the Bowyer Legacy 2.3

Jan 15, 2011 23:11

I got a secret on Friday(yesterday)! ♥♥ No I mean it; you guys are seriously the best. You have me laughing and smiling and blushing and you all make me so very, very happy to be a part of this fandom <3333333 I just hope I can make it worth your time :3

Last time everyone was subjected to the multibirth/birthday chapters of over 200 pictures. Yuki gave birth to triplet girls: Cat, Charlie and Cherri. Not soon after BOTH Alphonse and Marina kicked the bucket in pure desperation. Their mutual death left open a slot for Bishop who just ALSO got pregnant... with twin boys: Constantin and Chance. Chaos ensued and not much sense was had.

Coraline: Now I don't want any drama from you girls. Four teenage girls in a tiny house with only three bathrooms is bad enough as it is.

Coraline: And I mean, I am clearly suprior since I know how to use my utensils while you infants sit there suckling that bloodjuice.

Charlie: Are you going to take that, Cat?

Cat: *long slurp*

Coraline: *eats in silence*

Cat: I hope none of my braindead siblings forgot to turn off the stove...

No worries there, none of them knows how to use it.


Cat: Wow bitch, you don't even want to go there.

Cat is still the outsider sister, apparently.

Cherri: Hey blondie, what are you standing here for?

Cat: None of your concern pugface.

Yuki: ...

Cat: Oh my god Coraline is such a skank.

Cherri: omg I like know right?!

Coraline: I'll knife you both in your sleep.

Yuki: Do they know the window is open?

The boys? Well they are surviving sort of. I guess.

It's like this every evening. It's so crowded! There's like a two simhour queue to get some food from the fridge.

Constantin: When I grow up I'll earn money so we can expand this kitchen and buy a table to actually seat eight people!

Biship: plusplus

I'm sure the girls appreciate you sucking face in their room while they're trying to sleep :/

Oh Yuki oh Yuki. I've been so split up about him. It sort of break my silly little heart to see him age faster than Bishop and I've been debating whether to turn him into a vampire too. But then I thought if I turn every sim I like then where would that leave me? No sim would ever die! And that's sort of bad when you try to play a legacy...

Besides, I don't think Yuki would like being a vampire anyway.

Cherri: You've always reminded me of something, but I've never managed to place it. Then the other day I remembered: You look like a clown!

Coraline: :\

Contantin has decided he wanted to be Da Vinci's decendant and began by maxing his inventing one evening after school.

That lady back there stood photographing him for hours... seriously.

He invented the digger thingy. Next step: TIME MACHINE!!

Cat and Chance remain my blonde, quiet booknerdy guys though <3

I worry about Coraline. She maxed painting a long time ago, yet this is the best she can do.

This maid is Bishop's greatest fanboy. He even cut his hair like him, it seems.

Err guys... what are you doing?

Yuki: Dumdidum... hmm sure smells burned. I wonder what happened to the pancakes I began to make two hours ago?

Cat: Seriously Charlie, you're standing in the way of my freaking out!

Cat stood staring at Constantin for a while and then she began extinguishing the fires on her own initiative, all the while with his face in her thoughtbubble.


I guess she was right in worrying about the oven being on after all.

I heard someone was having an argument and of course it had to be these two queenbitches.

Bishop: Talk to the hand bitch, because this beautiful face ain't listening!

Oh my... I wonder what Cherri said to him xD

Cherri: I'm sorry dad, how has your day been?

But she must have gotten the diplomacy from Yuki.


Bishop was gifted a hot tub for being awesomely famous. Neat! I'd never remember to buy them one on my own initiative.

Cherri: Cat is such a bitchface, but I feel sort of sad for her not having any friends at all.

Charlie: Yeah, not even dad or daddy wants to be her friend.

Cat: >:

Charlie: That's what she gets from always doing her homework on time and being so damn smart.

Cherri: Lol yeah, she's a loser.

Cat: >:

Bishop: Looking at you makes me hungry.

Yuki: Shh, the kids can hear you.

Yeah I don't think Bishop cares.

Bishop: Everything that comes out of your mouth is rubbish.

Cherri: I must have inherited that from him then, king of all garbage.

Bishop and Cherri are too similar for their own good.


Poor Yuki, he's a celebrity thanks to sleeping with Bishop. He actually gets a negative moodlet everytime someone recognizes him.

In order to get some peace he goes to the library to write. That nifty little notepad is something downloaded here and it works like a computer, sort of. You can do all write related stuff on it. Great for technophobic sims and such!

Coraline has begun wanting to paint portraits of everyone in the family. Which is great! Here she's doing Chance.

I felt bad for Cat not having any friends, so I had her talking a bit with her sisters. It was awkward.

