the Bowyer Legacy 2.4

Jan 18, 2011 22:01

Just finished brewing myself a huge pot of strawberry tea to comfortably sit down to type up this chapter :3 Currently begun rereading Lord of the Rings and no matter how many times I visit Middle Earth I am just as mesmerized. Speaking of rereadable books I also just finished off Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman for the 4579345374987589th time. My copy is so used now (lent it out to everyone I know ++) the pages are falling out. If you're currently searching around for a book to read and you haven't picked this one up yet, search no more. Good Omens will fulfill all your needs ♥♥♥

But enough of me 'gasming over my books, onwards with the show!

Last time the Bowyer household discovered it's not easy being four teenage girls under one roof. Bishop didn't take well to not being the bitchies, most ego-centric person in the house anymore. Eventually he realized that "if you can't beat them, become one of them" was the best tactic. The twin boys Constantin and Chance grew into becoming very pretty teenagers while Coraline grew into an adult.

There was also elevator secks.

There weren't really any good pictures of Coraline as an adult last time, so here is at least a bit better one.

She's a female Bishop with a hint of good ol' Marina in there.

As I entered the lot and paused I realized that all the vamps showed up as humans, so I figured I could cap it to show how they really look:

(I had sort of forgotten what he looked like)

Except Charlie who decided she'd rather stand out in the dark and be grumpy.


Constantin: I will call it: "And so the mortal returns to his lover". It's a subjective self-potrait.


Bishop decided he wanted to start moonlighting in bars, and so began practicing mixology. Needless to say he sucked rather hard at it.

Someone who doesn't suck in mixology, is of course Mr. Birgir the Gnome.

Bishop: What is it you want to tell me Ducky?

Bishop: Are you saying you don't like my marvulous bubble-beard?!

Bishop: I must regretfully inform you that such a transgression will result in the penalty of death...

Bishop: Stop resisting Ducky, this will hurt me more than it hurts you!


Alph still isn't getting the hint that he's dead. I very rarely see Marina though.

Oh and yeah, if you're wondering then Constantin is still very much rocking his Lady Gaga get-up.

Cherri, of course, is also remaining classy.

This house is a pig-sty. They really don't know how to clean up after themselves and not even having two maids at all times seems to fix this problem.

I can see why that pile of clothes are emitting ominious fumes.

Only death seemed to have taught Alph the magic of toilets.

Chance: Thanks gramps for hogging the toilet so I had to pee myself.

Alph: You're welcome lad, peeing oneself is a long and honoured tradition in this family.

Yuki: In my latest novel "Don't Fear November" I based the main figure, a bipolar prostitute, on you.

Cherri: Really? Awwh that really touches the heart dad, thank you :)

Yuki: You aren't the brightest bulb in the box, but I love you anyway.

(also, lol at Yuki and Bishop having ~matching sweaters~. I bet they bought them on sale together.)

Having realized that perhaps painting wasn't really his thing after all, Constantin has gone back to inventing again.

This... this is pretty much what Charlie does. All day.


Remembering this guy, Coraline firgured she'd bust out her skank outfit and ride on the subway in order to bag herself a man.

It was Saturday evening and so it was time for the entire family to get out of the house. Amazing how eight people can fit in that tiny car.

Seriously guys, you're sort of embarrassing...

Also, I got the idea from ufailedatlife to build ones own bar/discothing. I love the entire concept of clubbing but hated how the sims would use hours to first think about changing clothes, then the elevator, then getting past the guards and by the time they're inside the entire shit is closing. So I made my own, much more accesible, place. (Why this didn't occur to me sooner testifies against my mental capabilities).

It took perhaps half a second after exiting the car for these two to have at one another.

Bishop: You, me, hottub, now.

The mixologists are hardcore, I can tell you that.

First one out on the dancefloor, to my surprise, was Cat.

Yuki: Oh I don't know... I'm not really good at performing and I really hate stages and don't look at me~

Chance: Then get off the stage dad, you're cramping our style.

The paparazzi was having a field day taking pictures of the triplets dancing.

Cherri: Let's move over to the other wall so that they won't think we're with Cat.

Charlie: 'k

Cat: /oblivious

Coraline and her skank outfit was having a much sadder time, waiting invain for Mr. Muscle to show up.


/fangirl screams and throws self at stage

Err... sorry. I felt it was obligatory.

Taking pity on Coraline I let her join them. She ordered a drink(for free) to match her dress and was generally moody.

Also notice Cat now dancing all alone back there.

Chance took the opportunity to fulfill his ltw of being a One Sim Band that evening. As did Constantin btw. Charlie was impressed.

Cherri: Oh, did I accidently bump into you and stain your shirt with natcho sauce that won't get off? Oops, terribly clumsy of me.

Cat: Well you don't have to be so nasty about it you know /wobbly lip

Constantin: Room for one more?

Cat: ....

Constantin: :3

Cat: Sitting with me will make the other two hate you though.

Constantin: Yeah, look at me care. These natchos are great!

Bishop: /speedo dance

Coraline: Seriously dad, that's just embarrassing.

See the vampire dance, see the vampire sparkle

Yuki: Hey sexy, wanna dance?

I pity the kids. I'd be horrified to find my parents dancing half naked in public.

Yet I'm not complaining now.

Chance busted out this really ridiculous dance.

While Constantin had a groovy time off in some corner.

Coraline: Yesss, I am so winning at this!

Charlie: Did someone say winning?

Charlie is srs about winning you guys.

