the Bowyer Legacy 3.1

Jun 07, 2011 13:35

WELL, WELL, WELL!! Long time no see, eh? Been a while? Yeeaaah.... When I said I was going to take a break way back when I honestly thought it would only be for a couple of weeks o_O Tops!
So here I am and have finally managed to scrape together a chapter with the Bowyers. I was really rusty when I got back into their house xD You can tell from this chapter that I've spent more time trying to re-learn how to play than anything else xD
The last half year I've spent most of my gaming time playing WoW and Rift (and Dragon Age 2 and Witcher 2) so when I got back into sims I was messing around something hard. Forgot I could pause the game and that space wasn't jump xD There is apparently also a new patch that brought in memories?! I did not know this. Is this a jab at legacy writers or what? xD These sims remember the most obscure things. Anyhoo, its good to see.

I also downloaded Generations (because my greedy self couldn't wait for payday to buy it) and so this chapter is before I installed that. I won't be playing the Bowyers on a cracked game, I'm too scared something will get messed up.

ANYHOW! On with the show guys! You'll just have to forgive me for this CRAPPY chapter. I am soooo rusty!

Last time: Oh man what happened last time? There was a heirpoll, and Cat won it! That much I remember :D Constantin was close second though. Basically Bowyer-ish things happened last time. People peed themselves, a lot. The triplets argued with poor Cat coming out the loser every time. They took a trip to the local dance club where everyone got their groove down. Coraline met a mysterious fellow that is rather handsome. Constantin tried digging himself to China, while Bishop got himself a rather fit celeb body. In the end everyone grew up failtastically and threw up all over the place.

Directly upon logging in and taking a look around I saw this. And suddenly I grew so very, very weary.

Luckily Yuki's shy and comfortable disposition instantly lightened my mood.

But then I caught Charlie screaming at some poor fool on the phone. I suppose he had it coming for daring to call her in the first place.

Cat: My entire childhood and youth I never felt like I was a part of the triplet team. I was always so alone, I felt, and isolated from the two of you-

Charlie: Yeah, I can understand how you might have felt that.


Cat: I supposed that now that we were all adult we could put those years behind us and maybe come to a better understanding as sisters?

Charlie: That is a pretty thought.

Bishop: I just want to tear off your face with my teeth.

Cat: I'm so glad we had this chat Charlie. I feel much better already.

Bishop: You are no heir of mine! You will rue the day you were born! I will kill you in your sleep!

Constantin: I'm starving, anyone seen my plasma box that I left behind the couch?

Bishop: Heehee, did you see me being all evil and telling her off Yuki? Did you? Bwahaha!

Yuki: That's nice honey. Have you remembered to shower this week?

Coraline: I'm sorry Sek, you have to speak up loader. I can't hear you over the crazy that is my family.

Coraline finally got herself a date with Sek, the guy she met last episode. Of course it went as bad and failtastic as anything the Bowyer's set their minds on doing.

First she basically spent her time running around after him, trying to catch him before the place closed.

But instead of finding him she spent her time retching out of nervousness. Hey, releasing fluids is the Boweyers' way of dealing with stress.

Unfortunately Sek didn't find this charming or endearing at all, and wanted nothing at all to do with it.

Of course this set Coraline off in a neurotic rage.

But in the end they at least got to say hi before the club closed.

Coraline: Oh I had such a wonderful and long night of dancing and drinking and smooching up with my new boyfriend!

Chance: You're fooling no one.

Cherri is of course the focus of envy of all females in Bridgeport.

Cherri: Hello there Mr Gnome, I see you haven't taken properly care of our plants?

Maid #1: I've been coating her besheeds with scentless toxics all week, but it just doesn't bite.

Maid #2: I even poured acid in her plasma juice, but all that happened was the box disintegrating in her hand. She didn't even twitch.

Still trying to be the unique one in the family Constantin has decided that inventing new ways of peeing oneself is the only solution. Levitating bladder failure, only way to pee!

Charlie is a bit more traditional in her bladder failuring ways. I swear they just pee, shake their leg a little and continue as if nothing at all happened.