Cat: So... do you like books?

Charlie: No.

With their initial disagreements put aside Cherri and Bishop are now BFFFFFs.

Cherri: NOW who is rubbish, eh?

Bishop: D:

Seems to me Chance is beating the both of you.

Just a random moment of Bishop being his own smug self.

Cherri: I hope you're not planning on having a party, Coraline, 'cause I doubt anyone would come.

Charlie: lol, good one sis.

Coraline: I'm so going to stab you in the face.

Apparently Bishop's acting job is mostly risking his life out in the sun to hand out flyers.

Bishop: Who? Me?

I wanted to check out the hunt interaction.

Nothing happened, so I suppose he's satisfied with having Yuki as a loyal blood donor.


The Bowyers got themselves a basement to stuff all their instruments.

Also a washing room, but that's not really what I wanted to show you.

An elevator! that's right!

It's a huge timewaste, but it saves space and well... its nifty.

Bishop approves in the glaring light

What a cheery group of girls... My you make me smile just looking at those healthy, happy and satisfied faces.

Charlie: Cat bitchslapped me.

Cat: Charlie called me fat.

Cherri&Coraline: *no association*

Everyone: *does homework together in the kitchen*

Cat: *does homework all alone*

Chance brought this thing home. Apparently everyone are vampires now. Townies will never die out at this rate!

Kid: This house is a dream come true for all prepubescent boys!

Cat: /oblivious

Kid: Oh my sweet hormonal gods!

Cherri's Ass: Excuse me?

No more prepubecent friends to take home to ogle their sisters, because it's birthday time! (woooh... /falling confetti).

Chance: It's you and me cake, and you better give me some freaking good wishes.


Constantin: I'll try dad.

The excitement, it's mindboggling.

Legacyhair!Chance. To my surprise he actually doesn't look like Bishop at all except the colouring.

Awww Constantin, you just had to.

Chance: Do you think we're old enough to get the hell out of here now?

Pretty boys don't escape my clutches that easily.

And Constantin was just awesome enough to get himself a bowlerhat (and sparkles, apparently).

Constantin: /pose

Everyone: *eats cake together and has a good time*

Cat: *eats lonely cake*

Constantin is actually the one out of all the chilluns who look the most like Bishop. I <3 anywais.

That's real nice Chance. Stay classy there.

Bishop's grand gene cloning project gave us: Constantin and Coraline.

Hai there Yuki.

Chance decided he wants to be a one sim band and begun beating on the drums (that they actually got from Sebastian way back when. Just haven't had the space to put it out before now).

Constantin joined in on bass (last skill to finish off his ltw).

And of course they're lead by multi-talented Birgir the Gnome! (also the name of their band, of course).

Coraline decided this was a good time and place to have her birthday. Even if I bought her cake and everything.

Apparently I never got a good "after" shot so here it goes down:

She looks pretty much the same. Rolled Computer Whiz and fulfilled her ltw of Master the Arts as a teen.


Yuki: Have you ever noticed how weird it is that our walls are suddenly blue?

Cherri: No... but now that you mention it it is a bit weird.

Yuki: I know right...

Cherri: Damn, now my brain hurt.

Apparently Alphonse doesn't approve of this modern contraption.


Alph: Oh hi Felicity, I hope you're well this evening.

Yuki: ...

Alph: OMG OMG I am such a bit fan of you!!

Bishop: That's nice dad.

Yuki: My name isn't Felicity...

Yuki: Wanna give this elevator a hard ride?

Bishop looks as surprised as me at Yuki's bold proposition.

Dang girl, work it!

D-did Bishop just whipe his mouth?


Then Yuki of course went back to acting all shy. You're not fooling anyone anymore.

Chance walked in on his dad while showering. Consequently he asked Bishop to leave home and they fell out... what?

You can fuck all you want in an elevator, but seeing your old dad in the shower is cause for breaking up a friendship? idgi.

Here is Coraline all adult btw, enjoying her last bloodjuicethingy 'cause she's heading off to get her vampelixir!

At the research facility she stumbled into this handsome fellah. Must be faith, look at them stare.

I got worried since she just stood there for the longest time and began to fry. But she eventually drank it.

And got all orange-y... I hope that sorts itself out?

And lastly we'll end it here with a half nekkid Christopher fuming and hating on an old little lady!

For those who are interested here are some story progression updates: Both Bee and Sebastian are dead. Christopher is an adult who are in and out of a relationship with a lot of different girls. Bear is an elder now and Caspian just grew into an adult. I think he's in a relationship but I can't remember. Bear and Carolina's youngest girl, Candy, is still a teen, though.

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ts3, legacy, bowyer, gen; 2, gen; 3

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