Stark Legacy 1.1

Jul 24, 2013 22:47

So I was trying to get my photobucket going again, right? Well... apparently my money is not good enough for it! I tried upgrading several times, but it just wouldn't let me >: Sorry that all my older entries now are just photobucket trolling me. I hope I'll get it fixed soon enough. Meh!

Anyways, just bullied my hubby into making me some tea (yes even in this sweltering heat) so hope this first installment in a very, veeery long time will be up to par :3

First I'll be introducing Moe Stark! He's Tracie's companion in life, and forever the centre of attention. Lovingly made by goodieslalaland@tumblr :D

The reason I am starting off with these pictures is because I am rather embarassed about my "starter shack" shots.... it actually took me an entire evening and five false attempts before I just gave up and plunked random furniture down... I was completely void of any inspiration what so ever... heh.

So... bedroom/livingroom/kitchen and the rather bland outsides *ducks*

As for our founder: her name is Tracie Stark. Her lifetime goal is to follow in DaVinci's footsteps and max out painging, sculpting and engineering.

Tracie: *inhales* Aaaaah, the wonderful secnt of summer.

Tracie: Nothing beats the feeling of your sinuses doing a total shut down.

Tracie: Excuse me sir, but I don't know you so could you please go away please, yes thank you.

Tracie felt too shy around the strangers in the new town she had just moved to, to be able to forge any new type of friendship. Or positive relations at all, for that matter.

At home Moe was suffering from acute neglect (you know, Tracie was downtown for about two hours and all).

Moe: I thought I was gonna diiieeee

Tracie: Don't worry Moe, mommy won't leave you. You're her only, bestest friend in the world.

And so the days passed in relative bliss while Tracie did artsy things and Moe did... Moe-y things.

Moe: It is 07:15, better be getting up this instant human.

Tracie: Screw this, I need to get out.

The only person in Tracie's phonebook was the gentleman from earlier, but he was too busy with work to go rollerskating, so Tracie tried a few valiant atempts at it alone.

Eventually she found him at "work.

Tracie: He's dreamy... teehee

Tracie: Like... really dreamy~

Rajan: Wut?

After quite a bit of idling and sipping coffee, Tracie managed to gather enough courage to ask Rajan out.

Tracie: So, wanna take a burger or something?

Rajan was not up for going out, he was however, up for following this strange woman home.

Rajan: You ooze enough crazy catlady as it is, you don't need to add urine on top of it.

After which he completely forgot all about Tracie and focused all his efforts on Moe.

Rajan: Who is a good kitty, yes whooooo is a good kitty. You are, yes you are!

Rajan promptly decided to move in, despite turning Tracie's offers for just a sleepover down several times. I guess Moe just does that to people.

Rajan Patel. An athletic and handy sim, a charismatic schmoozer who loves to swim. His lifetime goal is to become a deepsea diver.

His moving in afforded them a new loft bedroom. I really love the new ladders that came with Island Paradise, they're such a space saver in cramped apartments!

Becoming a safeguard would have been the ultimate choice for Rajan, but all he did all day was play in the water and sunbathe. I think I've done all the wrong choices in my life if that actually is a career option.

Tracie: I'm exhausted, I guess this fire will just have to wait until tomorrow. I'm beat.

After Tracie allowed the fire to burn down the entire kitchen I obliged them with a new one.

Which prompted a rather prolonged snugglemoment.

Rajan: Teehee, I got you!

Wait a moment... who is chasing who here?

But this is legacyland, and nothing can stay sane for very long here.

Tracie: Oh you think you could fool me huh, mister? You think you could just slink off in your silly little cap and I wouldn't notice that you had bits on the side? People talk you know!

Rajan: Uh?

Tracie: You better break off with those hussies this instant or you will find your hairy bum on the street.

Apparently Rajan had some previous relationships whom he dutifully called up to dump.

They didn't take it too well.

Hinni Hashini: I am gonna cut you, I'm gonna cut your girl, I'm gonna cut your cat!

Rajan: Not Moe!

Just as Rajan was to break it off with the last one, Tracie's hormonal outburst got explained.

Tracie: I don't want to see your face, I don't want you anywhere near me, understood!

And so Tracie's old painting room got turned into a guestbedroom for Rajan until things settled down a bit.

Rajan: Moe, it is one am in the morning. I have to go to work in two hours, do you HAVE to play with that right now?

Moe: Yes.

Poor guy, can't seem to catch a break at all.

I notice I am rusty, and this family has been SO difficult to play xD Nothing comes for free *shakes head* Hope you had some fun reading it regardless ^^

ts3, legacy, stark legacy, gen; 1, founder

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