Eight sims in the house was a bit much to me, and I figured it was time Cat got some spotlight as well. So I moved Coraline out and in together with Sek in hopes that they would hook up on their own.


Cherri: Yup, totally saw that episode of Doctor Who. Loved it.

I wasn't aware Cherri had any friends. Apparently she does.

Cat: HALP! Cherri is hogging all the attention even if I am the heir!

Constantin: What is this world? I don't even know...

The twins decided it was time they moved out to pursue their career of awesomeness.

Cherri: BBL, off to be fab.

Yuki: Oh please take me with you...

With her copetative sisters out of the game it was time for Cat to play. I remembered I had placed a few new sims in town to diverse the genepool a little with the townies, and decided Cat could chase one of them down.

Que hours upon hours of idle waiting.

There, finally! Do as we practiced.

Cat: *snaps book shut*


Felix: ...

Despite his misleading looks, Felix was kind enough to bring her up for some food.

Cat: Oh gee, he's cuter than I thought he'd be.

Cat: *gigglesnort*

Felix: *awkward*

Felix: I could be the austronaut to your moon.

Cat: I don't know what that means, but I like it.

All the excitement could only lead to one thing.

The next day Felix got invited to the house and was greeted by a dramatic, though quite usual, sight.

Felix: Oh no, the cute little blonde is all dead and stinky.

Cat: Not to worry, I'm not dead! Quite alive, heeeheee.

Yuki: Hello, I am the dead girl's father. I'm very shy and this will probably be the only time we converse.

Felix: Err... nice to meet you?

I felt there wasn't enough Bishop this far in the update. So here, have a picture of him eating plasma fruit.

Bishop: Hello! You might think of me as a funny and childish vampire that means no harm, but you could not be further from the truth. I'm actually a bloodthirsty, evil monster that will kill your children in their sleep. Please do not let my shiny exterior fool you.

Bishop: *evil cackle*

Cat: Aww, you're so cute when you try to be all evil, dad!

It wasn't until I took this picture that I realised that my once so female dominated house had turned into a bachelor pad.

I apologise for the quality, but here have a stalkerish-behind-the-mailbox-in-the-dark shot of Cat finally going steady with Felix.

They are sort of really cute together, though very awkward.

Felix moved in rather rapidly. His name is Felix Attenborough (might I just have watched a nature show while making him?), wants to be a one-sim band and is rather hot-headed and gangly.

Felix: This is nice and all... but uhm, is there a posibility for a double bed?

Cat: What's wrong with bunkbeds?

Maid #2: Teeeheeheeee

Felix: I don't appreciate her humour.

Felix: I'd like to drive you like a 1960's cadillac.

Chance: Oh god, I am trying to eat here.

Both Felix and Cat are satisfied with their new double bed. And I suppose Felix has to demonstrate what he meant about that cadillac thing.

Still striving for his title as rich and famous, Bishop has to show up at these really lame clubs to dance.

Even if I love the concept of clubbing in ts3, I really don't like the way they have implemented it. The time spent waiting to get INTO the clubs is just ridiculous.

Bishop obidiently shakes it down, even if he's all alone and there is no one there to watch him.

He tagged along Yuki, but true to his nature he rather just sat quietly in a dark corner and ate.

The video doesn't have the best quality, but I just had to video the constrast between Bishop dancing and Yuki dancing xD And dayamn, does that vampire know how to shake it!

The test drive of their new bed turns out positive! Yay for generation four being on its way.

Felix: You know, I don't feel this room properly portray my gothic and dark nature very well.

Cat: Mhm, that's nice honey.

Felix: Yesterday when I was sitting on the loo I got an idea! But then I forgot...

Chance: Perhaps that was for the best.

To my initial surprise Felix will do the sweetest things, like massaging Cat whenever she gets a backache.

He was also the first to roll the want to get engaged. So I let him.

Maid #1: Oooh, that's some nice bling right there. Better keep an eye on where they hide that shiny.

Yuki: I think your fiance is trash.

Cat: That's nice dad *plus*

Bishop: Bask in my finely dressed, evil glory! AHAHAHAHAAH!!!

