Stark Legacy 1.7

Aug 10, 2013 13:40

So, we have come to this. We have come to the installment with the heirpoll. *steeples hands* It is now up to you. This is the last you will see of the three potential heirs before you will decide to whom the heirship falls. *nods seriously*



Previously: Little Lalita was born, way later than her two older siblings and quite surprisingly as well. With a new baby and the death of their cat Moe, the Starks decided to leave old ties behind and move to a new world. They moved to Monte Vista. Vincent's teenage sweetheard decided she wanted to follow along.

Last episode it started to snow, and when I said it never stopped I wasn't exaggerating. I have never seen so much snow in my game before. It was a full on blizzard for at least a sim week.

All of the oldest kids had graduation day on the same day!

Lee: I feel so fancy with this hat.

Vincent: Meh, now that I am an adult I thought I could sleep longer. Stupid graduation *muttermumble*

Almas: I hate my old classmates. Ugh. At least now I never have to see them again.

Lalita: *puffpuff* Are you sure this is the right way Vincent?

Vincent: Yes! Follow me, I'll lead the way! (huge high five to anyone who got the reference)

Lee: A whole new world opens up to us now! We can be anything. We can even go for presidency-

Almas: Duck! Its our old classmates.

Tracie: There might be stinky clouds surrounding me, but snow sure is tasty!

Someone even had the time to make a snowman before the ceremony started.

Vincent: Heck yeah, graduated with honours!

Vincent: I'm going to sneak like a ninja-

Vincent: ROAR!

Rajan: Oh my stinkcloud- I mean heart!

Be kind to your old man Vincent, if it hadn't been for him... well I don't even want to think about it.

Lee: *makes snowman*

Classmate: Omg, omg omg Lee is so awesome, I can't stop staring at her.

Trace: I am starving here Vincent, I thought you said there was going to be a buffet table?

Rajan: You won't believe it, but my old boss actually died on my son's wedding. It was a disaster.

BlueBlazerGuy: Yes, I know. She was my mum.

Paparazzi: So much juicy material right here *write scribble write*

Almas: *reads in solitude*

Finally at home they celebrated the graduation with some yummy peperoni pizza.

Yes, I am jealous of them

Despite the lag, and despite me hating snow in real life, it is just so cozy when it frosts the windows <3

Vincent and Lee decided they wanted to check out the cinema in their new town.

Vincent: Look Lee! A whild deer in the middle of the city!

Deer: 'sup!

It's apparently self service at the local cafeteria.

Vincent: How come we never sit down at the same table to eat/drink like normal people?

I have asked myself the same thing, believe me.

Vincent/Lee: *Sluuuuuuurp*


Lalita: And I hereby decree that-

It's three am in the morning on a schoolnight, why are you awake? D<

Lalita: Well, Almas is awake!

That's different, she's an adult.

Lalita: Besides, dad is in my bed reading.

Rajan, get outta there D<

Eleanor: What are you doing, human?

Almas: Cleaning up after the fire that nearly killed us all.

Eleanor: Rub my belly!

Vincent wanted to travel abroad-

-so he booked a trip for him, Lee, Almas and Lalita.

Almas: That flight sure lasted some time.

Lee: Yeah, I thought we were gonna crash.

My computer sure takes its sweet time loading new worlds, but eventuall they landed in-


Lee, being her ever friendly self, wanted to meet the locals.

Lee: And once, I saw this shooting star, and I wished... do you know what I wished? I wished... actually I have sort of forgotten what I wished for. It was many years ago now...

Local: U... huh?

Vincent: So do you have any local recipy books or something?

Local: I love babdoys, he's so dreamy~

Don't even think it!

Are you alright there in the corner, Lalita?

Lalita: TV.

Oh. Of course.

Vincent: They sure have pimpin pools in this country!

That's actually- never mind.


Lee: So, I am supposed to move these little men towards your little men?

Almas: That is the general idea, yeah. At least you're pretty.

Lee: What?

Almas: Nothing.

Almas earns her first belt. She's disciplined so it goes pretty fast.

Lee: Oh heck, right in the mouth. Right in the freaking mouth.

Lee: Don't worry, I'm fine!

Lee spends a bit longer on it, however.

Almas: Want to spar with me?

Lee: Yeah! :D

... Lee actually won. She was fierce!

Lalita: Wonder what Vincent is up to, must be more exciting than this.

Lalita: 'Sup, big brother.

Vincent: Weren't you supposed to be with Lee and Almas?

Lalita: Yeah well, they were being boring. I'd rather follow you down this dark, dank hole.

Lalita: Don't tell me you kep that huge, heavy stone in your pocket- Could this take any longer?

Vincent: I wish Lee was here.

Lalita: Put your back more into it- oooh look. Shiny coins!

Vincent: Unghhhh

Lalita: This doesn't look at all safe.

Vincent: OH MY GOOOOD!

Lalita: Remember they're more afraid of you than you are of them.

Lalita: I'm hungry, I want something to eat.

Vincent: Here, take this gift then. It's a morsel.

Lalita: I don't want that, I want real food.

Vincent: What?! Just take it already!

Lalita: No.

Vincent packed Lalita home after that and continued on his tombraiding alone.


Paparazzi: The local newspaper will love this.

Lee: Zzzz flags. Flags for everyone. Zzz.

Paparazzi: Gold. Pure gold! I am going to win the pulitzer prize!

For being a grumpy loner you sure are feeling free in a public camp full of, apparently, quite dodgy reporters.

