the Bowyer Legacy 2.2b

Jan 13, 2011 16:40


And so we march on!

Now that she's a child Coraline has to help with the triplets' survival.

Despite everything they're pretty adorable.

Bishop: MOAR babies!

And how could a girl man refuse?

Coraline is boss of the kindergarten.

Coraline: Remember to always go for the jugular vein Cat.

Bwhahahaha. Well, he wanted it so then he could carry it.

Also, those are not his sparkles. They're Alphonse's.

I have a feeling he never considered that this was a part of being pregnant.

Super vampire gravity defying puke!

Out of nowhere Yuki decides it's time to have a birthday. I did not agree but obviously I don't really have a say.

Marina is back in all her glory.

Marina: What have you gotten yourself into now?

Bishop: Pretty genes babies~

Alphonse: Oh my these cupcakes tastes like rotten death and despair!

Coraline: They would, considering they've been standing in my room for a good few days now.

He ate them anyway xD

Alphonse: You sure is a skilled cook Coraline, I can almost not taste the mold and the black burn gives it a curious crispy feel.

I tried for a few seconds to teach the triplets some skills but by the time the last was fed and changed, the first needed attention.

Yuki: Why can't Charlie shut up for two seconds...

Cherri: Charlie should shut up!

They're all asleep, they're all asleep at the same time ;______;


Alphonse is back chatting with his WoW guildies from beyond the grave.

Never having played vampires before they continue to amaze me. It takes Coraline less than ten sim-minutes to complete her homework. It's wonderful.

She also decided she wanted to paint a portrait of her BFFFFFFFF Alphonse (no she isn't friends with her actual, living, parents).

I don't get any points from it, but I found it sweet anyway.

I swear these two kicked the bucket just to get out of taking care of all the kids. They're around 24/7 anyway.

Marina also finds it hilarious to continue torturing the already fragile Yuki. Alphonse feels that his son's girlfriend isn't capable of making decent food, so he does the cooking instead.

Thanks Alphonse!

Mr Birgir decided he should help out after all.

And that just in time for Bishop to give birth (he's suing for slander again. Seriously people got it in for this family).

Sadly the game didn't recognize Mr Birgir as a viable babysitter, so this insane chit is back.

Babysitter: You're going down now bitch!


Yuki is home again carrying the first boy of the generation: Chance!

And here is Bishop with the second.... Constantin. Yeah... Are you happy now Bishop?`

Bishop: :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Aww, I found Marina and Alphonse being cute together in the nursery.


LAST TODDLER SPAM PIC OF THE TRIPLETS! Commence 857498338547853729 birthdays:

Bishop doesn't know if he approves of his princesses growing up. I approve though, I might be a bad player but I just can't handle three toddlers and two babies.

Apparently Marina had the honour.

And of course Alphonse was in attendance.

[insert insane ammount of hours spent cheering, madness ensuing, me inserting my forehead soundly in the keyboard, lots of coffee consumed and a few tears]

It became such a mess. Bishop escaped it all by passing out.

I got my first threat from the social worker in ts3 to date that if Coraline didn't get some attention from her parents they would come and collect her >: Bishop had to take some time off his busy schedule of trying to keep the twins alive to give her a hug.

It is such a mess.

After firing BowlerMaid we got two younger ones. Not even between the two of them are they able to clean the entire house.

And oh yes, the birthday pictures:

Cat Bowyer, rolled no sense of humour

Charlie rolled frugal

and Cherri rolled slob.

Coraline also had a birthday.

It's a bad picture of her, but it was apparently the only one I managed to take.


BishopxMr Boat is still OTP.

(I am unable to get over how his fangs poke out all dorkily)

Cherri: I wonder what real food tastes like. Why don't we eat real food?

Coraline: Because no one here knows how to make it. Now shut up and drink your bloodjuice.

Those juiceboxes are everywhere.

NewLessInsaneBabysitter: Why is there so many of you?

Coraline: Because daddy is in love with his own genes.

They're SIX siblings, and yet they get in social desperation. IDGI!

Bishop: I have almost succeeded in taking over Bridgeport with my prodigy. Next: the world!

