the Bowyer Legacy 2.3

Jan 15, 2011 23:11

I got a secret on Friday(yesterday)! ♥♥ No I mean it; you guys are seriously the best. You have me laughing and smiling and blushing and you all make me so very, very happy to be a part of this fandom <3333333 I just hope I can make it worth your time :3

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ts3, legacy, bowyer, gen; 2, gen; 3

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Comments 49

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nice_days January 16 2011, 09:32:32 UTC
Thanks :3


lollorena January 16 2011, 00:23:37 UTC
I love how fast you are pumping out these updates :D!

I can't decide which kid is my favorite :3

All I know is, Bishop should live forever :D

Great chapter <3


nice_days January 16 2011, 09:33:53 UTC
Well yeah! My new strategy on doing a legacy: crank it out so fast I might just finish this time xD

Favourites are hardddd this time around, that's for sure!

And Bishop definitely should <3

Thank you ♥


arisily January 16 2011, 01:09:12 UTC
Another update, yay! Even though my game is a tad wonky atm, I can enjoy sims vicariously through your lovely legacy.

Aaaanyway, lol at the pubescent kid fawning over all the teen girls. And oh my, I had not noticed that animation at the end of the elevator, EA.

CONSTANTIN. ♥ I actually like Cat a lot, too, because she seems kind of special in her poor loneliness. Or something that sounds more eloquent than that, haha. XD

Oh, and I had wanted to say this before (but forgot, uh derp), but you pick the best names for the kidlets. Just sayin'.


nice_days January 16 2011, 09:40:10 UTC
Oh no, not wonky game D: D: D: *sympathises deeply*

The elevator animation had me gawping. But it was sort of worth it to spend 3000 on it in the end xD

Lol XD Constantin is kinda running for favourite with me as well. I don't know why. As for the girls Cat is definitely the one with a personality that sticks out the most. Coraline tends to be background noise, Cherri always just stares at various clutter items or play videogames while Charlie... tags after Cherri I guess xD

And thank you! :D Doing it themed helps a lot thouhg.


purrtato January 16 2011, 02:55:48 UTC
Elevator Seks! ...Rawr! :P

Great update!!!


nice_days January 16 2011, 09:40:44 UTC
Hah! XD Yes indeed there was! and most probably will be again.

Thank you :3


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nice_days January 16 2011, 09:43:00 UTC
Lol XD I AM SORRY, I DID NOT PLAN ON IT! You can blame Bishop and his genes :P

Constantin has me charmed *plays favourites* And omg, how awsome is Rocky Horror Picture Show?! What a compliment it is to be associated! <33

Yuki has hidden depths, that's for sure xD


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