Lee: Do you think it makes us look more native when we try and eat waffles with chopsticks?

Lalita: No, it makes you look like idiots.

Lalita: Hear yee, hear yee, people of China! I am now your new empress and supreme ruler! I demand all fountains to spout chocolate instead of water, and all trees to be made of licorise!

Get down from there Lalita.

Vincent: Wonder what this funky machine does.

Vincent: Tasty fortune cookies!

Local: *breathes*

For their last day, they decided to take a trip to the hotsprings.

Though Vincent and Lee mostly spent it being goofy together.

Panning over to Lalita I found she had the drowning moodlet. Get out of there!

Lalita: Halp?

*breathes* I was seriously so scared she'd drown ._.

Last night was celebrated with stir fry and eggrolls!

This random girl had the nerve to steal Lalita's bed, that she'd even marked as her own. How dare you!

Lalita: Boo, boo!

That's right.


They all had the wish to return by their last day, so I guess they were pretty happy to be back.

Lee checked if they had gotten anything juicy for their wedding, but only Rajan had sent them a notebook. Fitting I guess, as Lee just got a job as a journalist.

Lalita: Roooar, I am a huge t-rex, here to eat you and all your loved ones.

Lalita: But what is this? Nooo, t-rex's only weakness, pink gloves!

Lalita: Hihi, I'm just playing.

Sure you are miss Insane trait.

Tracie: Because he is standing way over there, I can't open this fridge!

Tracie: And look at that, now I have to eat burnt bread in order to not starve to death.

Almas: I am hungry tooooo!

*implants face in keyboard*

Aren't you a bit early out preparing for motherhood?

Almas: Don't want to end up like my mum, is all.

Fair enough.


Suddenly Rajan surprises me by having a birthday out alone, in the dark, cold garage.

No, don't look so sad >:

Keeping in mind that Rajan and Tracie have birthdays on the same day, I at least could give Tracie a cake.

Tracie: I was so not ready for this.

Rajan got a more respectable make over *pinches his saggy little cheeks*

Of course.

Tracie: It is just not alright to force old people to fend for their lives like this!

Took the firelady long enough.

Rajan made me feel like an idiot when he rolled the want to fireproof the fireplace. What would I ever have done without you Rajan?

Vincent: I will end your exsistance Eleanor, be sure of it!

Vincent: Do you hear that mum, I will end your cat's excistance!

Tracie: What? *coughhackchoke*

Vincent keeps on pointing Eleanor out as his nemesis, but then he feeds her treats and brushes her. So I don't think he means it very seriously.

Later they bonded over a snowman.

Tracie: When are you giving me any grandchildren?

Vincent: You don't even particularily like children.

Tracie: Completely beside the point.

Late one night after work, Almas is sent over to greet their new neighbour, Trace Britton, made by awesome Sectumsimpra.

Trace: Hello there, you sure make my hearts go a'jiggling.

Almas: Same, same. Good evening, Mr-?

Trace: Britton, Trace Britton.

Almas: Charmed.

Are you really just going to stand there, staring out in space, while Lewis ruins your furniture?

Moe: Feed the Moe! The Moe wants delicious calzone.

Rajan: Nonono, I have no more obligations to you anymore.

GASP! Where did you get that toy of satan? I thought I ripped it out of your inventory when you were still a babe.

Rajan: Soon I can go off with retirement, and then we can spend the days taking long walks, and perhaps even make a little garden? Growing some tomatoes and apples for the grandkids.

Tracie: Sounds perfect.

These two have grown so soppy in their old age.

Its Winter's Day and Lalita's birthday!

And there she is! She has most of her mother's features, except a more marked nose, and all of her father's colourings.


Almas invited Trace over for their Winter's Day feast party. He sure is eh... charming.

Lalita: It's not always we get cake with eggrolls for Winter's Day, eh?

Almas: I wanted a roasted turkey...

I also forgot to change Lee out of her weddingdress

While the party was going on out in the living room, Trace found Lalita's old toys in Tracie's and Rajan's bedroom.

Almas decided to keep him some company :3

Trace: Oh my lord, you smell good.

Tracie: And then, out of the fog, they came walking-

Lalita: Mum, I am seriously too tired to listen to a movie you watched ten years ago.

Vincent: This place really looks like a pig-sty.

Rajan: Did you know astronaut is just what one call one type of space travelers? Cosmonaut is what one called them before!

Rajan tried his luck and invited his new boss in order to smooche his way in with her. Thankfully she didn't die.

There were no room for gifts, but no one seemed the sadder for it.

Lee: Don't even think you got a shot at winning this.

Almas grabbed her first kiss (!!) from Trace just before he had to leave the party.

Almas: *sigh* I didn't think I could miss someone this much.


Vincent figured he'd impress his criminal collegues by showing up first day at work in his cermonial robes.

It must have affected something, because he promptly got a promotion.

It was a snowday for Lalita, so she headed out to the nearest witch shop.

In front of which stood a very pimpin' ride.

Lalita: Do you have like... an elixir that makes you all fluttery?

Grocer: Erm, no?

Lalita: Well, I'll show him for not having what I want. Tehee.

Lalita: Hey, this chair sure looks comfy! If I wanted to sit somewhere comfy, I'd sit in this chair for sure!

Lalita: Teehee, they'll sure fall for that!

They didn't, and so I had Lalita start researching the elixir she wants on her own.

I'll end this chapter here, with a screencap of the winter sun just peeking over the water.

Off you go, if you want, to cast your vote on who will be the new heir :D

(and thank you for reading, as always <333)

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