the Bowyer Legacy 1.4

Jan 02, 2011 17:46

It was yet another allnighter last night so I decided to wrap up everything and it's already time for a heirpoll! So fast hottamn!

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ts3, legacy, gen; 1, bowyer, gen; 2

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Comments 38

zeebee1310 January 2 2011, 19:16:03 UTC
BISHOP IS SO SMEXI! Finally got his manfriend!
Um I kinda am in LOVE with Bee....

I figured out a way to get HECTOR into my game! Ask someone you trust to put him on the exchanged. Once he's downloaded take him off!


nice_days January 3 2011, 03:53:57 UTC
Lol, manfriend xD Yeah we'll see how long that last though, before poor Emanuel manages to escape.

Bee is a woman with cause to be in love with. She's pretty hot :3


zeebee1310 January 3 2011, 03:56:25 UTC
So, can you ask one of your friends to put HECTOR on the exchange? He's the only sim I need


nice_days January 3 2011, 04:00:37 UTC
I'll see if I feel inclined to bother them about it.


purrtato January 2 2011, 20:17:52 UTC
Ah, Bishop! He's quite the character. I love, love, LOVE him. (I guess you know who I voted for...heh.)

Bear still looks great, even with the mouth clipping. It kinda looks like piercings to me. :)


nice_days January 3 2011, 03:55:59 UTC
Ah yes, Bishop xD He's... well he's Bishop I suppose, I'm sort of worried of what he's capable of in the future.

Bear looks really handsome, I was even a bit surprised by it (though not overly, since I expected grand things :P). I suppose with some imagination and squinting I can pretend they're piercing. I figured I might solve the problem by giving him a nice beard again or something *muses*


arisily January 2 2011, 20:42:04 UTC
This legacy = <3. Bishop is still incredibly attractive, my goodness. Bear would be as good looking in a different way if he didn't have that lip clipping. :C

I really love all these children, actually. It's quite entertaining watching BeexSebastian.

And I hate seeing gen 1 grow old. My founder aged up and I was literally like: >:
Ack. Anyways, going to vote now~~


nice_days January 3 2011, 03:59:53 UTC
:3 ♥

Bishop is goodlooking in a way that has me staring a lot. I'm all "how, how is it possible? How?" Bear is a very good looking, handsom man, on the other hand. I am speculating on giving him back his beard in hope it will camouflage(sp?) most of the clipping.

Hah, oh BeexSebastian sort of hurts me. Bee is just so... so... deer caught in the headlights xD

And I hear you! In sims2, if I REALLY loved the founders I could always have them move out and then play them foreverrrrrr. Not so easy anymore.



verpixelt January 2 2011, 20:59:35 UTC
I'm a bit sad that he shaved, BUT I STILL LOVE HIM!

And Bee is incredibly beautiful!
Ahhh, heirpoll will be so tough - I lovelovelove Bear, but Bishop is so entertaining!
I wish I could vote for the whole family, gnomes included. :D


nice_days January 3 2011, 04:07:50 UTC
Awwwhhhh xDD You know, Bear might just feel like growing his fuzz. He's Bear after all, and then you need to be fuzzy.

Mysterious Gnome Mr. Birgir would certainly make for a good heir *nodnod* But I totally agree with you. If I had the skills and the capacity to play them all as super triplet heirs I would.


verpixelt January 4 2011, 22:57:37 UTC
Ehhh, I mean, YES - Bear should totally work on that! I mean, Bears are hairy and stuff, and the word "beard" even contains his name. :D

Mr. Birgir would be great as heir. I'm sure after a little makeover, everybody would see his potential.


novas January 2 2011, 21:42:35 UTC
Omg I love Bishop lol!
Also, colored plates...what's the secret?!


nice_days January 3 2011, 04:19:40 UTC
♥ for Bishop xD

The colour plates I think I got from mod the sims, but I am not entierly certain. I'll try and dig it up sometime in the soon future :)


novas January 3 2011, 07:35:45 UTC
Thanks, until then I'll try searching around. So didn't know that was possible lol. :)


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