There was twin birthdays, which makes me sort of sad because that means they'll soon be moving out :C

For traits Chance rolled flirty while Constantin rolled unflirty.

Yuki: Why is he staring at me like that? Please make him stop staring...

Cat: Grandpa, I'm really pregnant and really tired and you really need to move.

Alph: Sorry honey, no can do, appears that I am stuck here.

%&@!!!asdf! /moveobjects on

Its a special day and the entire family has been invited. Seems like Bear had a massive midlife crysis and decided to go all pedo bear on me (haha see what I did there? ... oh blimey I hope you don't, I feel so lame now).

Here they are, the entierty of generation three (except Cat, but its always except Cat), in one shot.

Left to right: Coraline, Candy (Bear's second daughter), Cherri, Caspian, Christopher and Charlie.

Apparently being his nephew is not enough, Chance has to impress his famous uncle in order to be able to have a conversation with him.

Its a family gathering and it has to end in the only way a family gathering can end.

Cherri: Seriously Coraline, just get the f*** outta my face!

Caspian: Catfight, catfight!

Cherri: *yawn* Your life bore me.

Charlie: OMG, can that bitch be anymore of a bitch?!?!

As far as I gathered: Coraline had done nothing at all. She just stood there.

Inside Cat is just about to begin the marriage wovs, when-


Chance: Ok, ok, just push the baby back in, and everything will be fine. Don't panic.

Felix: *is epitome of cool*

This is also the picture where I start wondering if I only have one pair of trousers for males in this game.

Charlie: That b*** is seriously giving me a headache.

Cherri: Uhm Charlie...

Felix: You just had to give birth during our wedding, didn't you.

Oh yesss, much feel so good to give birth in front of your entire family.

Chance: Blimey Constantin, but isn't Cat's fiance a mighty fine man?

Constantin: A mighty fine specimen of human my dear brother.

You two, stop making me love you so hard ♥

Eventually Cat had to go to the hospital, and so Felix felt he was justified in lying down on the bed to relax a little. What a winner.

After a bit of time she came back home with first born generation 4! Baby girl Dove who is a friendly loner, as far as I can remember.

They were both heartbroken they missed out on their wedding so I gave them a quick one in the lime bathroom, true legacy style.

Of course this is when I realised that it is not the one who initiate the marriage who get the surname, but the one who proposes. At first I didn't mind and figured they could easily change that, but FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU somewhere that was taken out of the game? Whyyy. I need to read patchnotes more closely.

Well... its now Cat and Dove Attenborough (no idea why Dove got her dad's name, since she was born before they got married). I'll try and change it back soon.

Bishop is actually a great grandpa, but shhhh, don't tell anyone.

Finally, human!Constantin ♥

And human!Chance. Sadly I was busy doing other things and didn't get any transition pics.

When Bishop is not being a grandpa he's failing pretty hard at moonlighting. I'm pretty certain you're not supposed to rub the glass people is going to trink out of, with your hand.

Down in the basement Felix is trying to impress Cat with his self-composed-lvl-three-guitarskills song.

Apparently it works, go figure.

Yuki: Hurry up, we're starving for cake here!

Chance: Yeah, cake!

Watch as the larvae breaks out of her coccoon to turn into a beautifu-

Err... well I suppose we can work with this.

After a make over Dove turns out to be a rather distinct little cute!

Poor Yuki, I feel he has been neglected in his old age. Luckily there was someone's peepuddle there to break his fall.

Chance deals with Dove's tantrums much like he deals with everything in life: stoic silence.

I find it hard to believe Constantin can teach anyone anything in his lady gaga outfit, but my heart goes all squishy at the sight.

And with that, Felix is now officially a part of the Boweyers!

I was going all asdf ghj!!! because Constantin kept on making timemachines, but I couldn't find them in his inventory.

Then it dawned on me that they were in the family inventory, and now we have about five of those suckers.

Hope the next chapter won't be several months into the future xD Also I hope I will have lots of Generations goodness by that time :3 Thanks to everyone who returns to read this, and to everyone who pops by for the first time! ♥♥ Missed you guys.

ts3, legacy, gen; 4, bowyer, gen; 2, gen; 3

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