Stark Legacy 1.1

Jul 24, 2013 22:47

So I was trying to get my photobucket going again, right? Well... apparently my money is not good enough for it! I tried upgrading several times, but it just wouldn't let me >: Sorry that all my older entries now are just photobucket trolling me. I hope I'll get it fixed soon enough. Meh ( Read more... )

ts3, legacy, stark legacy, gen; 1, founder

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Comments 34

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nice_days July 24 2013, 21:47:37 UTC
Thank you, thank you! <3

I was actually quite surprised about Rajan myself. Still remains to see how his genes turns out, but I hope they will inherite his good traits, so to speak xD

And when you mention the boots I guess they actually do! Didn't think about that before, I just love them :3


aliases101 August 27 2013, 04:11:33 UTC
I would love to know where you got those boots from. Also your Tracie is Gorgeous.


everlove44 July 24 2013, 21:29:12 UTC
Tracie is such a cutie! I think love them already and i definitely like the house. It's really pretty- I love the way you decorated (:


nice_days July 24 2013, 21:48:37 UTC
Thank you! I'm not very patient when it comes to decorating, so I always feel it could be done better :3


karme_sin July 24 2013, 21:30:38 UTC
woooa your game is beautiful! *_*
and moe is soo FLUFFY! i love that cat :D
and your writing, its really fun. cant wait for another update!


nice_days July 24 2013, 21:49:32 UTC
*blushes* Thank you!! :D <3333

Moe is such an übercat! Made me really fall in love with the pets expansion all over again xD


jakeob3000 July 24 2013, 22:36:54 UTC
hey so happy your back loved all four (i think?) of your past legacies and i love your new founder and congrats on engagement!!!


nice_days July 25 2013, 10:35:53 UTC
Are we up in four already? xD I am such a fail at keeping up with legacies!

And thank you so much! Both for liking my founder and for the engagement ^^ <3


g_skans July 24 2013, 23:07:54 UTC
Moe is soooo cute and fluffy, omg!
Tracie is just perfect <3 - and I hope that the situation, between she and Rajan, improves.
I really love the house and how you decorated it o/


nice_days July 25 2013, 10:37:04 UTC
Moe is basically the one I keep my camera panned on the most I think xd

As for Tracie and Rajan... never had such a difficult couple in my life xD

Thank you so much <3 *blushes*


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