It's dawn and time to get the hell home. Charlie and Cat doing the age old "let's check out how I'd look blonde by you throwing your hair over my head" girl trick.

Cherri: Seriously Cat, ever considered personal space?

Anyone surprised if I say they took each their taxi home?


Coraline: Daaad, you're in the waaaaay. Moooooove.

Yuki learned to tune out his kids already when they were babies.


Constantin: Worry not sister, for I will save you!

Constantin: But then... which one is the left? I'd rather not chop off the wrong one.


Constantin: DAD, I ARE SMRT!

Chance: Dude...

Bishop: /ignore

Then Alph came and threw himself into the mix so I was all YAY THREE GENERATIONS IN ONE SHOT! (not that special but...)

Alph: It seriously smells in here.

Chance: You used to pee yourself gramps...

Bishop: /completely spaced out


Chance: I'm outta here.


Cat maxed her body skills in order to become a really awesome assasin super spy.

She also looks different without her glasses on.

Constantin decided he wanted to see China, but since there's no WA expansion on this laptop he just had to do it himself. The hard way.

Just keep on digging... you're soon there!

Coraline is still looking for her man, but Bridgeport is apparently a very large city. That, or he's doing his best hiding from her.

All she found was this hapless vampire. Those cheekbones looks painful.

Cherri: Dad, I want to go to sleep, can't you write somewhere else?

Yuki: But I like the owlthingy... it's cute.

Speaking of cute owlthingies (yes interpret that as you want), Bishop got an opportunity to work out for four hours to gain a celebrity's body... I suppose it worked...


Coraline finally managed to stalk Mr. Mysterious to this garage. Nice.

Coraline isn't too impressed though.

Coraline: When I was a teen vampire I always used to mix blood and spirits and take with me to school. All the kids thought I was so cool you know.

Mr. Mysterious: Err...

Coraline: You used to do that too, right?

Mr. Mysterious: Not really, no.

Mr. Mysterious: Let me take a picture of you to go with your phonenumber, ok?

Coraline: No way! I know you're going to send it into the government. They're on to me! Byes.

Mr. Myserious: I'm going to tap that, aren't I?

You are indeed, Mr Mysterious. You are indeed.

Cherri: This room is seriously disgusting.

Constantin: Yay we managed to gross Cherri out! /clapclap

I wouldn't be so proud. Cherri is a slob and when even she is grossed out it gotta be pretty bad.

Bishop: Your dad told me I have a great body when we woohooed yesterday.

Charlie: Seriously tmi, dad.

HOW?! They have 394758347327873 baskets for laundry, two maids and the most expensive washing machine.

Blonde Maid: I wonder if this house is a bio hazard...

Brunette Maid: I don't know, but I am seriously considering applying for a raise or a transfer soon.

Bishop: I saw you sleeping and wanted sex. I can has it?

Yuki: Err... sure?

Yuki hadn't even woken up completely when Bishop glomped him on the bed. The zzz where still showing xD

You guys are seriously giving me cavities.

I... don't even want to know.

Taking after your gramps there Cherri? And that on your birthday and all.

Cherri: Woooh, my birthday! I think?

Charlie: I am so tired of birthdays already...


Cat: You didn't cheer for my birthday >:

VampTeen: constantin constantin constantin


Charlie: That nice bu-


And of course there's always a birthday one would rather like to ignore...

Charlie: This is such a camera moment. This is when WA had come in handy...

Yuki: Oh my, I'm feeling all tingly~

Constantin: Well this is awkward...

Yuki: Awww shucks... I seem to have gotten incontinent.

Constantin: MY SHOES!


VampTeen: I am seeing forever Mr. Bowyer.


Charlie: Seriously dad, you're being uncouth.

All the while Chance does what Chance does best; dig himself.

Then, of course, the aircleaner that Constantin made decided to go bad and everyone got INSTANTLY nauseous.

Great work at stuffing your entire head down that toilet Constantin.

Bishop: Uuughh, I haven't felt this bad since I was pregnant...

Yuki: Speaking of babies?

NO Yuki, no.


Constantin seems shocked that his dad has gotten old. Don't mind them Yuki, I still think you cut a nice figure.

Lol, the laundry express!

... and now I feel dirty.

Charlie: It seriously smells like garbage in here.

Cherri: Bet it's just Cat.

Charlie: Yup, you were right.

Cherri: Told you so~

Charlie: For having a complex about nudity you sure look like a hooker Cherri.

Cherri: Shut your trap.

It's time to make the girls human, so I figured they could all go together for some ~bonding time~

Cat: We've just entered a new stage in our lives and I feel it's time we put all the bad moments behind us and...

Cherri&Charlie: /ignore

Cat: I'm just so alone...

Cherri&Charlie: /ignore

You're breaking my heart here Cat.


My thought exactly Cat. Time to drink up those bottles. Don't want you to die just yet.

Also, hi there plumbbob.

Good girl. Just starting to fry.




I have purposefully omitted setting up the traits and such since they'll be written up at the heirpoll thingythang.

Cherri: Lol, you're such a loser reading all the time Cat.

Well, then don't look behind you now Cherri...

Cherri: Seriously, am I the only non-lame person left?


At home Chance is busy singing to himself and being generally emotional at the keyboard.

Creeper: Remember, remember, the fifth of november~

Chance: ...

All the while Constantinis taking a break from digging to China.

And this is where I would be all "and that's where I leave you for now" but I won't! Because there is


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