the Bowyer Legacy 3.1

Jun 07, 2011 13:35

WELL, WELL, WELL!! Long time no see, eh? Been a while? Yeeaaah.... When I said I was going to take a break way back when I honestly thought it would only be for a couple of weeks o_O Tops ( Read more... )

ts3, legacy, gen; 4, bowyer, gen; 2, gen; 3

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Comments 50

infinitesky07 June 7 2011, 15:05:53 UTC
OMG I thought you had fallen off of the planet! I loved the chapter although I wish there was more Yuki/Bishop sexy!timez... They're so cute together.

If you want you could download the Twallan Master Controller mod to change the last name but I'm surprised you can't do it with the city hall rabbit hole still...


nice_days June 8 2011, 09:36:43 UTC
Lol, honestly I thought I had fallen off the planet as well xD

IMO there can never be enough Yuki/Bishop sexy!tiems, but I figured it was poor Cat's time to get at least some of the spotlight, hehe :P

Twallan Master Controller you say? I think I've heard about it, and I'll go check it out. Definitely worth a try. It really surprised me as well that the city hall didn't work :/


siouxpergirl June 7 2011, 17:35:59 UTC
Yay! You're back! xD

Bishop: I just want to tear off your face with my teeth.

Lol! Poor Cat. But at least she has Felix to comfort her. They make a cute couple. Dove is beautiful too.

I don't want Chance and Constantin to move out. They're my favorites. :(

Great update!


nice_days June 8 2011, 09:40:00 UTC
I am indeed :D

Felix has his moodswings, but now that he got his wish to get married I am sure he'll be a more stable source of comfort :P

Honestly? I really don't want them to move out either >_<. But either Yuki dies or they move out to make room for more babies :C

Thank you! :D


siouxpergirl June 9 2011, 01:23:51 UTC
Glad to see it! xD

Psht. What man doesn't have moodswings? Besides, Cat deserves someone who loves her.

Hmm. I'd rather they move out than Yuki dying. Damn.

No problem. I love your sims. Bee still remains one of my favorite spouses in my legacy. :)


scorpiosims June 7 2011, 17:46:10 UTC
Yay you're back! Chance and Constantin are gorgeous! I shall miss them, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Dove grows up and seeing the siblings that I am sure will follow :)


nice_days June 8 2011, 09:42:10 UTC
Chance and Constantin are my special little twins, I gotta admit xD I'm curious about how Dove will turn out as well. It seems now like she can either turn really pretty, or really unfortunate.


supergabbyg June 7 2011, 18:34:30 UTC
yayyy!! new chapter! i've probably been refreshing this page for about a month, lol
sorry about Cat having Felix's name, but at least Felix learned some of the infamous Bowyer pissing customs!! xD
can't wait until next update!


supergabbyg June 7 2011, 18:38:50 UTC
alsoooo, where did you get all of Felix's piercings?
i majorly <3 them and need to download them from somewhere, lol


nice_days June 8 2011, 09:47:39 UTC
Awww! You have me smiling from ear to ear, I almost got a cramp in my jaw :P

There are no way Felix could live in that household for any amount of time without learning the Bowyer custom xD

Felix's piercings... I think they are these :)


supergabbyg June 8 2011, 22:59:17 UTC
arggh, those will come in handy...
also, (not to b a bother or anything..) where did u get that really cool clock radio thingie? i've been looking around... and when i finally found where it was at, it wasnt up for download ;___;
cant wait to c what Dove will grow up like, i just hope it wont b unfortunate..
gabbyg :)


rayesesshyfan June 7 2011, 19:35:47 UTC
I seriously went "OMG YES" when I got the alert from LJ that you updated :D

I've played with crack games before (mostly Sims 2) and the cracks are made to run, depending on which place you downloaded Generations and which group did yours.

Just as long you update the patches (I use Delphy's Patcher, I haaaate EA Download Manager <<) it'll be fine :3

The thing to look out for when downloading Sims 3 expansions are the region codes. There's a trick - which I've done a LOT of times - that works and that's by changing a number in regedit. I know that many people are REALLY iffy about that and I took the plunge. Nothing broke at all even after restarting and played the game. Even when I logged in, nothing exploded.

I just haven't installed Generations and Outdoor Living stuff since some mods haven't been updated. Of course, there are still mods that aren't updated for patch 1.22, guh DStupid EA making it difficult ( ... )


nice_days June 8 2011, 10:18:27 UTC
Teehee, thank you *blushblush* ^^

The group I use to crack games are usually very reliable, I am just paranoid when it comes to my legacy families. They have crashed and burned so many times xD I suppose I'll just make a copy of the town and play that, if it goes to hell I'll have saves and backup.

Hm, I'll take a look at that region code. Its worth a shot. Thanks for the tips! :)

Yeah FU EA D: You should get Generations as soon as you can though, it actually adds a lot to the game. I've been missing more spice in the gameplay, and this is just it. A bit sparse as expansionpacks go, but worth it anyway (especially if you don't pay :P)

Aw Chance ♥ It will make me sad to see them go. I should hurry up and kick them out before I get any weird ideas :/

This mod you speak of sounds like godsent! I usually use my own built clubs (y'know, smaller, less laggy, less elevators, more light) but it would be nice to be able to visit all the "in places" for achiev points etc.


rayesesshyfan June 8 2011, 19:17:01 UTC
You're welcome :D

Oh I see XD I've lost some legacies too but they were so short-lived. One day I'm gonna try and go farther |D

Hehe you're welcome~

Oh I already downloaded it along with Outdoor Living Stuff (I don't buy packs anymore >> EA can suck it). I know it has body hair (yeees) but the fullest slider for body hair is...ugh. It's like Bigfoot XD I'll just wait, I have Sims 2 to entertain me~


Awww. But that's the best part 8D -shot- xD

It IS. I was like "FINALLLLYYY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN IN ALL MY LIFE?!" Now if only real life worked like it... I'm a terriiiiible builder so I can't do that XD All I make are um...boxes. Although my favorite house I made was for a flop legacy and that was on the beach (WHICH EA HAS YET TO MAKE YET D< NEEED BEAAAACH LOOOOTS FFFFFF). I don't get EA at all. "HEY WE SPRUCED UP THE GAME WITH GRAPHICS!" and yet no beach lots? Even WITH World Adventures? Crazy >>


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