Coraline: I'm seriously fucking tired of birthdays

Bishop: /ignore

But moar birthdays are going to be had anyway!

Chance is a real mini-Bishop with all his colourings.

Constantin inherited Alphone's hair, and thusly his birthmark as well.

He's adorkable :3

Lots of food you got the Chance.

Chance: Well fuck this bottle!

Chance: Yeah I said it.

Sitting there in your dirty chair all smug.


Bishop: ~Lefty nooo don't bite- Hold on hands, something just came up.

Bishop: Moar babies nao?

Yuki: ...eeeeh...

Let me answer that one for you Yuki: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!111one!!

That's just fail Marina.

HEY! The last maid harrassing Coraline got fired, so just you watch it.

Coraline: No! It's attacking me again!

Cat: ...

Constantin: /crawl


Cat: ...

Constantin: /crawl


Cat: ...

Constantin: /crawl


Cat: ...

Constantin: /slam door


Cat and Cherri decided they wanted to play some chess. Consequently they maxed it that evening.

I can also mention that since Cat is a genius she skills so fast. She wanted to gain a level in writing so I let her have at it. She gained a level every sim minute(in the beginning so fast that the pop-up didn't have time to show before she leveled one more). It was BAM BAM BAM MAXED. Woah.

Coraline also fulfilled her LTW to Master the Arts. GZ I suppose.

These twins are a lot easier to handle than the triplets. They're mostly pretty complacent.

Twin boy spam!

Out of the twins I seem to favour Constantin. I don't know why this is.


The quiet dignity of Cat the genius

And the nerdraeg of Cherri the insane couch-potato.

For some reason Charlie and Coraline are SUPER BFFFFs. I can't remember them interacting even once.

Yuki: Despite being pretty dim, your dad got an amazing body.

Constantin: Totally tmi

Cherri: We're SO owning at this!

Charlie: Sure you don't want to join Cat?

Cat: Join you?


Charlie: We're losing the stronghold!

Cat: I seriously can't believe I am related to you.


Constantin: Bite me.

I've noticed that with triplets there's always one being left out. This one is Cat and she seems quite pleased by this. She'd rather play chess anyway.

Charlie: Work is, like, so lame. When I grow up I'll be like dad and daddy and never work.

Cherri: Lol, agreed.

Speaking of never getting work; this is the first time Yuki gets to write since Coraline was born.



Maid: *takes toy*

Chance: *stunned into silence*

Chance was so surprised he shut up xD


Constantin: We're going to die, aren't we?


Coraline got invited home to Caspian after school (wearing her skank outfit) and it seems like the young man wants to tell us something with his choice of slogan tees. (he's still incredibly pretty).

Also, Bear and Carolina got a daughter named Candy. I am pleased they kept to the naming theme.

Speaking of story progression: Bee and Sebastian had a rocky relationship at which point Christopher(their son) moved in with Sebastian's parents. Bee and Sebastian are alright now, though, but Christopher is Bridgeport's badboy. He's fallen out with almost everyone, was married for a short while before breaking up. I think he got a kid somewhere as well. He's a hot mess, that one.


Yup, embrace yourself for more birthdays.

This is Cat and Coraline's made over rooms.

And this is Charlie and Cherri's.

I really love the way Charlie look, but I'm seriously in love with Cat <333

I also plan on humanize them when they become young adults.

I tend to struggle to a lot recognizing everyone in other legacies when they got truckloads of kids, so I figured I'd try and put them all together so that people can see the difference between them.

Needless to say it was easier said than done and this was the best picture I could get.


Yes... more birthdays. I am sorry.

This is a bad picture of Chance, but at least you can see his chronic smug smile.

And here is Constantin, the Bowyer's new fashion icon. Outfit and hairstyle all made by Constantin himself xD

AND THAT WAS THAT! A few too many birthdays, sadly, but now the worst is over with. I hope things will calm down a bit in the Bowyer house now and become a bit more manageable xDDD

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4
2.1 | 2.2a

ts3, legacy, bowyer, gen; 2, gen; 3

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