to Yamapi. Tegoshi just smiled seeing Yamapi vs Shige usual battle. These two always had interesting useless arguments.

“Uhm, what about sushi?” started Yamapi again.

“DAME!” blurted out Tegoshi all the sudden. He just remembered Ryo hated sushi. In matter of fact, Ryo couldn’t eat fish at all, not like he was allergic or anything, he just disliked eating it, especially raw ones like sushi. Everyone looked at him for his instant objection.

“Eh nande? I thought only Ryo-chan who would object.” confused Shige.

“I-I like sushi. B-but I already had it for lunch before.” Tegoshi finally found an excuse. He exhaled. He almost exposed that he and Ryo weren’t totally strangers after all.

“Tsk Shige, you can’t read the atmosphere. We have to follow the birthday boy’s wishes. Tegoshi, what do you want for dinner?” asked Yamapi to his new lover.

“Yakiniku?” replied Tegoshi uncertainly.

“Yosh, yakiniku then! Let’s go!”

They went to the nearest yakiniku mise. It was supposed to be Shige’s treat but at the end it was Ryo who paid it. He didn’t want to lose from Yamapi, obviously. They had a wonderful dinner and chatted about almost everything. Mainly it was Shige and Yamapi who dominated the conversations. Ryo and Tegoshi just nodded or replied short answers as both of them were busy with their own thoughts.

“Tegonyan, you still remember I hate sushi, arigatou.”

“Ryotan, why are you staring at me like that?”

“Argh, I can’t stop looking at him, why you are so fucking hot, Tegonyan?”

“Stop staring please! But I can’t keep my eyes off him either, I miss you, Ryotan!”

If either Shige or Yamapi could read minds like the character in Heroes, the famous American TV series, Ryo and Tegoshi would be in big trouble.


After the dinner before the couples parted, Tegoshi stole another glance to Ryo. Tegoshi wished he didn’t know Shige. How he wished Shige wasn’t his best friend so he wouldn’t feel much guilty if … if he selfishly wanted Ryo back to his side. All along he still loved Ryo the most.

“NOOO! Why I have such evil wishes? I don’t want to hurt Shige, I don’t want to hurt Yamashita-kun! Why I’m still so selfish after everything?” He shook his head.

“Yucchan, I’ll see you at school tomorrow ok? Bye bye!” Tegoshi heard Shige saying goodbye to him. He lifted his head up and saw Shige and Ryo walked away hand in hand. He couldn’t deny a simple gesture like that already made his heart broken once again. It hurt. It hurt that he could not breath.

“Why it’s still hurt? Why I can’t forget Ryo? Why I have to see him again today? Why?”

“Yosh! I have made up my mind!” beamed Yamapi making Tegoshi returned to reality. They were in Yamapi’s car after Tegoshi agreed that Yamapi drove him  home. Tegoshi turned his head to the right side.


“I have found a new nickname for you!”


“Tegochin! Dou? Dou? Do you like it?”

Tegoshi blinked.

“Oh … uhm … that’s cute, Yamashita-kun.”

“No no no! Don’t call me in such formal way anymore. Call me Yamapi or darling, anything you like!”

“Ah, Yamapi then.”

“But you will call me darling soon, right?”

Tegoshi chuckled. Sometimes Yamapi was a bit too demanding but in a cute way.

“I will try.”


“I promise.”



“Arigatou! I’m so happy today!”

Tegoshi stunned, he wished he could feel the same way. He wanted to be happy too, especially on his hatachi birthday.

“I’m happy too.”

Lie. He hated to lie. But he had no choice. He didn’t want to hurt anyone.

“Ne Tegochin, the night is still young. Don’t you want to go drink somewhere?”

“Uhm, thank you for the offer but I have morning classes tomorrow.”

“Souka? So where I should go now?”

“Just take a left turn, my house is around the corner.”


Tegoshi could feel a sense of disappointment in Yamapi’s voice.

“I’m sorry Yamashita-kun! Just give me more time.”

The car stopped in front of Tegoshi’s apartment. He hurriedly released his seat belt and opened the door. But he was stopped by strong arm just before he manage to slip his body out of the car. Yamapi gave him a question look.

“Ah yes, I forget, I just agreed to go out with him. We are couple now, but I’m running away from him.”

“Thanks for driving me home.” said Tegoshi while trying to release the older one's grip. But Yamapi didn’t let him go easily. He wrapped his arm around Tegoshi’s neck and started kissing him passionately. Tegoshi was running out of breath when Yamapi finally released the kiss.

“You forget our goodbye kiss.” reminded Yamapi with a smile.

“Sorry.” regretted Tegoshi. His face turned red.

“You don’t have to be shy for everything, Tegochin! If I’m too fast or anything, just tell me ok?”

Tegoshi nodded sheepishly.

“I really love you and I want this relationship to work out. Well, maybe I don’t have many experiences on it, but I’m really serious with you.”

Tegoshi wanted to cry. He never expected Yamapi to love him that much. Yamapi, the most famous playboy in school, actually stopped fooling around and decided to love one person only. And that person was Tegoshi. How much flattering that is.

“Arigatou. Please take care of me from now onward.” Tegoshi finally made up his mind. He hoped Yamapi could make him forget a certain person in his heart.

“Ureshii!” Yamapi gave him one big hug before he finally let Tegoshi went out the car.


“Oyasumi.” Yamapi only started his engine again after he made sure Tegoshi already entered the main entrance of the apartement. He watched the small figure of his new lover walking inside with smile all over his face.

Tegoshi let out his key and opened the door of his room with a long sigh. What a long hard day for him. Getting confessed from Yamapi then meeting Ryo again. He had mixed feeling. It was going to be a birthday that he wouldn’t forget for the rest of his life.

He opened his jacket and threw it carelessly. He crawled onto his bed. All he wanted was a good sleep and forgot everything. Just everything. Tomorrow would be a new beginning for him, he made up his mind once again. That was before he heard a ringing tone from his phone. After searching for his phone without even looking at it, he lazily opened the flip, once again without even saw the number or name on the screen. Yeah he was that lazy.

“Moshi-moshi?” Tegoshi mumbled to his phone, intending to end it as soon as possible.

“Moshi-moshi, Tegonyan?”

He jumped from his bed out of shock. Tegonyan? There was only one person who would call him that way.


gomen for the slow plot and another cliffhanger ^^;; promise will write better on the next chapter. in the mean time, cookies to anyone who read this fic, your comments are my motivation <33

2007, !fanfic

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