Stark Legacy 1.7

Aug 10, 2013 13:40

So, we have come to this. We have come to the installment with the heirpoll. *steeples hands* It is now up to you. This is the last you will see of the three potential heirs before you will decide to whom the heirship falls. *nods seriously*



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ts3, stark legacy, gen; 1, gen; 2

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nice_days August 11 2013, 08:15:24 UTC
Colours does brighten up the day! When I finally get to move out of the college apartment and into a real house I'll probably go bonkers with the colours, hehe xD
Seasons is definitely one of my favourites, because it just adds so much to the ambience. The frosty windows, the glow in autumn, everything <3

I love the vacation worlds! I'd probably do nothing but adventuring if I could, but I save that to my other families xD I think it would get pretty tiresome looking at pictures of sims in dark dungeons stepping on fire all the time.

Rajan as old broke my heart >: He was so alone, even after all he has done for the family. I made a desicion to fulfill all his wishes after that... Am I too invested in my sims?

Moe can in many aspects be compared to the Godfather yes, haha xD Monte Visa is supposed to be italia, and with Vincent in the criminal career I have just barely managed to keep myself from making mafia references. It is really hard not to >_


tyrfish August 10 2013, 15:59:03 UTC
How do I chooooose. I swear every chapter i change favourites. Ugh. You make this so difficult D: And everyone is so pretty!
MOE! I missed you, bb.
Aww, Rajan don't be sad. Being old isn't THAT bad... At least Tracie seems to be kinder to you? :P
Well, off to try and choose who to vote for...


nice_days August 11 2013, 08:18:05 UTC
Well I do try to give them all some cameratime D: (also I could never choose myself, heh >_>)

Tracie and Rajan in their older days is just cavity inducing xD Finally! Perhaps she just had to grow senile first.


tale_legacy August 10 2013, 16:09:29 UTC
I am so envious about everything you do XD The house is stunning, as are the kids. My gosh, they are all stunning. Even Tracie and Rajan are beautiful in their old age.


It seems the kids enjoyed their holiday, it was very eventful anyway :D

And the wedding was stunning :D As were the happy couple.....I have no idea who to pick for heir...

Great chapter :D


nice_days August 11 2013, 08:22:25 UTC
Well all I did with the house was chuck furniture into it *nod* But thank you *tries to swat the fuzzies away but is attacked by them* The warmth! It is overwhelming! *succumbs* <3333333333333333333333333333


It was a bit too eventful for me, when Lalita almost died ._.

Thank you again!!! :D :D


alexavo_thesims August 10 2013, 19:02:46 UTC
It's going to be so hard to choose! I love them all! :(

I can't believe the pap even took pictures of them sleeping! Imagine how creeped out you'd be if you woke up to that!

Rajan and Tracie are such a cute old couple and they look really happy together :)

Great chapter, I can't wait for gen 2 and it will be amazing whoever wins the poll :D


nice_days August 11 2013, 08:24:14 UTC
Yeah I love them too :( I don't want to see anyone chucked out of the house, but that is no way to play a legacy...

Knowing Lee she'd probably invite her to sit on the bed and have a cosy chat with warm milk and cookies xD

To finally see Rajan and Tracie happy and content together makes me happy ^^

It is so exciting to wait for who will do gen two *watches poll attentively*


verpixelt August 10 2013, 20:44:43 UTC
The Adventures of Vincent and Lalita!! I love how she is just randomly standing around while Vincent is doing everything! :D
And the heir poll is TOUGH! Vincent is still my favorite, but Almas and Trace are so cute together! Ahhh!



nice_days August 11 2013, 08:25:45 UTC

The poll IS hard! I love Vincent and with Lee it is just perfect together, but Almas and Trace are so cuuuuuute, and we do need genetic diversity. I just can't chooooose D:



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